Comments on: Zika: GE mosquitoes bite, deliver flying vaccine? Fri, 28 Jul 2017 01:45:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Stay Well Naturally Fri, 28 Jul 2017 01:45:02 +0000 Mosquito release in CA !! This is what you are talking about ????

By: Se vor folosi țânțari GMO pentru vaccinarea în masă a populației? Studiu incredibil în Japonia | Jurnal de Evadare Tue, 16 Feb 2016 20:59:01 +0000 Se vor folosi țânțari GMO pentru vaccinarea în masă a populației? Studiu incredibil în Japonia

[…] nu o boală, ci un vaccin. Acesta a fost publicat în ScienceMag (link găsit pe blogul lui Jon Rappoport). […]

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 16 Feb 2016 09:00:24 +0000 Correctamundo

By: Michael Burns Mon, 15 Feb 2016 14:50:51 +0000 Yes when you actually start to think it out how many mosquitos they would have to release it is phenonmonal: I mean when you consider the swat factor,the weather factor, the bat, bird and insect predator factor, the pesticide factor, the screen homes and air-conditioning and a very short life span.
And after all males mosquitos don’t bite, did’nt they say they released only sterile males.

By: Ozzie Thinker Mon, 15 Feb 2016 03:02:35 +0000 According to research, Michael, Oxitec’s mozzies were a monumental flop, so I don’t believe any GM mosquitos were actually released. It was a PR exercise all along… my opinion.

Cheers & beers

By: Ozzie Thinker Mon, 15 Feb 2016 02:59:41 +0000 Oh yeah, I forgot…along with their flying pigs.

Get a life, Patricia…..!

By: patricia Sun, 14 Feb 2016 10:30:14 +0000 you all don’t know what you are talking about I know that Monsanto had released them back in the beginning of 2014 genetically modified mosquitos in Florida its part of angenda 21

By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 11 Feb 2016 06:49:21 +0000 I’ll tell yers, Michael, I could smell to the moon and back if I put my mind to it. All the decent people know its made o’ cheese and that’s why NASA wouldn’t share any of thems secrets….

The ones you gotta watch out for is a seventh son of the seventh son of a pre-pubescent Indian virgin in Bangladesh. Keeps your wallet in your socks for safety in case you meet one. That’s all I’ll say, Michael. And Billy Gates better watch out the Christian nutters don’t pull a pedo-profilin’ stunt on him if he ever “steps out of line”. They say foot massages are popular in India with Italian Gods?

As fer the Jew shrinks burn all yer cash or hand over the shekels, take them pills and keep yer bloody mouth shut and then you’ll be AOK ‘n dandy. Oh boy, if they’ve got at Billy-boy, he’ll be a bloody walkin’ mess.

By: Michael Burns Wed, 10 Feb 2016 15:52:31 +0000 Is that a gift ya got from the wee people…Jesus Murphy; a million paces; that’d put you in the middle of the pacific, bit of exaggeration wouldnt ya say lad…maybe yer tellin me little fibs about your nose?

Some people get money and they make everybody’s life better Ozzie.

Others bastards, it turns them into 110 % greedy asshole.

And then…dundun dun you get those fellas like our Bill Gates that were bullied at school, and they never got over it…so it sat there inside of them and festered, and mutated like the bottom of a hundred year old sewer.  And then for some fuckin reason…after a few of those feel good weakends, ya know… the self-realization kind, and mind cleasings at a swiss spa, for twenty-five thousand a pop. That along with, having too many ass lickers around, the lizards who crave the sheer mass of your money, and blow poison kisses and nasty lies into ego centric ears.

And then some pimp of Jew psychiatrist, psycho-conbabulates our dear Billy Gates Now he’s getting really fucked, cause he convinced that he’s a genius that was wronged back then in the schoolyard by the mob. Finally he meets a rubber shaman and Billy gets religion; and he convinced now that he is a persecuted golden God. That was sent to advance mankind via windows. And he starts to take smart drugs and gene therapy, and placenta soup at expensive luncheons in Paris and London, on advice from his friend Ray K. His underwear are brand new everyday and hand-made by shackled pre-pubescent Indian virgins in Bangladesh.

Billy gets an invitation to the Psychotic Psychopath Club of the World (PPCW) and gets his own personal secret handshake and a red phone with a speed dial; and some other little friends to play with…they start to explain it to themselves, and to each other in the secret meetings at the Hotel California. So they get to believe that they meant to progress man, evolve man, and that is a religion, more fierce and destructive than any and all other religion. Because their deities are technology and science and the singularity and artificial intelligence, and above all, order. Besides the rarity of their numbers proves that, does’nt it?

And our little Bullied Billy gets to age that he should know better, but no… ‘shit for fuckin brains, sets up a foundation for himself with 66 billion paper dollars, and now that bullying he got in the playground way back, is now a raging fucking monster; that evolved into a justifiable psychopathology that believes truly is devine. The sickness is now applied to the world.

Bill keeps going to his psychosis meetings with all the other little pychotics. And they plan serial killings by alternate means. These psychopaths that are clean freaks, OCD kinda clean; they don’t kill like any other decent respectable psychopath that takes instructions from the dog and goes out into a city and in the dark and stabs somebody 47 time with a sharpened end of a tablespoon, nooo…Billy murders by telephone, murders by virus, by mosquito. Billy murders by vaccine and sterilised and murders the future by the millions with Indian sari fabric and corn tortilla.

Billy, needs a swift kick up the clackers and good ole fashion harry, larry and moe two-fingers in the eyes, and gentle push of a very very high cliff onto a beach of glass. 

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 10 Feb 2016 06:45:54 +0000 @MB

I have “bullshit meter” in me nose, Michael & I can smell it at a million paces 😉
