Comments on: Your vision, your life Wed, 30 Dec 2015 03:58:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Theodore Wed, 30 Dec 2015 03:58:00 +0000 Well said.

And, your comment reminds me of this..

The blockbuster movie called Reality


She looks into your eyes.

“Go out to the street,” she says crisply. “Walk around. Take a nice long walk for an hour. You’ll reorient. It’ll come back to you.”

“Why do you do it?” you say.

“Do what?”

“Sell this trip.”

“Oh,” she says. “Why does a travel agent book a vacation for a client? We’re in that business.”

You turn toward the exit. The sun is shining outside. People are walking past the doors.

You take a deep breath and leave the theater.

The street is surging with crowds. The noise is thunderous.

You notice you’re carrying a rolled up sheet of paper in your hand.

You open it.

It’s a non-disclosure agreement.

“If you return from your movie experience, you agree to reveal or discuss, under penalty of law, nothing about its nature, substance, or duration…”

You look at the sheet of paper, make up your mind, and it bursts into flames.

Jon Rappoport

By: gokmen Tue, 29 Dec 2015 20:39:59 +0000 for the first time I realized something after reading you from some time now Jon..
you write things like, in that “mission impossible” show,those messages were like “this message will destroy itself in X seconds”..
everything you write is like “these symbols will transform your mind in X seconds, if you let your own-core imagination”
pretty are a genius man. no doubt.
You are a hacker. A hacker uses vulnurabilities in a system. You use symbols (alphabet’s letters) to completely wipe out symbols and free the reader’s mind.

By: Teddy Mon, 28 Dec 2015 18:15:51 +0000 Reblogged this on The Journal of A Warrior.

By: Teddy Mon, 28 Dec 2015 18:12:44 +0000 Jon,

First I would like to say thank you for writing this! Second, I shared a link and quote from this blog to my Facebook Page ( because some of the quotes are like rocket ships to a great place.

Finally, I want to get your opinion on my short book. I’ve been reading you for a while now, appreciate you, and want to know your opinion on the book. You can find it here:

Please let me know!

Peace and Blessing! Keep up the good writing!
