Comments on: What is Donald Trump doing to media reality? Tue, 29 Dec 2015 07:02:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Trumptrain Tue, 29 Dec 2015 07:02:57 +0000 Trump is self funding and he could have went to the Koch Bros and had his entire campaign easily done and he didn’t. Carly, Bush, Christie, Cruz who is backed and a puppet to Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Stanley. So no hes not in it just for the reason of talking bs. He talks about NAFTA where he said he will break the deal. TPP because we can never compete with human slaves working for 50 cents a day and flooding our markets with the crap. Whens the last time you heard someone talk about the real downfall of America. Reminds me of this Chinese guy I met in New York. He said “long after the roar of the American factories have faded and the businesses shut, even the lock in the gates will say Made in China”. I thought about that for a while anD their undervalue dollar and the huge amount of unfair trade. If Trump wins and puts or makes very wealthy countries like Germany and Japan whom we protect amongst any others including Saudia Arabia who make a billion dollars a day. Yet we don’t even get a try for our vail of protection. He has mentioned this and I read his book Crippled America. I think the Quebec people also understand free trade is not working out for us bec it’s free f– North America.
Trump all the way and I think he’s on to some very key issues especially securing the borders.

Happy New Year

By: Alex Sherrod Mon, 14 Dec 2015 02:49:27 +0000 Great article, thanks Jon!!

By: From Québec Mon, 14 Dec 2015 02:00:17 +0000 I agree with you. The pseudo intelectuals don’t like Trump, he’s too real.
They don’t believe that real people exist.
The same group also hates Alex Jones for the same reason.

When I first saw Obama, I knew he was bad.
When I first saw Trump, I knew he was good.

I don’t know why, but I’m never wrong on my first impression.

By: Jeanne Mon, 14 Dec 2015 01:40:40 +0000 Thanks, FQ. I do appreciate the dialogue…

By: From Québec Mon, 14 Dec 2015 01:22:41 +0000 There is a little glitch at the beginning of the video, but it only last a few seconds, after that it’s good.

By: From Québec Sun, 13 Dec 2015 23:33:10 +0000 I think Donald Trump is the modern Paul Revere.

Listen to what he says: “This is the most crucial election we ever had. if we don’t get it right this time… it’s over.” Or something like this, I’m quoting from memory.

Think about it this way: You will always have a government wheter you like it or not, so might as well put in a guy that is on your side. A guy that will not bankrupt your country, but instead will make it rich and great again.

Listent to this interview and tell me that this guy is not the kind guy you need for President.

Donald Trump delivers an amazingly surreal speech in Las Vegas

By: NobodysaysBOO Sun, 13 Dec 2015 15:56:02 +0000 HELP the poor CITIZENS of the USA we have been IMPOVERISHED by the gov’nt and three BAD presidents that should be in a REAL PRISON or facing the death penalty for TREASON, yet we go on, NO COLA, NO FOOD STAMPS, NO BULLET TRAINS, NO REPAIRS for our roads, dams ect. NO HIGH SPEED internet, complete lying and cheating in the gov’nt.

SO TRUMP offers to fire the criminals and you screen NO?

SO TRUMP offers to return the country to GREATNESS and YOU screen NO?

So TRUMP offers to REBUILD the USA and YOU screen NO?

SO if TRUMP only does half of what he plans HE will be the GREATEST president EVER!

Vote for TRYTH vote for TRUMP and send the INSURGENT ALIENS AWAY!

By: Zombie World Order-The Series Sun, 13 Dec 2015 15:42:24 +0000 My defense of Trump is my defense of Obama–he can keep Hillary from marching down Pennsylvania Avenue in a funny hat to get sworn in as president.

Mittens Romney and McRage are the patsies the GOP geniuses send to take on Obama. It would have been better to lose with the principled Ron Paul than those two maroons, net effect the same except Ron was raising good issue and McRage and Mittens were New World Order tools.

Hillary is stupid the way a stupid lawyer is stupid. She cannot be instructed. She is a hammer, and everything looks like a nail to her. She is an awful politician.

Bill Clinton and John Edwards–these are politicians who love the game. You have to like it. Hillary is just marking time and giving her ration until she can get back and resume stealing on a grand scale. She is an unbelievable crook like the rest, but her husband and Edwards had some table manners. Hillary eats like a pig.

Cartoon or not, Trump comes across as a rich guy with a big ego who has decided to dedicate the remainder of his public life to helping his country out. He is very effective with the media, and because his basic core philosophy is timely, that is realism comes back into vogue when society starts coming apart at the seams, his message resonates. Current events (reality) are assisting him in reinforcing his message.

The one who is sitting on a bombshell(s) is Scandal Girl, Hillary Clinton. She is the gift that keeps on giving. Nobody around her has the guts to put her on horse tranks for the next year so she shuts up, so she will eventually bury her campaign with her own lying yap.

By: Jeanne Sun, 13 Dec 2015 15:31:58 +0000 Luke, “We are being played”, no matter who gets elected or “selected”. I lived in Florida at the time of the G. W. Bush “selection” by the US Supreme Court which promptly took the decision away from the Florida State Court, even before the recounting of votes was completed. That was my “Moment of Truth” of how our so-called democracy really works. Perhaps the talking “Donald Duck” Trump represents the blowhard tactics of our own modern societal insanity where sound bites rule over in-depth discussions/debates about solutions to the tremendous pressing problems of today. Twitter & texting have replaced genuine, heartfelt communications. Television also has dumbed down our sense of compassion & community relations. Jon has given us the “antidote” for escaping the Matrix, so it’s up to each one of to do so. We The People need a modern Paul Revere who yells far & wide, “Wake up, Folks, before it’s too late!”

By: musings Sun, 13 Dec 2015 15:10:25 +0000 Are you aware what society Martin Heidegger was living in and how he accommodated to it? I am reminded of the Flannery O’Connor book, “The Violent Bear it Away.” The public is always attracted to simple forms and right now it feels we need someone who does not equivocate, someone who does not stage a false flag and then rub our noses in it by telling us we have to get along with those supposedly associated with its perps.

But as Rappoport has pointed out, all of the world we think we know is a media creation, from cop dramas to thrillers to reality shows. The celebrities are largely manufactured by it. Right now it is supposed by the public that Trump has their back, that he is thinking of them and their long term good. Just pulling up the rug a bit, you can see that would never be true. This is a narcissistic star with good lungs and a fast take on what will energize his audience. The comparison with Schwarzenegger is perfect. What in this case will be the result of the Donald’s either being a nominee or starting a third party? It is up to the Republicans to decide if they want to win ugly with him or lose to Hillary. Quite a dilemma.

But no, he may bring further break down or he may settle into confusion and doing nothing but getting into his own trouble. The executive has a lot of levers to pull once he is inside. How would it play? Again, the media would continue to play a significant role. Is he or is he not used to manipulating them? I’d say he is very good at it. So the illusions will continue until something hits a wall. The confrontation between good and evil may move from the inner life and conscience into the public sphere. It won’t be dull.
