Comments on: Deeper truth for millions of people: the substance of reality Fri, 01 Jan 2016 20:54:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Fred Fri, 01 Jan 2016 20:54:10 +0000 Sir,
You describe, beautifully, the evidence that communism is evil by demonstrating that emboldened individuals, as free artists, is liberty. What seeks to make us cower, in collectivized, and controlled ugliness? It has a name, Evil. If so, then what makes us artists at liberty, emboldened to expression? He has a name, God. You ably describe the spiritual war in a manner not dissimilar from the bible’s description.

It’s Interesting, to me, that so many have figured it out not knowing the source. I would submit that, the source is attempting to get their attention. When we see the ugliness of evil, those that are becoming aware, are repulsed.

If only we would teach our children from the bible a few hours a week, then the truth(s) you (mystically) explain would already be known by every twelve year old out there. “Liberty comes from our Creator” the nation’s founders said. When we reject God, we deny an entire aspect of our being that already exists, dormant, within us. We aren’t cultivating that aspect in America anymore.

Many will not understand when they hear the word of God, and I have no idea if these can fully break out your, so called, Matrix. And sadly, some hear God’s word and become indoctrinated into a different matrix. But even more sadly, too many don’t know the word of God, and history shows, that millions of these, need God’s word in order to break free. Your article comes up to an edge that I pray you will explore. For me, Christ was my exit and is my freedom.

Take note, Mr. Rappoport; not everyone believes on Him before they begin to understand His truth. You could have ended the article with “Believe on the LORD and ye shall be saved” and I would say “amen” thinking you to be preacher, or priest, or profit.

You mention not knowing the names of the information chiefs. The names are unimportant unless you intend to confront them with the bit of news that they are working for the author of lies. “Meet the old boss, same as the new boss.” Same as it ever was. Sir, Do not deceive, or you become just another, different, matrix builder.

By: Givys Fri, 01 Jan 2016 19:47:28 +0000 live in truth and no[t] reality. Truth spans all realities or it isn’t truth.

By: dawnatilla Fri, 01 Jan 2016 18:31:16 +0000 Jon, you are truly a man for the people, a voice of clarity and your writing, its superb. I can’t imagine how crazier things would feel without this upper shelf beacon of light that is you and your writing. you and your thinking. thank you

By: Jeffrey Turnbull Fri, 01 Jan 2016 01:26:47 +0000 Yet there is One Central innate Reality…as contrasted against one central external authority/reality. The externalization of devotion is satan’s masterpiece.
