Comments on: The Clintons: is the Oregon standoff really about uranium? Thu, 08 Feb 2018 11:23:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: michael Thu, 08 Feb 2018 11:23:39 +0000 forget my dreams of a stanley cup for MN! I, We, America needs you to [bring justice to] the Clintons and see them to jail […]

By: George Ferina Sat, 28 Oct 2017 06:28:26 +0000 We Know that she had Seth murdered also. There is nothing we can do about Hillary Clinton because she spent her entire life corrupting the govt at every level, she will keep on lying because that’s what she is a lying killer and the govt of America protects her against its own citizens who know. SAD but TRUE.

By: oaksbythegulf Tue, 17 Oct 2017 23:46:30 +0000 This raises another question, too: what do feds want with the land Bundy is grazing on in Nevada? It must be something. Wasn’t Harry Reid trying to do some land deal with a foreign energy company? Was this close or on land that Bundy grazes on? Somebody should check.

By: Ski Sat, 29 Oct 2016 17:24:58 +0000 Clinton land grab. Look it up. This is where Russia is getting its uranium. Thanks to the Clintons

By: chiefcabioch Tue, 11 Oct 2016 07:16:58 +0000 this is a UN Operation, under what is known as UN Agenda 21, and UN Agenda 2030, both are designed to transfer Lands from US, to UN and ALL Natural Resources and Energy and the Uses thereof…..welcome to the lefts New America, the Sovereignty of America will cease to exist if another clinton is installed as president, a puppet for the Left, the Illuminati and the New World Order, they know America cant be Taken till we are Disarmed and No longer a Sovereign Nation, …

By: It's me Mon, 15 Aug 2016 19:36:37 +0000 The only Uranium mine in Oregon, is about 75 miles from the Hammond Ranch, so accessing the water on their land would be kind of pointless don’t you think.

By: Elaine Ossipov Wed, 06 Jul 2016 18:45:02 +0000 No, They have their own banking cartels, but the attempted takeover in the 90’s pretty much failed miserably.

By: Elaine Ossipov Wed, 06 Jul 2016 18:43:28 +0000 I read the survey report on file with the state of nevada for the area in question and it listed no gold as part of the reserves.

By: imacandle Sun, 12 Jun 2016 12:13:32 +0000 Jon Thank you for your research. Do you have OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS with the Clinton name on them?

By: no name Mon, 15 Feb 2016 17:52:48 +0000 Please stop spreading wrong information!
As I’ve already posted to you here, Oregon Energy LLC is in no way related to Uranium One. Uranium One sold their interest in the Aurora Project in Malheur County in July 2010 to a British company Energy Ventures, which established their subsidiary Oregon Energy to hold the Aurora uranium project. You can look up the facts on the Oregon Secretary of State website and in the Energy Ventures annual reports. In addition, Aurora is located in Malheur County, and is not related to the Malheur Wildlife Refuge.
Spreading wrong information is not helpful.
