Comments on: The basics of Earth Culture Mon, 04 Jan 2016 06:04:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ozzie Thinker Mon, 04 Jan 2016 06:04:45 +0000 You’re onto something here, Jon….something really BIG.

Here is my version of the other side of that coin which, topically, is more concerned with [historically] who/how/why.


By: From Québec Mon, 04 Jan 2016 04:13:17 +0000 Voltaire said, ‘“Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.”

By: Rico Debiase Mon, 04 Jan 2016 02:26:28 +0000 Appreciate these insights…this subject has really resonated with me recently; the simply fact that FACTS DON’T MATTER to the collective, only sociology’s main goal of socialization. The mechanical unity that becomes “organic”, as the masses like sheep behave naturally like programmed machines…you know, like magic – which is what this all is. Transhumanism really starts with the aspiration to be or the notion that we are machines, with our bodies being the hardware, our thoughts the software, and political correctness the downloaded updates. A fostered youth-centered culture & radicalized youth (Saul Alinsky method) are how this is brought about. Scary times for truly independent/creative minds, for it seems the opiate of the ” Peter Pan syndrome” is far more alluring.

By: jetsam2flotsam Mon, 04 Jan 2016 00:19:58 +0000 I really would like to argue your conclusion about the mob, Jon.
I cannot.
Are humans that way naturally, as a whole?
Are we totally reliant on the odd statistical freak – the black sheep – for evolution?
It isn’t a question of anthropomorphism, it is only a question of parallel observation to conclude reasonably that the sheep hypothesis appears valid…..

By: IMNAHA Sun, 03 Jan 2016 22:49:26 +0000 “Self Realization” IMHO begins and ends with discarding ALL belief systems including the near universal belief that we (temporary) earth dwellers are “human beings”. When one can jettison THAT belief, everything can be viewed from a fresh perspective of freedom and unlimited possibilities.

By: Joe Piazza Sun, 03 Jan 2016 20:50:18 +0000 if there is no history of imagination/free thinking, seems to me there isn’t grounds to acquire such from sorting out the enormity of info., the stream of thoughts….exit the matrix is a sign post, not a wammy for change; it’s an individual call to awaken thru effort/will to see and be ever new; nothing is cast in stone (so to speak)…self-realization is the key to exit, lol; I’m just quacking to the choir..

By: pov Sun, 03 Jan 2016 17:22:23 +0000 As a big sci-fi and fantasy fan I was recently musing on one thing you expressed here – how many current writers (books, TV, movies) seem to be unwilling/unable to imagine something truly different – especially in any positive uplifting way. There are a few who do, but for the most part it’s a mind-numbing conformity.

It’s a bummer that it’s become like that because what attracted me to the genre not so long ago was that it was filled with wondrous imaginings that I used as launch-pads for my own further explorations.

By: larrybyrnes Sun, 03 Jan 2016 14:39:33 +0000 Awesome post – with so much truth – thanks!!

By: archivesdave Sun, 03 Jan 2016 06:45:30 +0000 Hegelian Dialectic, alive and well!
“ordo ab chao”
