Comments on: The Matrix Revealed: the beginning Thu, 29 Dec 2016 12:40:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: kimbroadie Thu, 29 Dec 2016 12:40:25 +0000 Still digesting your reply

By: Brian Steere Mon, 15 Feb 2016 08:10:57 +0000 Rather than see limitation as a negative imposition, recognize it also holds a focussing into specific thematic experience within a greater Soul movement of integration. Stop being a victim even though there are conditionings that define you this way until they are reintegrated. The fear, pain and powerlessness of victimhood or wound fuels the hate of self-righteous vengeance that goes forth blind in self certainty.
Become discerning of the negatively defining definition as the key that locks in what is NOT true of you. It is the definition that has to be uncovered and FELT. You know who you are when your truth sense is your desire.
Definition, judgement, belief, language, phrasing and contextual narrative make up the matrix of our experience of the Infinite – the Only Thing going on! The personal level may be operating within larger collective ‘agreements’ – but it is rooted in a true Indivisibility of being whose individuality far transcends – yet embraces – the personality construct and its relational experience of sharing the world.
Mutually agreed definitions, believed are not puffy little thoughts added onto experience of a fixed world OUT there – but are the matrix of experience that is within You – though You and reflecting You. Not the ‘you’ of a personally defined instrumental concept of a ‘forgetting’ and differentiating sense of segregative self.
If you make a problem of it, then you lose sight of all the answer that is not defined in terms the problem sets. But if the ‘problem’ gives you a sense of self that you want to unfold, explore, feel and persist in – then of course – you can give that identity investment.

By: Brian Steere Sun, 14 Feb 2016 18:32:28 +0000 Identifying in self-concept operates an exclusive shadow of unrecognized or denied self.
No matter how it is framed or what levels of being are focused in as a result.

The mind and the senses are operating the lens of this definitional construct of self – and so when as Jon says. we accept and open or yield to NOT presuming to know as this conceptually sensed ‘self’ – we are indeed free to learn or receive anew – which is beyond definition, and yet has a reflection in true perspective of a wholeness of being – because it resonates with the true of you – rather than any attempt to validate a concept of you. A concept that becomes limited and defined by oppositional conditioning of what it denies.

Herein is the root of ‘shadow power’ or that which knows not what it does because it operates without conscious acceptance or relationship – regardless that it is set in whatever conditioning imprint it seems to react to and re-enact that imprinted scenario.

To truly incarnate is to em-Body the Spirit through the Will as the Heart. There is no separation or conflict here – no part to denigrate and rise above or judge evil or oppositional. No divide and rule; a true individuality.

Yes there are subtler forms of embodiment but what makes form true is congruence with its function. If form is used to hide in or project fixed meanings onto – then there is a use of form other than for communication and this generates dissonance as an experience of separation and disconnection.

The whole is in every part and all the parts are in the whole with none truly apart. This makes no sense to the partiality of a separate self sense that identifies over and against the other and is unaware of the whole.

The Infinite Whole and the finite or specific focus in-formation are not separate unless of course one defines oneself in such a way as to identify exclusively with form to the forgetting of the whole. Thus the shift of remembering is one of perspective and not waiting on time or change.

Being willing to open or call forth the embrace of a greater perspective is through a honesty of self-acceptance that embraces and transcends a redeemed or re-contextualized sense of self and world.

The attempt to fit the New Wine into the ‘old paradigm’ is a crafty way of persisting in forgetting while seeming to be in a process of remembering or spiritual awakening. All forms can be used for deceit while there is any sense of value or meaning in doing so – by any facet of one’s being. Spiritual forms can seem to be very righteous and humanity has engaged in and suffered this kind of elitism of self-specialness in its concept and its shadow – without often connecting that they are one thing.

By: kimbroadie Sat, 13 Feb 2016 22:06:21 +0000 To those who follow Jon I want to offer this quote from Sri Aurobindo which I think summarizes Jon’s work, and the aspiration to which Jon has given voice:

“We must not only cut asunder the snare of the mind and the senses, but flee also from the snare of the thinker, the snare of the theologian, and the church builder, the meshes of the Word, and the bondage of the Idea. All these are within us waiting to wall in the spirit with forms; but we must always go beyond, always renounce the lesser for the greater, the finite for the Infinite, we must be prepared to proceed from illumination to illumination, from experience to experience, from soul state to soul state. Nor must we attach ourselves even to the truths we hold most securely, for they are but forms and experiences of the Ineffable who refuses to limit itself to any form or expression.”
