Comments on: Scalia murdered? Did Texas Judge once ask God for a ruling? Sat, 17 Dec 2016 21:06:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dawn Sat, 17 Dec 2016 21:06:06 +0000 Actually it points to something suspicious that should be investigated.

By: James Perry Sat, 17 Dec 2016 19:22:41 +0000 Not murder, he committed SUICIDE but the family don’t want it known as Catholic who commit suicide can’t enter heaven.

By: Pablo Rivera Tue, 01 Mar 2016 05:48:31 +0000 @Dawn, 6th paragraph:
“cbsnews com news antonin-scalias-cause-of-death-determined-natural-causes”

Multiple reporters visiting the ranch recently confirmed they were required to sign waivers. Scalia choosing to go the ranch with no security or medical personnel is then suspicious whether or not he was actually required to sign said waiver.

Unless the entire story is a farce 😉

By: Dawn Sat, 27 Feb 2016 17:00:02 +0000 I was trying to track down the statement by the US Marshals service that Scalia supposedly declined security and could not. I was hoping to get details from you.

We can not assume Scalia signed any waivers without seeing them. If he was lured to the ranch the request for a waiver may have been skipped in his case.

By: Pablo Rivera Fri, 26 Feb 2016 20:21:59 +0000 @Dawn, It’s well-known at this point that Scalia declined a U.S. Marshals escort, or any other government security when he attended a “hunting trip” on a remote Texas ranch without his wife on V-Day. Reportedly, the Cibolo Creek Ranch requires visitors to sign a waiver saying they understand that there is zero medical personnel at the ranch, and that medical help is several hours away, according to investigative journalists Wayne Madsen and Joe Biggs who recently visited the ranch. My point is that either Scalia was extremely naive and reckless with his visit, was duped into his own death by people he thought he could trust, or he knew exactly what was going on because there was some type of deal, and perhaps he’s not actually dead. Of course, now a fourth possibility has surfaced concerning his possible involvement in a secret society (article in Washington Post). LOL reality is stranger than fiction. That article may or may not be a disinformation campaign. In any case — something funny happened at the Cibolo Creek Ranch on Valentine’s Day and we will probably not know what really happened for a long time, if ever. Scalia’s death (or disappearance) is highly suspect and unprecedented, and it is outrageous for “progressives” (neo-socialists and anti-American traitors) to demand that Obama immediately appoint a replacement and for the Senate to just shut up and confirm them.

By: Dawn Thu, 25 Feb 2016 04:11:33 +0000 Yes, in the same time frame Obama said he does not believe Trump will be President.

By: Dawn Thu, 25 Feb 2016 04:08:24 +0000 What makes you think he signed a waiver refusing security or medical personnel?

By: Pablo Rivera Wed, 24 Feb 2016 01:16:49 +0000 @David, blablabla… I too lived the life of an “evangelical Christian” as a child, and although I left the church as early as high school, I don’t hate Christianity now. I can’t remember the last time I attended church, I believe there is a g*d but I can’t quite tell you who or what it is. Don’t let the hypocrites and posers that exist in the church make you hate the entire religion, that’s as devout as what you are proclaiming to have a problem with! Why don’t you harp on about the Extremists Muslims who like to behead people, force women to wear burqas, and blow buildings up for their religion, huh?

By: Pablo Rivera Wed, 24 Feb 2016 01:05:37 +0000 @Ozzie Thinker, which “loose ends”? I am a tireless skeptic, especially when it comes to suspicious events. Has any **credible** witness seen Scalia’s dead body? Is there at least video footage of his body (or his double) to prove he is indeed dead? We have to remember there was ZERO autopsy or declaration of death BY A PHYSICIAN. Nearly everyone who was involved with this circus-act is suspect (including the mortician). I understand your point about the powers-that-be preferring a clean execution to transferring their little problem to a remote island in the South Pacific, but, someone please prove to me that we have proof Scalia actually died. Giving Scalia a choice between being “transferred” or killed in due time would explain his (and his family’s) willingness for him to travel to a remote ranch next to the Mexican border, on V-Day without his wife, and sign a waiver, refusing any type of security or medical personnel.

By: arcadia11 Tue, 23 Feb 2016 20:40:17 +0000 @ot

hopefully, it will remain a fantasy – period.

lol. must agree with you re the columbus event.
if only…

cheers –

