Comments on: Taking apart psychiatry: fraud-kings of the mind Sat, 05 Mar 2016 05:11:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: dominicpukallus Sat, 05 Mar 2016 05:11:24 +0000 Jon,
I’m commenting with a slightly edited version of a comment I wrote on an Australian Pyrrole Disorder FB support group. It’s a closed group so you wouldn’t be able to see it if I just shared the link, but it’s all mostly there. It’s a comment on someone who posted a link about MK-Ultra under a title that was very simiilar to yours.
MK-Ultra aside, the reason why I feel it is appropriate as a comment to this post is because psychedelics help us to distinguish between genuine insight and psychosis. In my experience the former is characterised by liberation and integration, the latter by suffering and alienation.
Of course, genuine insight can be gained through much harder effort with greater results than just by taking yet another drug. What I’ve read of what you have to say on the subject says to me that we’re on the same page about this.People may even be born with this. The problem as I see it is with the low signal-to-noise ratio which can result from a badly ‘tuned’ biochemical system such as our brain.
I’m duplicating this comment because I feel it’s appropriate and I barely have the time to write even this intro, let alone the novel which I think this deserves and will eventually get around to writing. Here goes:

Strangely enough, there is a connection between Pyrrole Disorder, LSD, and MKUltra. Dr Abram Hoffer and Dr Humphry Osmond worked together on early in the 1950s while they pursued the early hypothesis that psychosis was caused by a chemical made in the brain. The understanding at the time was that LSD caused psychosis, so they gave it to volunteers to see if it would cause psychotic states, and especially if it would cause them to release this strange chemical they noticed in the urine of people with mental illness and which showed up mauve the chromatograph.
To their astonishment they found that far from producing a psychotic state, it produced a state of profound insight, integration, and actually healed many personal and mental problems the volunteers might have had. Osmond had to come up with a new previously unknown term for the experience, which he called “psychedelic”. The rest is history. Osmond went on to experiment more with LSD while Hoffer went his way towards trying to solve the problem of psychosis using another nutrient-based hypothesis, which eventually led to the idea of what is now known as overmethylation (and conversely, undermethylation).
Dr Carl Pfeiffer worked with Hoffer and helped expand the Mauve hypothesis into what is known today as Pyrrole Disorder as well as the methylation conundrum (he called it Histadelia and Histapenia for UM and OM respectively because they thought it was caused by the abnormal histamine levels). What is less known is that pror to this he worked on a project to give LSD to volunteer prisoners which turned out to be part of MKUltra.
It is well known that many of the researchers who did work for MKUltra were not aware of the purpose of the work. I’m not sure of this but I like to think that Pfeiffer was under the impression that he was conducting research into the therapeutic use of LSD, as I have read of such being conducted with great success into getting hardened criminals to gain great insight into their lives and turn them around, accompanied by deep catharsis.
The CIA abandoned work on LSD because they found that instead of creating mindless programmable drones, the subjects overwhelmingly developed a profound sense of insight into themselves and their place in the universe which caused them to reject all forms of previous cultural programming and look at their problems and those of the world with a ‘fresh perspective’.
LSD is essentially what precipitated the counterculture movement of the 60s, at least in its most idealistic and pure form. Eventually it was banned for ‘safety reasons’ but only got driven underground.
That said, I don’t recommend anyone to go out and drop acid right now. The sad case of Oslon and so many others like him illustrates the point that there are rules to taking it which are ignored at great peril. These are Set and Setting. Set refers to the mindset of the person at the time they are taking it. You have to be in a positive frame of mind, or at least in an optimistic state. Agitation, stress, anger, fear, all are likely to create a bad experience. Likewise, Setting refers to the surroundings which must be as pleasant and relaxing as possible for the duration of the ‘trip’. Even then, some bad experiences may occur but the effects are typically not lasting. When it goes wrong is when the oxidative stress caused by a hellish ‘trip’ can presumably cause epigenetic switches to be activated via methylation changes at the neurotransmitter transporter genes in a way that will lead to ‘permanent’ psychosis. This psychosis would be treatable by nutrient therapy just like any other.
On top of that, driving the LSD production underground meant that what is available today is of dubious quality and dosage, often adulterated if not entiirely replaced by toxic chemicals, unlike the clean predicable pharmaceutical grade (not necessarily a nasty word) stuff that was available before that.
If you’ve read this far then I commend you. I didn’t intend to write an essay but it’s Friday evening and I’m waiting for my partner to come back from work and it’s important for this to be known. The CIA did horrible stuff and to my mind this has not stopped. In 1973 (the year they destroyed the records for MKUltra) Psychiatry took a turn into junk science with the exile of Hoffer into disgrace with a rigged report, for which we have bogus pharmaceutical treatment of mental illness to thank. Thankfully I believe the tide appears to be turning in that regard at least.

By: Ozzie Thinker Fri, 04 Mar 2016 08:21:16 +0000 I’m talking about ones that cut peoples’ heads off for fun. We are in different places on this one, Michael. Discussions are tedious and pointless. Move on. I have.

By: Michael Burns Thu, 03 Mar 2016 20:41:58 +0000 Mad people do exist…really, by who’s standard. Yours, the western world’s. Schools of psychiatry. Please tell; by who’s standard.
These things are more subtle blunt objects to beat down even more a brainwashed, and enslaved human race.
By all intentsive purposes I could surmiss that your meanderings around aliens and exopolitics are a sign of your insanity, a total madness. Not that I do…so don’t get me wrong. But it could be deduced as that…what I am saying is there is no such thing unless a human is legitimizes by a standard of humaness. A measuring stick is held up and a human fails or passes.
Logic is a tool to be used to gain a truth, it is not the truth. Some of the greatest incepts I have heard have come out of the mouth of the supposedly insane.

Your getting touchy Oz. Tit for tat ozzie…gimme a break, you specifically used the term “Colleagues”…should I define it.

I am no such thing as a mental health professional, pretense is not desired for me. I mental health profession has no more value for me than a psychic at a carny.
‘I ‘ have acquired a knowledge of the mental health systems workings. I have been in the inquisitors room…

By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 03 Mar 2016 06:01:03 +0000 Michael, what is your point lol We same to be saying the same thing in different ways. Quackery is not limited to psychiatry The divide seems to be over the potential for someone to be, dare I say it, MENTALLY ILL. Here we appear to categorically disagree. You’re coming up with all the “bullshit” and ignoring that “mad” people do exist, people with significant neural processing issues do exist. What happens to these? Are they marginalised and tossed back at society with a “clean bill of health” thanks to your altruism? I could very easily turn the “so I didn’t realise you are a mental health professional” quip back on you, MB, because you are sounding as though you are pretending to be one. Like you, I confront my associates with the TRUTH and it makes them feel hellishly uneasy and that’s why they fear me like God. Have a nice day. OT 🙂

By: Michael Burns Wed, 02 Mar 2016 16:53:54 +0000 @Rastafari

Rasta dude…Babylon dem be cray zee man. Da bobbb he gnows man.

Ya it is das Blitzkrieg, achtung! Baby

Dr Hoffer and Dr Sphincter and Dr Dokter, and Dr Dolittle and Doctor my eyes have seen the years all agree that the enslaught should begins, and das peeple should be drugged, and cattle prodding up zer little bummies, and babies one half to two years old are crazy people and need anti-depressants, and no christmas presents because zay are bad little crazy babies and soon the fadderland will prevail and all das liitle manic depressives will be dealt with.

And doz young teen peeeples, oh der bad, always tinking about sexes and fronication, and individuality and das need pills and electricity, and we fix dem up and make dem fuel for da fadderland. Bring dem bad to the great fold. Doz liitle sexting peeple…we be fixing dem.

Signed Doktor Hoffersphinctergoebbelschfitzer

By: Michael Burns Wed, 02 Mar 2016 16:33:30 +0000 @Dominicpukallus

“I believe it’s more a case of whether you are able to integrate your difference and use it constructively,” -Dom

….for who’s benefit, yours individually and truly, or… society’s?

” of whether you are able to integrate your difference and use it constructively,” -Dom

Again for who’s benefit, and constructively within this society? or within what a group or collective thinks…never!

 “Whatever gifts you may gain from being different, it can also cause a great deal of suffering.” -Dom

Bullshit Dom, you have never been gifted then, there is no pain and suffering except from the braindead, and the zombifyied. And those that took the blue pill and wake up comfy in there bed with a nice tranquilizer to put them into non pain mode. Pain and if you will suffering is the gig here man. Have’nt you listened to the Blues. Art is the trancending of pain and suffering.

The object of the game is to get on top of all that here and now and find your true self and fly baby. 

Listening to Doktor Hoffer, turns you into his creation….”It’s valks, look at mine kreation.” Well, fuck the Nazi Dom, let him eat his own pills, let me stick the cattle prod up his ass for a while. Let me in room with him for ten minutes, and I’ll have him babbling my song… little nazi motherfuckers, godam sonabitchen little bastards.

 “These people also believed that popstars were writing songs specifically about them” – Dom

…their not! God I thought they were singing and performing to us. I thought Miley twerkin that cute little ass of hers was towards me man. Dom tell me straight dude, does that make me a paedophile that I think she has a cute ass…I mean, I’m sixty-one and she’s what…twenty-three. But she a big girl for twenty-three.

 “platoons of psychic special forces of the Illuminati (or whoever is supposed to be running the world) actively interfering in their life among other things.” -Dom 

Ok …now you are getting into my territory..this is true Dom. Between them and micro-wave, Gwen towers, smart dust, God helmet, HAARP and chemtrails and there is not enough room on the page. I cannot keep enough tinfoil in the house Dom. 

I mean I wrote a little bit about the dangers of psychiatrists and you showed up. Dom your an evangelist lets face it. Your selling the cure with scary images, and all for Dr Jeezus Hoffer. A quack is a quack.

By: Rastafari Wed, 02 Mar 2016 14:06:20 +0000 Bob Marley, before being taken from this earth plane (yes, it’s a flat plane, no spinning balls in space, another fraud) …

philosopher, musician, leader of Rastafari movement, prophet and peace-maker. Bob also remained physically fit, playing football everywhere he went and maintaining top physical condition. All the while constantly smoking cannabis and battling all manner of Babylon forces out to bring him down.

While playing football in his Hope Road home in Kingston Jamaica, oftentimes “madmen” would come to the fence of the home. Bob would invite them in and listen to what they had to say.

Bob knew that these “madmen” had something special and could see things others could not. And, being highly intelligent, Bob wanted to know what they were seeing.

This Babylon System that has noose around the neck of all the people, except the “chosen” ones, of course, tightens up, little by little every day. Bob knew this and was telling the people.

That’s why he’s so-called “dead.”

Michael, do you think this is blitzkrieg by the “medical” field against the people with their toxic drugs, surveillance and control measures?

By: dominicpukallus Wed, 02 Mar 2016 06:59:25 +0000 I believe it’s more a case of whether you are able to integrate your difference and use it constructively, or if it ends up hampering you. Whatever gifts you may gain from being different, it can also cause a great deal of suffering. I have known people, myself included, who exhibited varying abilities to percieve information and affect reality in ways that are unaccountable by reductionist science. These people also believed that popstars were writing songs specifically about them and that they had platoons of psychic special forces of the Illuminati (or whoever is supposed to be running the world) actively interfering in their life among other things.The latter may well be true but it seems unlikely to me, considering their apparent lack of importance in the world. In my case what I call my delusion was caused by excessive potent hydroponic weed consumption to deal with my other mental disorders, and yes they were disorders. I wouldn’t wish them on anyone. Whatever Dr Hoffer was (and he is a hero to me), he was able to provide relief to people whose difference was such that it interfered with their ability to function, an do so effectively in a way that didn’t involve pharmaceutical drugs. I’m one of them.

By: Michael Burns Wed, 02 Mar 2016 06:10:40 +0000 @Ozzie

Well that is all fine and dandy that they fear you Ozzie, like your God…the psychiatrists that is…and that they are your collleagues. I did’nt realize you were a mental health professional. I thought you were something else; I don’t know what I thought you were…
Anyway, what you’ve stated does not make me wrong.

To sit down with someone for a few moments to a few hours, even a few days, or weeks, and come up with an exactitude of what is going on inside of that person’s head, psyche, mind, soul is baffling actually, bullshit really and completely. It is legitimized… fact simply conjecture; there is no truth to what herr doctor says.

A properly trained psychiatrist, that’s hilarious…lol…who possibly could train a pyschiatrist in the process of mind reading, psyche reading, brain chemistry guesswork; applying what comes from a patients mouth as being even the truth of what he is feeling emotionally never mind what is going on inside his head, emotionally.
A psychiatrist is somneone with a God complex.

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 02 Mar 2016 02:10:08 +0000 Michael, I have to disagree with you here too. I have a number of colleagues in the psychiatry “profession” and they fear [respect] me like God. Psychiatric problems are REAL. Currently, diagnosis is appalling (i.e. people with no issues being “branded” ill, great numbers of “doctors” that simply shouldn’t be practicing). I suggest you read my comment again within this context and should make sense. All the points you mention are exceptionally valid and I do not disagree with them but a PROPERLY TRAINED psychiatrist will have gone through the process of elimination.
