Comments on: Zika? Monsanto’s Roundup associated with smaller heads Mon, 19 Dec 2016 21:40:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: arcadia11 Mon, 19 Dec 2016 21:40:33 +0000 agus mar an gcéanna a thabhairt duit, irish.

By: Michael Burns Mon, 19 Dec 2016 20:01:28 +0000 @arcadia11

My thoughts precisely…the paid ones are trying as they may to get the last word in. Their job is to place doubt.
The only way is to overburden them with fact…and besides, they only have 140 character minds. Lol his whole response seemed like he was reading it of a cue card. They will do anything to make money these paid trolls. Strange as it may be I have been deluged with, the Asch conformity types.Seeking to sway my knowledge of CAGW. Being a climate heretic, I’m sure I am on some list somewhere.

Cheers and Merry Christmas to you.

By: arcadia11 Mon, 19 Dec 2016 19:10:04 +0000 lovely, michael.
thanks for picking up that
ball and running with it. so fast & far.

maybe it’s just me but it seems that this blog
has been hit hard in the past two weeks
with an unintended compliment for jon:
a writhing nest of trolls laboring under
cover of darkness.

“daylight take you” gandalf

By: Michael Burns Mon, 19 Dec 2016 06:55:31 +0000 @Scott Westfall

“Get a grip people.”….yes I agree. we need to get a grip of the untold dangers and misinformation/disinformation travelling the streets and avenues of the Internet. Ignorant individuals like yourself not having a clue about they are talking about. But knee-jerkin, and following the consensus.

‘GLYPHOSATE’ as opposed to Glyphoshate which seems to me to be more syntaxly sound to the actualities of this extremely dangerous, cancer causing broad-spectrum herbicide. And as used here in Saskatchewan, as a late stage, crop desiccant. And what is a dessicant?

A desiccant is a hygroscopic substance, that induces and sustains the absorption of water. In particular to the desiccation of say…Canola (Rape seed). It is vitally important that canola remain extremely dry as around these parts moisture in stored seed is the cause of majority of all storage bin fires and explosions.

Glyphosate is sprayed on the crop at a late state of growth to speed the death and dryness of the crop to be harvested, So actually the crop in soaked in Round-up (Glyphosate) pre-harvest. And then goes to contaminate storage bins.

So not only is Round-Up (glyphosate) hygroscopic, it is a killer of ground probiotic, bacteria, mycorrhiza. And in that function is the true nature of it efficiency against broad spectrum herbs, and weeds. In this function the plant’s ability to work through symbiosis with these organisms to gain nutrition and vital organic fertilizing agents as nitrogen, sulphates, phosphonates and micro-nutrients. And this is a secondary condition, wherein the initial spray lays on the plant cutting it off from its natural life forces, of photosynthesis, moisture and nutrition through enzymic action.

It has been determined through study that a greater amount of Round-Up (Glyphosate) is making its way into our food. The accumulative effects of this poison are detrimental to healthy stomach probiotic at the very least. Hundreds of products in stores are contaminated with glyphosate, and their direct relationship between that fact and the growing epidemic of stomach and bowel and urinary disorders. Glyphosate is inteferring with stomach and bowel probiotice.

And why is stomach probiotic important, because through the stomach and probiotic action, health is maintained in humans. The serotonin that feeds your brain is manufactured in your stomach. healthy stomach flora aides and in some cases is vitaly responsible for the uptake of vitamins and nutrients which are necessary to a healthy immune system and primarily a healthy body. When Round-up enters the human gut, it’s hygroscopy has not ceased in its chemical action.

The myth that Round-Up dissipates in the environment is complete hogwash. There is a cumulative effects of glyphosate in the ground aground waters, and potency in the ground has been astounding high well over one year after application.

The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer, reported in March 2015, and classified, that glyphosate, based on epidemiological studies, animal studies, and in vitro studies was probably carcinogenic in humans.

The Seralini GMO and Round-Up studies in Italy in 2015 found after extensive research that the herbicide Round-up was a cancer causing chemical; rats in the study developed tumors the size of golf balls.

Stephanie Seneff a researcher at MIT has found Glyphosate as a major cause of Autism. That is a direct cause of Autism. Dr Stephanie Seneff and Dr Anthony Samsel, in, reviewing research that was hidden by Monsanto, and which gave direct evidence that glyphosate was found to be responsible and a major cause of bladder, kidney, pancreatic cancers.

Some of the facts of the Seneff/Samsel review of the suppressed Monsanto cancer evidence:

“Monsanto’s studies showed that glyphosate readily reacts with nitrogen oxide compounds to form a toxic substance called nitrosoglyphosate, which can cause cancer in at least 40 different animal species, including higher primates.

Samsel and Seneff hypothesize that a non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which is linked to excess fructose, stems from the disrupted gut metabolism and blocked shikimate pathway that is a metabolic route used by our bacteria, and the disruption is caused by glyphosate consumption. Fructose should be digested by the gut, but in a disrupted metabolism it is instead delivered to the liver and converted to fat. Inflammation and metabolic disorders are characteristic features of diabetes and obesity, which carry dramatically higher risks of cancer, especially for the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

They further theorized that pancreatic cancer and insulin-deficient diabetes are linked with glyphosate’s ability to chelate manganese, and that chronic kidney disease is linked with glyphosate causing the production of excess hydrogen peroxide, which attacks key proteins.

There is an 80% increase in melanoma associated with glyphosate use, which may be caused by glyphosate’s disruption of the shikimate pathway in our gut microbes: impairment of the supply of key aromatic amino acids, tryptophan and tyrosine.

Glyphosate stimulates the growth of human breast cancer cells, specifically the cells that are hormone-dependent, and is controlled by glyphosate’s ability to act as an estrogen agent.” -IRT (Institute for Responsible Technology)

Crop collapse is now becoming a new problem for industrial level agriculture as over use of perticides and herbicides like Glyphosate are killing the ground and causing the ground probiotic to collapse and thus is followed by a the crop. Stories like this are a highly suppressed in main stream media.

Brazil has been the dumping ground for many, many pesticides and herbicides banned in other countries. In fact Brazil is the second largest consumer of pesticide and herbicide. The accumulative effect of so many chemicals used in these processes of farming and their recombination in the environment, to create even more deadly chemicals is beyond belief. Brazil is drowning in toxic pesticide and herbicide, and with no real lawas to protect workers, diseases are becoming epidemic. The area that is ground zero of Zika is an area growing sugar cane for ethanol. Becaus it is not being comsumed as a food places it in a categaory were many banned pesticides and herbicides are used. Chemicals like Atrazine, and malathion…glyphosate.

Antibodies of Zika?…it would hard to find anyone on planet earth who does not have antibodies for Zika. It is the most benign of viruses. Seven out of ten cases show no symptoms what-so -ever. Absolutely asymptomatic. The cases that do show symptoms, are mainly headache, slight fever, nausea, vomiting…symtoms no greater than a mild flu. Within three to ten days the condition and symptoms are gone… Zika in brazil has taken the focus away from outrageous use of Toxic chemicals in a booming agricultural Brazil. Poor farm hands, on corporate industrial farms are without adequate protection against these toxic and cancer causing chemicals.

And explosion of Zika in fetuses?….are your serious? Are you brain dead?

Strangely Monsanto own people, research scientists and lab assistants are never caught not using full protective haz-mat suits, protective rubber gloves, footwear and full face masks, while spraying these toxic cancer chemicals.

By: Scott Westfall Sat, 14 May 2016 00:52:07 +0000 Get a grip people. Glyphosphate is one of the most thoroughly studied compounds in the world. All indicating it is safe for mammals. Its half life in the environment is short. It targets a specific enzyme step found only in plants. It has been in use since 1974 and in no country where it was introduced was there an increase in microcephaly. Roundup has been used for several decades in Brazil, how could it be related to the current spike in microcephaly. (remember its short half life)

Meanwhile, nearly every single women in Brazil that has had a child with microcephaly also had antibodies to Zika. There was a dramatic increase in microcephaly with the arrival of Zika. As other countries in South and Middle America have been invaded by Zika the microcephaly rate has increased. Recent studies with rats have shown that the Zika virus population explodes in the fetuses brain, resulting in microcephaly.

Your campaign to indict pesticides for every harm in the world is tiresome. Quit listening to rabble-rousers like John Rappoport.

I’ll not defend every pesticide used in Brazil, but this accusation against glyphosphate for microcephaly is preposterous.

By: hauptmanngurski Sat, 05 Mar 2016 04:00:33 +0000 When I was in high school in West Berlin the Contergan babies were in the press. You know them as Thalidomide babies.

One of my class mates said ‘this could have well been expected because in the tests of that substance, chicken hatched with no wings and other deformities’. How did he know? His father was a doctor and had medical magazines around the house. When was that? 1963/62.

While I cannot prove that the current birth defects are due to glyphosate, it looks like a co-factor to me. Why are people only ever looking for ONE cause when a lot of issues are about co-factors. It would be good if the re-licensing by the EU would not happen. It would also be good if the TTIP could be averted as all countries would have to pay compensation to the chemical companies if they deprive them of a revenue source through laws and regulations, i.e. ban or half-ban glyphosate.

By: Ozzie Thinker Sun, 14 Feb 2016 03:13:28 +0000 The more I think about this, the more I would like to investigate compatible statistical evidence linking radiation to these conditions. Is there a clear divide between ultra-sound statistics and “radiation clean” births, for instance? Given so many obstacles these days, is there such a thing as radiation free? If so, given “interfered with immune systems”, what is “safe”?


By: Theodore Sat, 13 Feb 2016 19:12:10 +0000 just to add…

By: Baboune Sat, 13 Feb 2016 08:17:32 +0000 Sorry, I just found a news in english about the suspicion of piryproxyphen’s responsability . it’s from an ecologist site that seems serious

By: Baboune Sat, 13 Feb 2016 08:02:18 +0000 Hi, fyi a group of searchers and doctors from Argentina and Brasil think that pyriproxyphen (not glyphosate) may be the cause of microcephalies .
Pyriproxyphen is an insecticid produced by Monsanto’s partner Sumito Chemical. It has been widely used for 18 months in Brasil to fight Dengue spreading.
They seem to have good arguments, it doesn’t seem to be a hoax at all that time.
(for example they say that the number of microcéphalies was normal in the past, even during zyka pandemies)
Source : a well known quite serious french newspaper

Searchers published this pdf :
