Comments on: Magic, history, and the inventions of the individual Mon, 14 Dec 2015 20:18:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: From Québec Mon, 14 Dec 2015 20:18:06 +0000 ” Even when the idea of magic is somehow connected to individual freedom and power, we are referred to older studies and systems of magic, as if the past is the only place we can visit to understand what the individual is capable of. This is absolute nonsense.” (jon)


You lose me a little bit here, because you constantly refer to the Tibet

By: From Québec Mon, 14 Dec 2015 20:16:41 +0000 “Even when the idea of magic is somehow connected to individual freedom and power, we are referred to older studies and systems of magic, as if the past is the only place we can visit to understand what the individual is capable of. This is absolute nonsense.” (Jon)
You lose me a little bit here, because you constantly refer to the early Tibetan practices involving imagination exercises.

By: laurabruno Mon, 14 Dec 2015 16:43:34 +0000 Agreed that magic is ever-evolving and creative. That said, some of the older systems of magic work incredibly well, especially when combined with creativity in the now. No need to reinvent the wheel when you can take that creativity and apply it towards inventing those things most desired, then use tried and true methods for manifesting the new into reality. It doesn’t need to be an either/or situation. Don’t be afraid to go with efficient means of accomplishing desired results. I’ve found Runes (not Robert Blum, but older systems) produce very fast results. No, I didn’t invent them, but creative use of them rewards absurdly well — at least in my experience.
