Comments on: Zika: Mega-power’s best friend: the virus Tue, 16 Feb 2016 19:46:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Halimah Martin Tue, 16 Feb 2016 19:46:51 +0000 Check out this article everyone!

By: Zelda Byrd Wed, 03 Feb 2016 18:23:13 +0000 Given the involvement of Big Pharma in this mess (as always), let’s not forget that women are being told not to get pregnant for two years. Going to take a whole heap ‘o birth control for that, no? I can see the pharma folks salivating right now.

By: R. Hawthorne Wed, 03 Feb 2016 04:30:39 +0000 Reblogged this on Tales from an Awakened Mind and commented:
Years ago ‘Impossible Mission 2’ was in the theatres and yes this is the plot. To make money fast create a virus and sell a possible cure. We should not forget the eugenics agenda to cull humanity down, so virus and cure can work hand in hand. Thanks Jon

By: Thomas TS Wed, 03 Feb 2016 01:03:47 +0000 I live in Brazil and i am an independent researcher about several topics and i am against vaccines. But the relation of causality between Zika infection and mycrocephaly is already established as there is proof about the virus crossing the placenta barrier. The mothers that are having this problems are not poor and vulnerable people. First it was noticed the abnormal increase of brains problems in babies. After that been reported the cause was found. It is also established the increase of such problems here after the soccer world cup, when Zika arrived here. The same mosquito here spread the Chicungunha and the Dengue viruses but with no influence at newborns. I am aware about government lies and i will never take any vaccine… But the situation is dare here, for real !

By: Michael Burns Tue, 02 Feb 2016 17:06:50 +0000 Its seems we have a national Microcephaly Day; and that existed before the recent Zika outbreak…I don’t think there is enough days in a year to have national days for all these new syndromes, viruses and diseases and mental disorders that pop up, from the virus and disease of the month club. Maybe we need to break it down to smaller time frames. Microcephaly day could be in the morning and Zika day could be in the afternoon of that same day, then we have room for twice as many disease and disorder days. And we could put them together in matched sets.

Speaking about popping up, I find it strange that the Zika virus has not been heard of before this latest deluge of information, that has assaulted the air waves and cyberspace, this last ten days or so. And the little terrorists that carry it; the Aedes aegypti mosquito, little flying virus delivery systems…bastards…so when I do some digging about this little conundrum I find it has been (the Zika virus) around since 1947 at a minimum. And it came from a Rhesus macaque monkey, not a  Aedes aegypti mosquito. And outbreaks like this one; you would think back in the stone age of my youth, I would have heard about a Zika outbreak before…but no! suddenly its a world-wide cluster pandemic that’s bound to kill the Olympics and place Brazil in quarantine for the next hundred years. Everyone will have to be vaccinated and get ten booster shots….maybe forced extinction of the Aedes aegypti.

So, I used the year 1947 as a starting point, and then thought, very hard about how many mosquito bites have occurred by ‘FEMALE’ Aedes aegypti mosquitos; because they are the only ones that bite, as opposed to the male, non biting GMO’ed Aedes aegypti mosquitos, that were released coincidently into the Brazilian environment. Since 1947?…well that number got be up there, I mean it’s almost seventy years, the mosquito bites must be in the tens of trillions; and not one world or country outbreak before…hmm.

I wonder if Rhesus monkeys have wings and bite?

Another question I have is how do we know mosquitos carry the Zika virus? maybe they don’t, otherwise we would have seen an epidemic before this recent outbreak n’est ce pas.

And if  Aedes aegypti mosquitos do carry the Zika virus, assuming there is such a thing as a virus, then releasing a million male Aedes aegypti mosquitos would be irrelevant, because the female carry Zika Aedes aegypti already existed and they are the only ones that bite. They bite because the blood feeds the eggs. And that number has to exceed the numbers of males that were released, by what billions. This doesn’t make sense.

So I think that Brazil being the capital of the world for agrichemicals and pesticide use, especially banned pesticides; which causes microcephaly among a myriad of disorders and cancers and syndromes is the culprit here. And this Zika nonsense is a cover-up.

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 02 Feb 2016 09:11:06 +0000 There is something going on here much worse than you (we) have considered, Jon. Let me find thing of the right words…..


By: ebolainfo Tue, 02 Feb 2016 07:54:33 +0000 Prior to Jon showing 25000 cases of microphelay in the US, I was inclined to the view that these GGM mosquitoes were involved because Dr Scott Weaver’s colleagues, Dr Shannan Rossie, Prof Nikos Vasilakis visited Brazil in Dec 2015 and were interested in the placental barrier.

By: Dan Tue, 02 Feb 2016 03:50:14 +0000 I don’t know anything about their work with gestational tissues, but my understanding is some viruses can be filtered out by the placenta. Placenta and gestation is quite remarkable with regard to deactivating the mother’s immune system, so the fetus and vasculature of the placenta is not rejected as a foreign body.

By: ebolainfo Tue, 02 Feb 2016 00:08:37 +0000 So what is your take on the involvement of Galveston and their interest in amniotic fluid/placental barrier?

By: oddie Mon, 01 Feb 2016 22:49:59 +0000 your research has been enlightening, but the mainstream media continues with the propaganda.

so much Brazilian politics involved as well – Rousseff gets just one story, but only to level criticism at her. this from the French News Agency AFP:

Brazil’s Rousseff vows to win Zika ‘war’

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff vowed to “win the war” against the Zika virus, but some experts criticized her government’s response and warned the Olympics could fuel the disease’s spread…..

Her comments came after her own health minister warned Brazil was “losing the war against Aedes aegypti,” the mosquito that carries the virus…..

Brazil, the hardest hit, sounded the alarm in October, when a rash of microcephaly cases emerged in the northeast….

The otherwise mild Zika virus is also suspected of causing a rare neurological disorder called Guillain-Barre syndrome …

see Reuters’ story on Health Min Marcelo Castro “Brazil says Zika virus outbreak worse than believed” with Castro saying “Our big hope is finding a vaccine”.

from a translation at GP1 in Brazil, unknown guy defends Castro –

Mr Antonio Felix defends Marcelo Castro

For the deputy Antonius Felix, the Minister of Health can not be criticized for telling the truth and that as a public figure he has a duty to tell the people the real situation of the country…

He recently said that the country is losing the war to the mosquito Aedes aegypti, which was not well received at the Presidential Palace…..

meanwhile, AP story which corrected the number of cases of microcephaly by adding “suspected” – “270 of 4,180 suspected microcephaly cases confirmed” – see correction at bottom of that article – claims “The United States, with about 4 million births a year, has an estimated 2,500 cases of microcephaly a year, said Margaret Honein, a CDC epidemiologist”

yet NYT admits from a different link to yours “An estimated 25,000 babies receive a microcephaly diagnosis each year in the United States”……
