Comments on: Zika freaka 2: spraying plane cabins, robot reporters Tue, 09 Feb 2016 17:14:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Burns Tue, 09 Feb 2016 17:14:28 +0000 Seiously though…I’m the same way. I never get ill; unless it’s self afflicted.
Ive always practiced a sort off self style Irish Reika since I was a wee fella. When I had a cold or flu as a child. I could imagine the fight within, and shorten and win it. Ya see a true Irishman will always pick a fight, even with himself.
Now I think I have the immune system that is so striong. I eat good nutritious food, walk and exercise, fix all my own stuff, an a couple of good whiskeys (the best quality) once a week.

My friend Jim is always sick, lung problems, always being taken by ambulance to hospital these days; and he’s two years younger than me. Of course…its flu shots for this and flu shots for that…H1N1 shots…he has the diet of the average house fly. Smokes a pack day even though I have tried to educate him. He likes the high from pharmeceutical anti-depressants for the excuses he creates for himself, and his excuse in life is he has been shit on, just a awful self image. How many years I have spent trying to help him break the curse he placed on himeself.
So, to end this little tale. Its all in your head Ozzie, Its what you imagine yourself to be…granted nutrient rich food and clean water, and much fresh air, and exercise. Desire an a focus.
Some of us can’t be completely Irish, but…you and me Oz. Well, we have the breeding of Irish kings, leprechauns and the great Tuartha blood running in us; and you have to remember Ozman when the angels fell out of heaven, it was Ireland they landed in, it was us that made them Fallen Angels. Getting them drunk, introducing them to weed and women, dancing till all hours and playing music and practical jokes, frigging around laughin till three in the morning.
The big G does’nt like us for that, that’s why he sent all god dam priests, and nuns. Virgins. A virgin in Ireland that ridiculous. Virgin means, I have’nt had any fun.

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 09 Feb 2016 06:04:23 +0000 @MB

As for “picking winners”, I always seem to select the ones destined for the glue factory. Now, if there was a prize for last place I’d be a rich little fella by now.

You know what it is….well, when these bugs come within strikin’ distance they realise they don’t like me and there’s stampede in the other direction. That’s why everyone around me seems to get ill and I just don’t. Weird eh?

Yeah, maybe you’re right, maybe it is the leprechaun in me 😉

By: Michael Burns Mon, 08 Feb 2016 14:00:59 +0000 LOL.None at all? Not even one redeeming feature?
No I thinks, its because your half leprechaun. And anyway, when mosquitos go that low to ground they end up falling asleep. Your definitely not goning to get Zika.
Didya know that those little fellas…leprechauns that is, have a spooky luck at the pony races.
Have you ever wondered why your so good at it. There’s your redeeming quality.

When I’d ask my Dad, “Why are you so good at pickin horses?” he’d always say, “I have one of those little people, tells me who is going to win the race.

By: Ozzie Thinker Mon, 08 Feb 2016 02:53:03 +0000 Ah, Michael

So that’s why I am never ill:

Ugly, plump with no redeeming features……;-)

By: Michael Burns Sun, 07 Feb 2016 20:37:55 +0000 Oh, so what are you saying….
Because I happen to be ruggedly handsome with chisel features. That I should have a virus….hmm.
So because I have dashing good looks and excellent table manners …I must say. I should be punished.
That because my tall dark and mysteriously handsome. And I should say a voice that reminds one of purity of a crystal clear mountain waters rinning along a deep whispering glacial cold brook that shold be sick…that I should pay for that.

By: seamlessone Sun, 07 Feb 2016 10:16:47 +0000 I wonder if viruses will ever get blamed for anything good. I am still waiting for the first study to show a common virus in the tissues of 89% of the handsome men in the world.

By: Ozzie Thinker Sun, 07 Feb 2016 03:03:14 +0000 It’s funny you write this, Jon.

I put one article on “beforeitsnews” which was never run and I been banned from “comments”. I have asked to unsubscribe from their “service” and they’ve ignored me.

Mind you for some inexplicable reason Google has been very generous towards my blog Go figure?


By: saiko Sun, 07 Feb 2016 00:07:11 +0000 The sad thing is that there’s the “snowball effect,” Whether it’s true or not, once people at enough established outlets believe that it is, it becomes very difficult to stop the narrative from flourishing,

By: From Québec Sat, 06 Feb 2016 23:04:36 +0000 The stupidity has been there for a long time:

Pesticides – DDT – Rachel Carson – Silent Spring

By: elfmom55 Sat, 06 Feb 2016 19:12:41 +0000 Thalidomide caused untold thousands of birth defects in 50’s and 60’s but is STLL being manufactured AND taken in Brazil.
Good vid by Global Agenda
