Well I would’nt call him a friend Dee, he was someone I got to know a little bit, he was a frustrated artist…we were at a psyche ward I spent a year in for a couple of weeks, back when I was in my ‘One flew over the cuckoo’s nest’ period of artistic development.
Nothing like the surreal to stir the soul, and stop you thinking about the messages being spelled out, and floating around on top of the milk in your bowl of Alpha-bits cereal.
He was quite good, actually, and mean when you think about it. Were would you have shown up for you second coming, if you were JC; a nut house, right…or at a Walmart.
I always assumed he (Jesus) was homosexual. He had twelve male friends that followed him around. They were like the village people; one was a fisherman, one was a zealot, one was a plumber, one was a tax collector. They were always washing each others feet. Sleeping in gardens together.
Of course what I’ve said is’nt the prequisite for being a homsexual, anymore than long hair is, but it does make ya think.
Now if I had of been Jesus, I would have had twelve Nubian amazon women. Very tall, amazon women…with big…I’d have had a big hammer like Thor. So you whack-a-mole Roman soldiers. And a big nasty parrot on my shouder, like a pirate; that made me sound good. I’d have sold papyrus rolls of my best sayings. At my sermons.
And I would have made some money on tee-shirts and bobble heads of myself for the dash on peoples chariots.
Maybe open a sandal store, selling JC Sandals.
I would of taken a hint from the Catholics and had the Nubian disciples passing a plate around the audience during my loaves and fishes gig.
The amazons would have carried me into Jeruselem, high above their heads, instead of riding in on what looks like a big dog….I guess it was a little tiny donkey.
I definitely would have trade-marked my name. I mean that alone is mucho shekels.
P.S. The twin disasters of the Federal Reserve and the bogus 16th Amendment were instituted back when only men had the “right” to vote or be elected in this country. Whoopsies….
]]>You know what, Matt? You are not completly wrong. Usually women are not interested in politics or world events. I’ve noticed that on the Alex Jones Show, 99% of the callers on the show, or the comments on the site are from men.. I’m a woman and I can never have a conversation with another woman on politics. they don’t have a clue of what I’m talking about.
Here in Canada, it’s the women who gave us that litttle idiot Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. They voted for him because they thought he was good looking. LOL… I don’t even think he’s good looking. He looks more like a fragile dancer of ballet.
]]>My God man, what coleones you have to walk in here and make that statement. I’ll give you this you are courageous, or completely stupid…or maybe you are just a knuckle dragger.
The barrage of comments that will come down on you will be biblical, I’d say…I’d apply for refugee status in another country if I were you, quickly.
Just a few questions to contemplate though Matt…
Do you think race, specifically the black vote had anything to do with it, and I mean both male and female and in-between black vote.?
Do you think spite against a corrupt political system had anything to do with how people cast their vote?
Do you think the stereotypical condition of old rich white men as presidential candidates had anything to do with voting in of Barry S…hmm?
Is there possibily another motive, say, by those that place themselves above the rest of us, those that have always ruled, have anything to do with Barry succession.?
Is Globalism got anything to do with this Matt?
Is there a possibility that Barry is a Manchurian candidate, specifically designed to do exactly this?
Does your ma know you speak like this?
Did you father treat your mother like this?
Do you have a wife… do you treat her like this…barefoot, knocked-up and cookin in the kichen.
Is she gagged when she performs these household tasks for you.
Do you realized that that there is serious recompense is in your future if you continue to think this way.
Or are you just a shit disturber Matt that came over to piss in the pool?
“Kinder, Küche, Kirche.” – Slogan to describe women of Imperial Germany 1871-1918 (Children, kitchen, church.)
]]>I like you story, I like any story that takes the piss outta any of these penis-slurpers.
I have been watching them put the fix in for decades now. When I saw Barry stand up, I knew he was the one. And I knew they were going break the heart of African-Americans; and I thought they would make him appear a lot dumber than he is, as a further insult…Barry’s an actor. A trained actor; the inflections the way he moves his body, the hand gestures. He’s skinny but he’s slick. And that down-home shit-eatin grin of his face, and those slurpy slithery folksy words that fall out of his mouth, like he’s talkin to his grandmother. And as if he wouldn’t say shit if had a mouthful of it. Barry is a Manchurian for sure. The problem is, they did the job much too well, and Barry actually believes he is the POTUS. Those things he things he talks about, and are original, they come from higher up…from Mr Wizard.
I once knew a guy who was completely convinced, he believed without a doubt that he was Jesus Christ, the sheer belief and awesome power of the mind made him physical change to the stereotypical image. He grew his hair long, and a beard, his hand movements and clothing, the practiced words. Ohh he was good. The sandles and the ever so soft slow words that flowed out of his mouth. He facial features took on that ascetic, sad and solemn look of every Christ picture I have seen; Barry got that same look on his face.
I will leave an interesting article I found over at Global research. You might like it.
Psychotropic Drugs, Are They Safe? Fourteen Lies That Our Psychiatry Professors in Medical School Taught Us (GLOBAL RESEARCH ARTICLE)