Comments on: Trump vs. Pope: the cowboy vs. the head of Pedophile Central Mon, 19 Dec 2016 15:06:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Buddyboy Mon, 19 Dec 2016 15:06:33 +0000 Thank you and best to you and yours this Christ Mass season +. Hopefully Santa brings you lots of nice Glocks, Sigs and Smiths

By: Ozzie Thinker Sun, 18 Dec 2016 02:32:50 +0000 Only dictators “rationalise”, you must have mistaken me.

I am unclear what you mean by “rape”. Do you mean “all forms of sexual interaction” that are “classified” thus or “oppressive sexual attacks”?

If you mean “oppressive sexual attacks”, rationalisation of that is impossible for human beings. We each have something called a “conscience”. That’s everyone, including Mrs Clinton.

Therefore, either your response is deliberately “poorly worded”, divisive or, probably, a bit of both.

I suggest you reword to be clear what you mean if you intend on being sincere.

By: Arisen_Ryan Sun, 28 Feb 2016 18:58:56 +0000 You’re debating with a person who appears to believe that exopolitics is the driving force behind human affairs and evolution. Notice the tendency to, instead of refute specific points, simply regurgitate some irrelevant heap of pseudo intellectual sophistry (the origin of the term “paedophile”?). Then the ironic ad hom insults (‘trite minded’, ‘ignorant man’). Their ears are plugged with foil and, as such, cannot hear you. The information you provided was insightful. Thank you!

By: bharford Thu, 25 Feb 2016 03:30:57 +0000 Thanks for trying to somehow rationalize child rape, Mr Ozzie.

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 24 Feb 2016 03:14:46 +0000 Get out of here, ignorant man. The term paedophile stems from the Greek: Paed- = child and phil- = to empathise with, be on the same wavelength (love, as in philosophic love of the mind, learning, life or philanthropic joy of giving – look how Rockefeller abused that term)

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 24 Feb 2016 03:09:17 +0000 So accusations = evidence. There were 100.000’s accusations amassed in the Middle Ages inquisition (ironically, this time, dealt by the Catholic Church). At the time all were regarded “credible”. Today, not so. Evidence is evidence and accusations do not count. Next you will be saying “confessions by torture” are “true”.

By: bharford Tue, 23 Feb 2016 14:22:46 +0000

Raping Rabbis. An epidemic.

By: bharford Tue, 23 Feb 2016 14:20:05 +0000 Free Republic

It turns out pedophilia is an incorrect term, and Catholics aren’t responsible for most of it.

Shockingly, AP breaks out of their typical liberal mold and reports Insurance companies shed light on extent of sex abuse in Protestant churches, that sexual abuse of minors has been rampant. But in their statement, they indirectly say members of the Catholic Church are not the majority abusers.

AP discusses the raw numbers from three companies that insure the majority of protestant churches in America (Church Mutual, Guide One, and Brotherhood Mutual), and typically receive 260 reports/yr of people under 18 being sexually abused.

Compare that with ~228 credible accusations/yr against Catholic clerics since 1950 (documented abuse records).

Together with that information, it is known that the Catholic Church greatly outnumbers any specific Protestant denomination, and the data for Protestant churches is available only for the last seven years. Ever since the first sexual abuse cases had been reported, Catholics have had requirements: 1) police background check done on all volunteers–including priests, 2) a second person be present at all religious functions, and 3) all personnel involved with minors must take routine checks with “Protecting God’s Children”.

Without a doubt, sexual abuse of a minor is one of the most despicable crimes and sins that man can perpetrate. But predators seem to thrive in an atmosphere where the base congregation is one of the most trusted organizations that exist.

Philip Jenkins, in his 1996 book Pedophiles and Priests, [[link edited for length]], looked at the problem objectively and dispassionately. Jenkins (who is not Catholic) found that true pedophilia is extremely rare, and perhaps more common among Protestant clergy, and is even more common among married laymen.

He found that in most sexual abuse cases (under the age of consent), the behavior is actually a variety of homosexuality. This sexual attraction with very young men that combine the charm of boyishness with sexual maturity is actually called ephebophilia. Pedophilia is really a psychiatric term meaning sexual interest in children below the age of puberty.

Even a book review by William A. Donahue [Review: Pedophiles and Priests] reveals how accurate Jenkins is in his observations over the years. Deal Hudson makes 10 valid points about priestly pedophilia [link edited for length] no one should overlook.

True pedophilia (Leon Podles/ Clergy Sexual Misconduct: Just a Catholic Problem?) occurs most often within families. Celibacy removes most Catholic priests from those types of temptations, and clergy in churches that do not require celibacy have the same (if not worse) problems.

But it has been a media target for any child abuse. More so because many enjoy ‘shooting down’ something they believe to be “holier than thou”. But the Episcopal Church has a comparable problem, and some of the worst abuse cases have been in fundamentalist and Pentecostal churches [[link edited for length]].

Up until the AP report, comprehensive studies were only done on the Catholic Church. The rate for school teachers, residential home-counselors, social workers, or even scoutmasters, never existed because they had no method of accounting for sexual abuse. But the recent AP investigation found more than 2,500 cases over five years in which educators were punished for actions from bizarre to sadistic. (Jacoby/Townhall) rightly states the same sort of outcry that came with Catholic sexual abuse has not existed with public school teachers.

It seems obvious that the legit but skewed condemnation of the Catholic Church is likely coming from the devil, himself. It’s only logical his first and sometimes only, victim would be the church with the correct answers.

The problem of sexual abuse seems much bigger than the public will admit. And abuse from church organizations seems to be the minority. Reported sexual abuse seems only the tip of the iceberg. As despicable as Catholic abuse is, it is no where near just a Catholic problem. And finally, it seems as though the public has the wrong impression of who’s responsible for accusations of ephebophilia.

By: bharford Tue, 23 Feb 2016 14:17:12 +0000 AP story and NY Times. They cite the fact that there have been 13,000 credible accusations against Catholic clergy since 1950, but leave off the fact that that amounts to 228 accusations per year, fewer than the yearly average of 260+ accusations against Protestant clergy, according to the 3 largest insurance companies.
The Protestant number will be even larger when they get the data on other groups not insured by these three insurance companies, but it already exceeds the Catholic number. Talk about a cover-up.

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 23 Feb 2016 06:43:32 +0000 Yes I can and I do call it untrue. When you come up with a SHRED of evidence, I’ll change my view.
