Comments on: Techies’ diapers in a twist over Trump’s Apple remark Sat, 18 Feb 2017 20:40:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Grandtrines Sat, 18 Feb 2017 20:40:56 +0000 Jon, I agree with your ideas EXCEPT one point. You say “This isn’t economics.” But, it *IS* economics. It just isn’t the notion of “pure competition” that globalism is built on.

What you are talking about is a special branch of economics that the lying libtards and gloablists do not want the rest of us to know about. What you are talking about is called “transaction cost economics.” See, also: and And you are modifying the fundamental question of TCE (“Why do firms exist?”) to ask this question: “Why do nations exist?” The libtards are too stupid to get it. But you get it. Nations, from this perspective, are built of a collection of firms just as firms are often built from a collection of departments (marketing, finance, operations, and so forth). Destory the departments, and you destroy the firm. Destroy the firms, and you destroy the nation. Libtards (and maybe the intelligence community) sold us out to other countries years ago and now point the finger at Trump re: Russia. That’s an abomination. Let’s hope Trump can save us. He’s our last hope.

By: Andrew Booth Wed, 30 Mar 2016 10:55:05 +0000 Jon Rappoport I just want to honor the way you presented that in such a way that cut through to feel the gravity of the massive impact on Western nations that the fast track method of transition to globalization is having and will have even more so in coming decades. You have achieved this without spelling it out in great detail.

Most people in the west have not fully embraced the extent to which so many product and service jobs not yet off-shored yet can be off-shored and will be. Also corporations will increasingly onshore resources for projects. For example there are staff in Asia being skilled up to be able to do tax returns and accounting for another nation. They are not limited by not being allowed to do a formal degree as entreprenuers can prepare them the training.
Until people fully embrace the extent of what is at play and the demographic trends they will not take it serious enough to consider the possibility of how they have at least 3 paths of action: (a) reskill, redesign their living, have a lower cost of living on a lower wage; (b)see if they can generate political lobbying to protect or slow the change; or (c) to embrace fully the opportunities in business as an an entrepreneur with these changes happening.

Until they are taking personal responsibility to do something they are probably going to get caught out by the change. Even those working in industries less effected by globalization will find that local customers on their current path will have much less income to buy from them unless they address the change in a way that increases their income or lowers costs.

People can not rely on the politicians to make choices in their favour. Instead they must take responsibility whilst they have the means to take responsibility for themselves and their families through changing conditions.

By: Mick Green Mon, 21 Mar 2016 22:05:27 +0000 You compete by educating yourself and keeping your skills up to date. You can either do a different job or do the same or similar job in a better way than the low cost 3rd world worker. People do this everyday. People manufacture clothes in Downtown LA. For example, they do this by 1) making clothes that cater to more affluent people that are willing and able to pay more for the clothes: e.g. high end designer jeans. Also 2) American Apparel has done this by cutting out middle-men and selling directly to consumers via their brick-and-mortar stores and their website.

People need to take responsibility for themselves and stop trying to depend on government bureaucrats and politicians to raise tariffs to protect their jobs. I compete with IT workers in India from offices in the US. Millions do this everyday.

What does need to change is the enforcement of humane working conditions and pay for 3rd world workers. That of course is a problem of corruption that needs to be addressed. We need laws passed that do not allow products and services to be imported from companies that do not provide adequate working conditions and fair wages.

By: Mick Green Mon, 21 Mar 2016 21:49:45 +0000 Jon, regarding you criticizing the statement “But you see, people in the US can now buy cheaper sneakers. This is wonderful. It offsets the fact that lots of workers in the US who used to make sneakers are out of work. Those people can be retrained for other jobs…”

Tariffs are NOT needed and are not the answer. Individuals need to take responsibility and keep abreast of goings on and educate themselves and retrain and compete with the international labor force. What is missing and needed is enforcement of humane working conditions and wages. I work in IT in the US and compete with Indians in India. I don’t need and expect tariffs to protect myself. If someone in India can do my job adequately for less money under fair working conditions and puts me out of work then it is my responsibility to get retrained. And I constantly do educate myself so I can continue to compete and provide value.

Is is not empowering for people to rely on government leaders to impose tariffs to protect their jobs. People need to empower themselves by taking personal responsibility to make sure they maintain skills so they can compete in the world economy. People need to stop whining about their jobs being taken by Chinese and other 3rd world workers and get off their butts and learn skills that are not outsourced. Relying on government bureaucrats to protect your job is lazy and dis-empowering. Again, I agree that corrupt governments have allowed 3rd world people to be exploited under appalling working conditions and low pay, but the answer is not imposing tariffs. The answer is individuals need to constantly educate themselves and keep their skills updated.

I do think government leaders that support no tariffs do need to support an educational system that would enable people to keep their skills updated so they can continue to compete and work. But again, individuals can not wait around for politicians to do this for them; individuals need to take action and work on keeping their skills updated for themselves.

By: Ozzie Thinker Sun, 24 Jan 2016 01:53:55 +0000 Dear FQ,

I am not saying “some system” wouldn’t work. I am quite emphatic that THIS system doesn’t work and voting lionises its existence.

Yes, a good orchestra with professional musicians doesn’t really need a conductor for symphonic performance, but is the average Joe a “professional”?

No, so, in that respect, we heartily concur. We need something but NOT THIS!

By: From Québec Sat, 23 Jan 2016 18:45:25 +0000 I fully disagree with you Ozzie, and I’ll tell you why:

If nobody would vote, you still would have a government, but it would be a New World Order. One unelected global government, no nations, no borders, one monetary system, one language, one religion, one law. We would all be perfect powerless slaves. Is that what you want? Don’t play their game, this is what they want, and the best way to get it, is for individuals to not get involved in the process.

Instead, try to fix your broken system to your advantage. You have the power to change things. In a none corrupted country, freedom flourishes and everything are possible. It’s called a Renaissance.

By: David Sat, 23 Jan 2016 08:53:50 +0000 I’m going to agree with Michael, I see the Internet as driving people away from each other and encouraging anti-social behavior, and the OBSESSION with individuality at the point of being cut off from your own humanity. I noticed it back in middle school around 2005, where the other kids started bringing cell phones with them, MySpace, Facebook, YouTube were just starting out. I didn’t like it then and I REALLY don’t like it now. That’s not who I want to be, you can’t exist alone, just like you can’t exist without the basic needs of life. You’re not truly independent if you need food to eat and water to drink, shelter, etc…

By: Ozzie Thinker Sat, 23 Jan 2016 06:15:33 +0000 Michael, Michael, Michael, next you’ll be calling yourself a little leprechaun and you know this forum isn’t big enough for two of them.

Respectfully, this is a place for non-voters. Personally, I think only idiots vote for “hung freedom”. Bizarrely, those that don’t vote are officially known as “idiots”. That, if nothing else, shows us how oxymoronic the system is.

Now, whereas I understand the tired ol’ rhetoric FQ is using, the “not voting leads to poor candidates” is a shallow, self-serving argument which augments & perpetuates an unbearable system. The ONLY answer is NO ONE vote. Period. Then, and only then, will “they” (those “freedom” creators) get the message.

Question is, in the inconceivable outcome of a vote no-show, would “propaganda” kick in and lie via the mainstream hacks (and as many “alternatives” on the “payroll”), just like they do in “3rd world” countries?

Isn’t that what this is all about: liars, liars, pants of fires?

By: From Québec Fri, 22 Jan 2016 19:57:00 +0000 Unfortunately, Michael, there will always be governments. And those governments will affect your life, whether you like it or not. Like Jon, often say, you have to be able to live in both the Matrix and outside the Matrix.

“Bad Officials are Elected By Good Citizens Who Do Not Vote” – George Jean Nathan

Would you prefer that Officials would be imposed on you without your consent, without the right to vote for any of them?

I wouldn’t. You will say that elections are rigged. Well, yes, they often are. But, in a landslide election, it’s much more difficult to rig it.

I still believe in the power of the individual. Do you? I believe that one great man could make a huge difference if elected.

I’m sorry to hear that you want to leave this site and think that it is a waste of time. Exchanging different opinions is very fulfilling. And, I enjoy your poems and your sense of humour.

I think that the USA is on a very bad slope, right now. I want it to be great again. Because, let’s not kid ourselves, if the USA falls, the whole World will follow. So, I am willing to give it a last chance, with a fearless individual, a patriot, a great entrepreneur. with imagination, creativity and skills to lead the country to a better future.

Call me crazy if you want to, but I still believe in the power of an individual.

By: arcadia11 Fri, 22 Jan 2016 19:03:59 +0000 lol. if you are a troll, michael, then everyone else here must be
trolls, too. yikes.

i too have never voted. even if there was someone good enough
to vote for i wouldn’t. but as it is,
‘presidents’ are not elected. they are selected.

whoever you vote for
you get
one of

there is no such thing
as a
rightful king

i enjoy your comments.

