Comments on: Maps of consciousness, ancient Tibet, and a new psychology Wed, 19 Jun 2019 15:32:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Danica Mon, 11 Jan 2016 06:53:22 +0000 Thank you for writing such truthful real info that is easy to read and understand! You are amazing! Thank you! Danica

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 06 Jan 2016 04:57:49 +0000 There are many consistencies in reports of Mantis and Zeta extra-terrestrial “abductions”. Children, in particular, are made (encouraged) to play a mathematical game with their minds. These strange hosts have technologies or techniques that distinguish the numerous frequencies of brainwaves by dazzling coloured hues. The kids have to manage the waves and integrate with each other. By adulthood, accounts state, they become so proficient they create grand, shimmering symphonies of light.

I thought you might like to hear that, Jon.


By: spiritcalls Tue, 05 Jan 2016 21:47:29 +0000 Psychology is for the exoteric man as is Transpersonal Pscychology for the esoteric man.

The “All” is at the same time a “Monad” as it is the essential “Trinity” …

There is no greater number than One and it will only be truly known through the Three.

The UNIverse contains all possible Multiverses, it is both as simple as it can be while at the same time holding ultimate complexity as potential. There is no such thing as Chaos, that being only unrecognized Order.

The World works (for the controlling Elite) through the intentional distortion of the “Controllers” who pollute the Hegelian Dialectic into “their” trinity where they attempt to hide as The Puppet Master pulling the strings of those (us) who have been “Divided” (against each other) for the Conquest and Control of.

We are their “Duality”, the contrived Positive (+) and the contrived Negative (-) UNDER their “perverted” Equality (=).

That being the exoteric relationship of Duality (+/-) where the (=) (Synergy) is “hidden” as best that they can maintain.

The Esoteric is (+=-) where the = is the Spirit of GOD (not God nor gods) and we peoples, and everything else make up the natural (and thus necessary) Equals YET Opposites of Duality UNITized via Spirit (=) in between the relative Positives (+) AND Negatives (-) each of which are needed to make up the whole.

(+=-)>(+/-) IMnsHO and E.

By: Michael Burns Mon, 04 Jan 2016 21:02:44 +0000 “If you truly wanted to gain insight into the basis of a person’s problems, you would find it in an area of his imagination where he stored all those things he considered impossible.” -JR

This wonderful thought has rolled around in me for quite some time now, the impossible versus the possible. The “I can’t”, squelched finally by the “I will”.

“Mainline psychology considers the individual as having key relationships, and seeks to strengthen, repair, and normalize them.” -JR

I am sure you don’t mean this…do you? I have found for the most part that psychology is detrimental and inconsiderate of the individual. The individual needs correcting. Repairing and normalizing him, is gained by making him a medicated mendicant worthy only of group therapy which inculcates brings him back to the fold or forever sends him to the outer bounds of the lunatic fringe with his multitude of labels and disorders.

This synchronicity of the microcosm of me to your macrocosmic intent for this piece; or am I wrong. Are you telepathic? Or is a good voice both; one that speaks to the individual, and to the collective at the same time.

You have gotten too far inside of me, and I am left shaken sometimes, in my usually familiar settings, at how close these articles come to my present state. I feel at this moment like the whole world waits for some decision that I might make. Balancing on an edge of an apocalypse or a new beginning. I am both overwhelmed by it, and embarrassed at such egotism in my self.

Too many times I have noticed how right you are, and I wonder: How does he know these things? How can he. I know you are authentic. I look so closely for your fatal flaw. Not because I am a pessimist but because, I have been so gullible in the past, and loath being deceived now.

The notion of Shiva visiting as a beggar flits through my mind. And I wonder what holiness lies within me, awaiting discovery,  without being self aggrandized, and in the same space, without any false modesty.

If anything I have always be victimized by the duality of the thing we call reality. And yet I am repulsed by the idea of the one, and singular that I am to adapt too.

I am moving ever so carefully and slowly into a new space, an undiscovered space, that could be argued as existing already, awaiting discovery and not yet having been created by me as yet. But waiting my brush, or my words or a song. And I think of such things as within the context of,  no bounderary, fearless, intentional, vast and full of energy. Prolific and what one may call as a final freedom…at last.  A falling away of metaphorical chains and metal things. And the finding at last me…once again.

The world has become such a caricature for me. Surrounded by loony tunes acting out their programming. Knee-jerking and twerking to the cultural junk flavour of month. Sometimes I find it unbearably lonely, except for what I read from this website and my own excursions through a literary wasteland for a morsel or two of something real. Nothing is new anymore, except for the recycling of the recycled…endlessly the same messages. Star-wars 2016 redux…blah.

2016 will be the year of my rebirth. The creation of a new being.

Thanks for the words, here’s some for you.


I saw the fox the other night on my preambling…

I was declaring the preparation of my manifesto to the wind.

He was grey and silver, in his winter suit.

Summer auburn black back in a den.

A puff of smoke came outta his mouth.

“Hey” I said, “Long time, no see.”

He stopped and looked and said,

“You sold the convent!…you homeless now?…

were I am gonna get kittens when I need a midnight snack.

That was a good place to hide out, your place.  You’re the only one in this town that I can trust.”

“Fox!…I got a new place now. I’m  out at far edge of town. Close to the owls. Your welcome there… maybe I’ll even get you a kitten if you show up not too late.”

He sat down on the road, and we both were caught in the other’s gaze.

He looked up above his head.

And there was the hunter, with his head full of Betelgeuse.

And the jeweled night, cold and clarity…and the fox and the man.

And a moment, a long and extended moment in the eternity of it all.
