Comments on: The law of attraction: garbled fragment of a lost tradition Wed, 13 Jan 2016 01:52:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 13 Jan 2016 01:52:43 +0000 @MB

Ah, what you are talking about is something entirely different. I sort of touch on it in my latest Exopolitician post “the cosmic script symbol which equates to the transcendental inter-dimensional traveller”.

This is an impossibility for humans. Our gene structure is too low vibrational, but “transcendentalism” might go some way to bridging the gap. The Gnostics had exercises to fuse with nature that defied what we understand as “reality”.

By: Michael Burns Tue, 12 Jan 2016 05:53:53 +0000 Antipathy…oh there no dislike with what Jon has said…i meant something else.
When one studies the Bonpo, their mental practices often involved the ingestion of DMT, and what they manifest in that space they created or travel to, followed them back from that alternate realm, dimensions other universes that they travelled.
These adepts had extrememly powerful minds. To manifest something of a companion, diety, genii, or powerful spirit to aid one was not uncalled for at y
that time…believing and imaginaing in it so intensely occupies the mental construct that they create, quite like McKennas machine elves if you like.
The secret is in sustaining the thought for a prolonged period of time, the average modern human is far too distracted to unfocused for that kind of imagination. We are actually very stupid compared to a human of a thousand years ago. Too many toxins not enough nutrition, the natural structure of drinking water is gone, too much dangerous radiation getting through, and everyone has forgotten how to heal themselves. Many have very soft minds. Most don’t even know how their bodies work. The genius of the ancient polymath enabled a rounded and more developed knowledge both two and three dimensionally. Fouth and fifth dimensional knowledge was an aid to that genius. I talking about humans with keen five senses.
Now with modern genius limited to a specialty, art, music, mathematics etc. Leonardo Da Vinci was a trully profound thinker. They don’t make them like that anymore. And it is extremely rare for anyone to reach for such great height even if they understand it is there.
You have a point; self-aggrandizing is the kiss of death but meek seems a little too weak.

By: Michael Jacobs Tue, 12 Jan 2016 04:57:02 +0000 You’re quite right. Thank you.

By: From Québec Tue, 12 Jan 2016 04:15:14 +0000 Nice! Cute little girl with a beautiful voice.

But, the one that really got me was this one below. because it was so unespected :

Susan Boyle – Britains Got Talent 2009 Episode 1 – Saturday 11th April | HD High Quality

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 12 Jan 2016 03:24:28 +0000 @MB

Bodhi….what? I probably know of him, but grey matter’s playin’ after too much Christmas pie.

Did you know that Mongolia simply means “great” and years ago there weren’t no bloody Chinese there (er nothing agin’ my Asiian friends). What I mean I is they didn’t speak the lingo & “Vedism” was pretty much is…until that long haired Oriental, Zoroaster, came along and mucked things up.

On a more serious note, I think “believing the bullshit” is the antipathy of what Jon & the Tibetans were about. Believing in objective goals, yes….shoot for the stars, but always be mindful of self-aggrandizement. The best way to avoid narcissism is to dismiss your finest achievements.

The irony is: as good as one thinks one is, when meek, improvement is limitless…..!

By: Michael Burns Mon, 11 Jan 2016 22:08:11 +0000 @Oz the wizard

I think he is talking about Bonpo shaman, they are more Mongolian than vedic-arayan. I’m sure there is influence.
They were training their minds since birth, add to that fact, they were drinking vast amount of reindeer urine. They could conjure up all kinds of wonderful things.
Do you know the story of Milarepa; the green bodhisattva? He was a bonpo wizard.

“The Tibetans, by my appraisal of your version, are saying that first you must apply without limit and then you must have the discipline to dismiss the finished article. ”
– The Ozmander

I think its something about believing in your own bullshit.
I think we all have our vision of a god or a diety. Witnessing all seven billion of them materilized through imagination here on our little planet would be…I am still searching for a word to describe that.
I think there is something to be said about that old adage Oz; “If you ever meet the Buddha on the road, kill him please.”

By: Michael Burns Mon, 11 Jan 2016 21:27:59 +0000 @Free

Here’s one since you don’t like those awful singing shows…they are bad. This one is in the style the great Billie Holiday; now that broad could sing.

By: gokmen Sun, 10 Jan 2016 17:59:35 +0000 You’re right, why calling your head little. sure it’s telepathy. But in an unspoken way. Because words are too little to explain that realm–unless you are a poet.

unconscious is the key to rule the so called “law of attraction”
and this splits in two: either you feel a desire so huge that can erase all your sub-conscious to it’s tiniest bit to re-create or you can go get yourself a “hypnotist” or shrink, or someone who can alter your sub. Best way and easiest way is to desire something huge, imagine something huge, crazy-like, or imagination as Jon puts it. Creating your own hypnosis. Why depend on someone else? everyone can create their own, deepest selves without therapist. Trial&error is the key.

By: bunny Sun, 10 Jan 2016 16:25:59 +0000 Although…I believe, if by “duel counterpart” you mean opposite or antonym, repel or repulse would be more accurate than reject.

verb: attract; 3rd person present: attracts; past tense: attracted; past participle: attracted; gerund or present participle: attracting
cause to come to a place or participate in a venture by offering something of interest, favorable conditions, or opportunities.
“a campaign to attract more visitors to West Virginia”
evoke (a specified reaction).
“I did not want to attract attention”
cause (someone) to have a liking for or interest in something.
“I was attracted to the idea of working for a ballet company”
synonyms: entice, allure, lure, tempt, charm, win over, woo, engage, enthrall, enchant, entrance, captivate, beguile, bewitch, seduce
“he was attracted by her smile”
antonyms: repel
cause (someone) to have a sexual or romantic interest in someone.
“it was her beauty that attracted him”
exert a force on (an object) that is directed toward the source of the force.
“the negatively charged ions attract particles of dust”
synonyms: draw, pull; magnetize
“positive ions are attracted to the negatively charged terminal”
antonyms: repel

late Middle English: from Latin attract- ‘drawn near,’ from the verb attrahere, from ad- ‘to’ + trahere ‘draw.’
Translate attract to
Use over time for: attract

verb: repel; 3rd person present: repels; past tense: repelled; past participle: repelled; gerund or present participle: repelling
drive or force (an attack or attacker) back or away.
“government units sought to repel the rebels”
synonyms: fight off, repulse, drive back/away, force back, beat back, push back; hold off, ward off, keep at bay; archaicrebut
“the rebels were repelled”
(of a magnetic pole or electric field) force (something similarly magnetized or charged) away from itself.
“electrically charged objects attract or repel one another”
(of a substance) resist mixing with or be impervious to (another substance).
“boots with good-quality leather uppers to repel moisture”
synonyms: be impervious to, be impermeable to, keep out, resist, be ——proof
“the coating will repel water”
be repulsive or distasteful to.
“she was repelled by the permanent smell of drink on his breath”
synonyms: revolt, disgust, repulse, sicken, nauseate, turn someone’s stomach, be repulsive, be distasteful, be repugnant; informalturn off, gross out
“the thought of kissing him repelled me”
refuse to accept (something, especially an argument or theory).
“the alleged right of lien led by the bankrupt’s attorney was repelled”

late Middle English: from Latin repellere, from re- ‘back’ + pellere ‘to drive.’

It boils down to pulling and pushing.

By: bunny Sun, 10 Jan 2016 16:10:02 +0000 Beautiful, profound observation. Thank you for that.
