Comments on: The fear of individuality Fri, 12 Feb 2016 17:58:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: From Québec Fri, 12 Feb 2016 17:58:09 +0000 The fear of individuality comes from the apprehension that a human, unchained and alive, might create something that would expose the titanic hoax of the collective and the group; the apprehension that an individual might create something undeniably great and different; and, therefore, put collective human society in its proper perspective. They would claim no one has the right to rise above the standards of the masses (Jon)

Exactly, Jon. And this is why the establishment is so afraid of Donald Trump. He rose above the standards of the masses. He used his imagination, creativity and the power to build things that were supposed to be impossible to build.

This man cannot be controlled and cannot be bought. This is why he funds his own campaign. They cannot shut him down either, he is bringing back free speech in America. And what kills them, is that they have nothing on him to ruin his reputation.

And now, he as created a movement that can’t be stopped in the country. They really fear him. In his speeches, he keeps talking about the greatness of the American people, how much they are the best creative people in the world. He wants to make America great again, and he will. That is what is so exciting about him. He brings hope to the individuals, This is what makes people so enthusiastic, because they feel they will regain their long time lost power.

And this is also why a lot of people, especially leftists hate Trump. They hate his success, they envy his money. In their confused minds, if he was successful, it must be because he is a crook. When in fact, he didn’t break any rules. And on top of that, he is a very, very, very, generous man.

This is one man who I could live with. Why? Because he wouldn’t need me and I wouldn’t need him. We would not be a couple relying on each other, we would only be two individuals who would enjoy living together, no string attached.

There is not many men like him. Most men are dependant, possessive and jealous. And, I couldn’t care less about his money, I’m not into money. As long as I can meet my monthly payments, I’m okay with that.

People here reading my last statement, will probably laugh and tell me that I wouldn’t have had a chance that Trump would have picked me up. Well, maybe no, and maybe yes, because all of my friends tell me that Trump’s wife looks just like me. And they are right, same face, hair and personality. Although I am older that her, it doesn’t show. I’m not bragging, I have no merit, I guess it’s genes, My mother died was 93 years old and she looked like 60.
The only difference is the height, she’s 6 feet tall, I’m only 5 feet 3, but since I always wear high hills, I guess I could say that I am 5 feet 6…lol

While, I’m at it, besides Jon, here are the kind of men I admired: Trump, Alex Jones, Matt Drudge. These people are the perfect incarnation of what Jon talks about when he refers to individuals with imagination,creativity, and power.

Wall-to-wall surveillance, militarized police, decimation of free speech.In this atmosphere, it is very easy for the individual to forget and cast aside his own power and his own unique vision of the future, and his own capacity to invent the future. (Jon)

Right again! This is why, America has to regain its greatness. And I have no doubt she will, unless the establishment kills Trump or that the American people are too brainwashed to recognise that this is their last chance to take back their country.

By: Lesha Martin Fri, 12 Feb 2016 14:12:32 +0000 Once more, Jon, the clarity this message brings is beyond word, and thought and lore… to the foundation of our being. Thank you for your clear voice – and one which seems to ever hold steady – through the storm. I love this energy.

By: Ozzie Thinker Fri, 12 Feb 2016 07:35:06 +0000 The original survivors of Atlantis were the bandit outcasts forcefully ejected from the metropolitan mecca. In a sense the leaders today have refugee mentality. Splintered alien fragments (chaos) sought order after the wise guys atrocious arrogance caught up with them and left their mecca flattened under mountains of ice.

The leaders today have their unforgiving attitude but only know chaos. They cannot see any other way.

