If you do make the Huffington Post, it would indeed trumpet a new direction for free thought. Here’s hoping….:)
]]>“Is the burden of proof on me? Fuck no,” Jon Rappoport, the owner, chief writer and sole employee of told Mic. Rappoport said that it was the responsibility of Zika Cassandra’s to make their case, adding that he was skeptical about whether Zika was a real threat. Citing a similar brouhaha over swine flu and other recent global health scares, Rappoport said he was not convinced that a credible link between Zika and microcephaly had been established.
“Brazil is the biggest user of pesticides in the world. We’re talking about Atrazine, we’re talking about Roundup,” he said. “Brazil is flooded with toxic pesticides and big corporate farming. Who needs to be protected here if there are more Microcephaly cases that people expect?”
]]>The Intelligent Universe (IU) gives us a hint about this scam – that can be found in the figure of the latest cases: “404” means that the data couldn’t be found.
Same with the real reason for the head malformation of those unfortunate babys…