Comments on: Zika: Who launched the fake-epidemic story in Brazil? Tue, 11 Apr 2017 09:52:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Osvaldo Coelho Tue, 11 Apr 2017 09:52:54 +0000 Jon, It is not new. It has just got to a proportion that cannot be ignored. Here is what “epidemics” work in Brazil. A state need some boost in its budget. It concocts an “epidemic” usually in a coastal state. As soon as Summer approaches, and the coastal state needs the holidays revenue, the “epidemic” vanishes from the press. These were the days of TV, radio and printed media only. Now with Social Media the thing has grown to gigantic proportions and can be exploited, not only for state budget purposes but by political competitive purposes.

By: elizabethharris001 Mon, 29 Aug 2016 21:16:31 +0000 DOES BIG PHARMA CONTROL THE W.H.O.?

You decide…

In Switzerland, Big Pharma comprises 30% of national exports, and employs 135,000 people.

Switzerland is home to 65 pharmaceutical companies, plus 338 biotechnology companies, plus 341 medical devices and technology companies.

In 2013, forty-one life science companies had their international headquarters (and 29 more their regional headquarters) in Switzerland.

According to KPMG, there are 120 life science companies in Basel, 132 in Zürich, and 92 in the Lemanic region.

Meanwhile the W.H.O. is headquartered is in Geneva Switzerland, and gets 75% of its funding from “voluntary contributions” (i.e. from Big Pharma).

What does that tell you?

By: Ana Wed, 03 Aug 2016 04:33:31 +0000 The cause of microcephaly is exposure to radiation released from nuclear power plants, nuclear meltdowns and atomic tests.

Notice how all the cases of “Zika birth defects” are near nuclear power plants.

By: SCO Fri, 15 Jul 2016 14:27:45 +0000 And they are experimenting with it right now in Puerto Rico, coming soon to the mainland USA

By: Laurie Sat, 21 May 2016 00:06:47 +0000 Neither DNA nor RNA viruses have been proven to exist. The Perth Group and Stefan Lanka have made some lucid contributions to this topic

By: Michael Burns Mon, 22 Feb 2016 06:09:00 +0000 @Holly

Currently Pernambuco has about 17 ethanol plants; that is a huge amount of sugar being turned into grade A ethanol. Ethanol can be made from almost any plant fibre; but the preferred is sugar cane ethanol. Brazil is second in the world in production. Billions of dollars are being made. and the future is unimaginable.

Now since it is not being consumed as food, I would imagine restrictions as far amounts of herbicide and pesticide are not as strictly controlled; as you say glyphosate is used as a herbicide,  to speed ripen the crop and to set new field for cane plantation. currently Brazil has the most arable land available for cane.

With Justice Scalia gone, now ‘the Clean Power Plan’ can run full steam; it’s the way of the future under Obama’s watch. That and methanol production.

With a 15% flex-fuel moving towards a 20% on 2017 models…

Brazil and The US accounted for 87% of the world’s ethanol in 2011…now, who knows.

Sugarcane ethanol has an energy balance seven times greater than corn ethanol. Sugarcane ethanol is 22 cents per liter, compared to 30 cents a liter for corn…oh, and corn is subsidized.

Sugarcane cause poverty in the regions were it is grown.

By: Holly Sun, 21 Feb 2016 17:41:27 +0000 I also found out about the Pernambuco Sugarcane plantations and would love to know how much Glyphosate they use. It has been linked to neural tube defects in tadpoles and chick embryos. In humans this leads to anencephaly and microcephaly or spinabifida. In sugarcane fields glyphosate is used for weed control, killing off old sugarcane fields before replanting them after about 6 seasons and for sugarcane ripening and sweetening. This is probably the cause of the small heads but we will never know because it will never be researched by non biased scientists.

By: Mabelle Vonk Fri, 12 Feb 2016 12:47:31 +0000 Thank you Jon, excellent as always. God Bless you dear.

By: Evan Shortridge Wed, 10 Feb 2016 16:35:35 +0000 Wow, this is really awakening… I totally get it.

By: Zika Fear Falters as False Flag Fraud Fizzles « GLOBAL ELITE TV | ALTERNATIVE MEDIA Wed, 10 Feb 2016 04:28:23 +0000 Zika Fear Falters as False Flag Fraud Fizzles « GLOBAL ELITE TV
