Comments on: Trump: will the powers-that-be destroy him? Tue, 19 Jan 2021 02:59:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: xeriscapelady Sun, 18 Dec 2016 04:57:47 +0000 Thanks Quebec.. You said TRUTH as I do.

By: xeriscapelady Sun, 18 Dec 2016 04:55:13 +0000 Sad you don;t understand TRUMP is real. He is NOT playing any role except to take his country back for GOD

By: xeriscapelady Sun, 18 Dec 2016 04:53:27 +0000 Yes, like the person below me you have mis quoted everything. Wake up and see truth. We will be at his side every step of the way to taking America back. He wants that. He makes it very clear that he is not an elitist in any way. Its the people giving him info, and even his ( by my standards rich, but who cares),people on the cabinet think like other people, not elitists, and they will also do some awesome things, exactly like we want or they will be fired. Yes, he wants it 100% right or they are not helping America. he knows GOD put him in to make America great again like the country HE brought into being with Puritans and Colonists who came here for freedom to worship. TRUMP understands that. GOD bless TRUMP.

By: xeriscapelady Sun, 18 Dec 2016 04:46:08 +0000 When will liars like you finally just leave America and let us get this country back again. All you want is power, corrupt money. You are probably part of the Illuminati. Do you think we are stupid and not know about it? I can guarantee that TRUMP knows.

By: Ozzie Thinker Sun, 18 Dec 2016 02:33:33 +0000 Haha….touché 😉

By: Theodore Sun, 06 Mar 2016 03:05:16 +0000 Gingrich: Trump Rejected For Not Being Part Of The Club

By: Theodore Sun, 06 Mar 2016 03:01:13 +0000 Will Trump Be Co-Opted By The Elite?

By: Alex vandenBerg Tue, 01 Mar 2016 06:52:35 +0000 LOL- yeah, my name is quite a mouthful!

Anywho- thanks much for responding. Really appreciate your thoughtful remarks and the conciliatory overtures.

On evil and organized, ecclesiastical, dogmatic religion— very astute observation. However, I would submit that the issue of opposed opposites, good and evil being just one case, can be traced back even further. In Oriental Mythology, Joseph Campbell notes the following:

“And with the progressive devaluation of the mother-goddess in favor of the father, which everywhere accompanied the maturation of the dynastic state and patriarchy but was carried further in Southwest Asia than anywhere else, a sense of essential separation from the supreme value symbol became in time the characteristic religious sentiment of the entire Near East. And the rising ziggurats, striving to reach upwards in tendance,while at the same time offering to the heavenly powers a ladder by which to com graciously down to the cut-off race of man, were the earliest signals of this spiritual break.”

Am I a Psychologist – No, I’m just an average Joe amateur who is obsessed with getting to the roots of humanity’s current conundrum.

Jung– To be clear – I’m not suggesting the world needs more psychologists or psychiatrists. Needless to say both of these professions have for the most part been thoroughly corrupted. What I am suggesting is that man needs understanding of himself. Without that, he will continue to create the same world, the same evils, the same dysfunctions. For the world is but an external reflection of an inner psychic state. With regard to breaking out of the box- the real mind box is the source of our collective madness – an Ego that has run off the reservation….How can the world heal if the sickness in man is not addressed?

On the Ego- Am I suggesting getting rid of the Ego? Simply not possible. For the Self contains the Ego. With regard to dominance society, fragmentation, and psychopathology– I respectfully submit that you have conflated the symptoms with the disease. It is a psychological fact that when the Ego separates from its unconscious roots (represses the instincts) the inexorable result is psychosis.

Hate and Anger are not bad– excellent. I’ll go further – quoting from Nietzsche:

“There is no moral phenomena; only a moral interpretation of phenomena.”

Again, let me be clear– am i suggesting we ignore and condemn these impulses? No. That would exacerbate the problem – a gap between the unconscious and conscious mind. I’m simply saying that these emotions should be processed and channeled in a higher direction. I’m simply stating the obvious –that these emotions serve to strengthen the Ego as the dominant personality within the mind.

Hating an enemy– how about seeing your enemy as your friend. How about using that enemy to strengthen yourself? Like realizing that what you hate in others is predominating in you. Also, when you realize that their egregious conduct is a function of that Ego entrenched within them– there is no need to hate- let alone to forgive. Instead, we can feel sympathy…..

Intellectualism- Everything you say about professors, the current state of education, DARPA, and the like I completely concur with. By over-intellectualism I simply mean that Reason/Logic/Intellect has usurped the throne of Spirit and declared itself the All. Is not Luciferianism a worship of Intellect? Is this not a core component of the Ruling Elite’s value system? There is intellect and then there is intelligence. And I would submit that the best “thinking” comes when your not thinking. From the awareness behind thought….. This awareness- your True Self – is true intelligence……

With regard to Religion– main problem: symbols (that are of and relating to the psyche) begin to be interpreted literally. Then we have people as opposed to psychic realities, history as opposed to eternal facts, and ceremony, ritual, scripture as opposed to a way of life. Ergo the birth of the institution. Due to what – separation of opposites. Leading to what – huge disconnect, imbalance within. To what effect- the psychosis of man. The signs are ubiquitous….. Can anyone really make a case that the world today is not suffering from an acute neuroses?

By: Lloyd Miller Tue, 01 Mar 2016 05:26:49 +0000 Really? A big part of being a New Yorker is to put “Internationalism” ahead of America, too look down on and despise “fly over” country.

By: Lynn Tue, 01 Mar 2016 04:58:08 +0000 Seems like people are projecting an awful lot of stuff onto Trump. He is not a hero or a villain; he’s just a guy with a huge ego who needs lots of attention.
