Comments on: The individual is not the group Tue, 19 Jan 2016 02:17:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 19 Jan 2016 02:17:01 +0000 Haha, Michael

It sounds like my “predictions” in

are not a million miles off the mark.

By: Michael Burns Mon, 18 Jan 2016 21:01:07 +0000 2092…everybody will in beige plaid.
People will be changing their hair color every month. One month everbody…and I mean everybody, will be red-heads, then next month mousey brown.
Google glass 16 will have just be released; Monsanto will have come up with a new flavour of carrot…banana.
The most popular Reality TV program will be, “Who want be the POTUS for a next four years.”
And coincidentally the first winner will be Donald Trump’s great, great grand-son.
Blue will be the new pink that year.
Advancements in genes therapy will give people the power to change their genetics; and the most popular change will be hermaphrodite, so people will be able to screw themselves.
The first robot union will be formed and robots will demand an eight hour day, and a four-day work week; voting rights, and benefits…and free lubrication stations all over the planet. Rust never sleeps ya know.
Christopher Columbus’s great-great-great-great-great…gareat grandson will discover that dust bunnies are actually not a species of the genus mammalia Leporidae rabbitus, but are closer to Bugs Bunny.
Advancements in geo-engineering will enable a new form of art to arise, inspiring floods of colege (that is not a mispeling, as double consonants are considered a micro-aggression in coleges in 2092) students to become weather artists. Who knew you could make fluorescent pink clouds like cotton candy, and make it rain orange juice. Enabling the average citizens to fly up to those clouds in their new hover SUV’s and chow down on that wacky new pink stuf.
In 2092 cat owners after a decades long battle will finally get personhood for their felines.
In 2092 chickens through genetic engineering will have legs the size of ostriches, giving way to an original dinner treat at the ‘New’ and improved KFC franchises, inspiring the “Fred and Barney Rubble Memorial special dinner”.
In 2092, people will have to comply with the new breathing laws and will be limited to precise number of breaths everyday. Anything over that number will be carbon taxed; enabling Professors of co2 to be more accurate in their computer models of the atmospheric co2. Which has been brought down through carbon capture and the new improved carbon tax laws to roughly 50ppm.

By: Ozzie Thinker Sat, 16 Jan 2016 00:51:25 +0000 If this is true, FQ & I struggle to believe it, then you have AT LAST matured.

You can never MAKE someone understand anything, but you can INDOCTRINATE. Perhaps it is you that needs to your own capacity to “understand” as such a gap in comprehension has emerged.

Sarcasm aside, it seems to me, as a humble, “happy” person, that your proclivities towards “agendas” have clouded anything that might eventually summarise the truth…..peace

By: From Québec Fri, 15 Jan 2016 04:54:19 +0000 Oh Boy! You really found a way not to understand anything.
So, I will not waste my time trying to make you understand the situation here.

“Don’t worry, be happy, nothing to see here!

By: Ozzie Thinker Fri, 15 Jan 2016 02:32:13 +0000 Of course Putin is for Trump, dearest FQ,

He’s the NWO “Plan B”.

No need to fret, we are in the same place re: “the Donald”, in different ways. America DESERVES him….

& Michael, when that happens…..for God’s sake emigrate…back to the fair Isle,

nay too close,

Isn’t there a trip to Mars on the horizon? Book in with haste……;)

Alternatively maybe FQ’s got an inconspicuous coal shed she can lease out to you. I doubt Trump knows where Canada is.

P.S. You know the NOI was reputedly “founded” by a swash bucklin’ New Zealander and Prohibition drug runner. These important blacks have terrible memories.

By: Michael Burns Thu, 14 Jan 2016 07:31:46 +0000 Louis Farrakhan and the The Nation of Islam; should I speak about the corruption of the organization. Should I inform you about Malcolm X and Elijah Muhammad, the latter being an extremely corrupt individual.
Malcolm X was undermined by Elijah Muhammad, Farrakhan and the NOI, and, is highly suspect in Malcolm X’s assassination. There are those that said Elijah Muhammad made a deal with feds on the misinterpretation of MX remarks about the Kennedy assassination. And they have been corrupt ever since.

How about that the NOI is on the same level as TV christian evangelism. A money-making operation, that took advantage of mass black awakening and disillusionment with the American Dream.

Or lets talk about membership; in total there are maybe Twenty to Fifty thousand members of the NOI. And in the recent political climate, Islam is not very popular to say the least about it; I would imagine a majority of that aged members are keeping a low profile now.

How much influence politically is the NOI for Donald Trump? Even if he does embrace NOI.
In today anti-muslim America. I would imagine he will distance himself from Farrakhan, rather than risk being touted as hypocrite by the more radical aspect of his following,  unless he is to use him for some clandestine back room thing. Which I can’t think of what that could be, what would be of benefit to Donald. It seems to me to reject Farrakhan would be more beneficial to him. As Farrakhan has been a thorn in ass of the Feds since the beginning of NOI. Now is the climate to rid America of such a nuisance.

The NOI is by nature a anti-white organization, as matter fact the NOI has refered to Whites, American whites as “Devils”.

How can this be possibly of any use?

“According to a 2010 study, it [Islam] is followed by 0.9% of the population, compared to 70.6% who follow Christianity, 22.8% unaffiliated, 1.9% Judaism, 0.7% Buddhism, and 0.7% Hinduism.[1][2] According to new estimate in 2016 there are 3.3 million Muslim living in the United States and comprise about 1% of the total U.S. population.”- wiki

Farrakhan is feeling like Gaddafi right before the fall of Libya, and I am sure getting closer to the Donald might save his own bacon and a faltering NOI, possibly a persecuted NOI, hearing the Trump spout of about sending them all back, closing down the borders must be sarin the hell out him his membership.

In regards to Alex Jones in his opening statement on the video he claimed, “What is going to happen if we don’t vote in the likes of a Donald Trump, Ted Cruz or Rand Paul.”

Is his singular support for Trump flagging a bit? Is he starting to realize, that the Donald is actually what he has been fighting all along.
Trump could not even get it right with the Iranian quabble about the two US boats.
At Kerry had the good sense to apologize and not allow it to escalate out of control
Kerry is more suited to be thePOTUS than Trump.

By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 14 Jan 2016 01:56:09 +0000 Ah, wise words Michael

& I can tell you this fer nuttin’….there’s a few in that cook pot called Israel that are none too impressed with that Zionist fanaticism. In fact, there’s so much discordance internally (amongst those with the “fingers in the pie”) that the pressure cooker could explode any mo’ (just between you, me and the gatepost).

Perhaps that’s why they’ve set the “deadline” for 2017 (I reckons October, personally).

Did you know that America became a “Republic” just about almost precisely 300 years after Chrissie Columbus “discovered” the place by accident and France too. What’s in store for 2092 is my question? Tell me that mystic Michael?

By: From Québec Wed, 13 Jan 2016 18:25:00 +0000 To Ozzy and Michael:

Oh boy! You and I are not getting the same information and are not having the same feeling. I’m not bragging, but I’ve always been right on your last Presidents.

Why do you think that the Establishment is against Trump?
Remember, the Establishement was for Obama, the Clintons and the Bushes.

That should tell you somerthing. And by the way, Putin is also for Trump, together, they will avoid WW3. Trump is a good negociator, have you read his book: The Art of the Deal?

Trump has also a lot of good Muslim friends. The peaceful Muslims are for him. Last week, Alex Jones met with Louis Farrakhan:

Donald Trump’s controversial proposal to limit Muslims entering the United States has attracted support from an unlikely ally – Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

Louis Farrakhan Agrees With Donald Trump on Refugees

Also take the time to listen to this video:

How The Elite Plan To Steal The Election From Trump

By: Michael Burns Wed, 13 Jan 2016 06:11:00 +0000 No not at all. Things are clearer now.

By: Michael Burns Wed, 13 Jan 2016 06:04:59 +0000 Don’t be putting words in my mouth now.
I don’t believe such a thing about ALL Americans. I believe Trump will start a world war. America does needs some fixin.
They need a quieter head, he is to much of a hothead. If he is voted into power, terrorism will come home and roost in America. And they never be free of it. he will use nuclear weapons in Syria.

They need a kinder gentler hand, they need a strong diplomat, they need someone to bridge the gap from the animosity created by the past administrations and the Arab world. They need to prosecute those who created that atmosphere.
They need to control Zionist Israel, and put them in their place, and join with stateman like Putin.
They need to control addictive consumerism. They need to reinstall Glass- Steagall, and the anti-trust laws, they need to take personhood away from a corporation. They need a currency that is backed by gold, that has a value.
They need to split up monopolys, and take the Fed back, they need a leader to inspire a nation to stand up and stop feeling sorry for themselves, get some exercise, stop taking so many medications, and start playing with their children again; and be proud and creative and individual and loving and caring and sharing. And not being afraid of the world, or to fail or being right all the time
They need to undo this Nazi homeland idealism…and in a sense, a greater sense the America that we know needs to be destroyed, at present it seems hell bent on destroying the world if it can’t have hegemony over the rest of the world. They need to recognize sovereignty, and inspire distinction in all lands. They need to make technology the servant man, not the other way round.
But that’s pretending that the POTUS actually has power, and is not some sock puppet for a shadow government.
They need to take the Rockefellas, and Rothchilds and Carniges and whoever else, and put them in the dustbin of history.
The way to understanding a modern America is through the likes of the Dulles Brothers, especially Allen Dulles.
The dark seeds that he planted have taken root and are strong plants now, the CIA, NSA, the military industrial Complex. The Corruption in government.
The America that you wish will destroy everything if it is not the ruling global power.
