Comments on: Breaking the boundaries Mon, 22 Feb 2016 09:04:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brian Steere Mon, 22 Feb 2016 09:04:18 +0000 I appreciate the core recognition of creative consciousness here – but feel there are traces of the deceit in the idea of power to create space. Space – energetic space – is always already the condition in which the relational experience of sharing and unfolding creation occurs and is one with. Releasing the trapped attention from the focus in the idea of power to block or deny awareness of the wholeness of being is not the ‘power’ of the matrix sense of self – but rather the grace of noticing that this is NOT your self – as a result of which free attention uncovers the device by which it is no longer falsely identified – and in that sense resumes creative relational being as a wholeness of being rather than operating through a lens darkly.

For all that – I enjoyed your article and feel that Imagination – truly appreciated – is the gift of the Infinite. Using it to sow contradiction reaps in like kind. If we reap woe, then there is a basis to look more deeply at the definitions we are attracting, accepting, assuming and living out from so as to keep what resonates true of us and drop what doesn’t and be open to imagine and receive the fresh perspective of a desire to embrace and share Life – in whatever ways are truly resonant with who we feel and know and indeed imagine ourselves to be.

The caveat here is that the ego of fear-defined power to wield control over Life – over relationships – over consciousness – is interpreting everything it reads here through the lens of such power and so engages in putting New Wine into old paradigm-bottles – and generating obfuscation and adulteration within the matrix-currency – such that a direct inspirational call to wake can become just a set of words to be falsely associated with this-ism or that-ology – disregarded – and effectively neutralized.

Such is the power of thinking given power by an imagination that created and maintains the belief in a fixed and segregative sense of self.

By: Oliver Manuel Mon, 22 Feb 2016 03:47:57 +0000 Jerrold Thacker and I came to the same conclusion by different routes:

By: Breaking the boundaries | Sasharose31's Blog Sun, 21 Feb 2016 19:49:46 +0000 […] Source: Breaking the boundaries […]

By: Oliver Manuel Sun, 21 Feb 2016 18:53:51 +0000 The worldwide matrix of deceit has been described by John Thacker as a “Deceptive Universe.”
