Comments on: If a sane person took over Trump’s body Tue, 23 May 2017 21:22:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Burns Tue, 23 May 2017 21:22:45 +0000 Forgot about this…I lessened my rhetoric about him, considering him the lesser of two evils. Shocked me bit when he pulled a boner and bombed Syria. And now the complete turnaround to raising an already bloated military budget. This latest Saudi visit, is trully embarassing for the country.
He is the last [sic] president. I will never believe again, nor will I compromise my opinion again.
I smell the Democrats, planning a Trump for 2020, if we last that long.
So many talking about impeachment; maybe that was the original intent.
Another day in paradise…cheers mate.
Don’t let th bastards get you down ;).

By: Chuck Morrison Tue, 23 May 2017 16:38:12 +0000 I know this is an old post, and probably no one is looking, but Michael, you were almost prophetic! I just have to shake my head and laugh.

By: Linda Goodman Fri, 11 Mar 2016 16:17:24 +0000 I think you’re a genius, Mr. Rappaport, but your negative spin on Donald Trump and positive spin on Bernie Sanders is so wrong, imo. Sanders is a fraud, who killed Audit the Fed in 2010, switching it for a worthless amendment and betraying Ron Paul and all of us. And Donald Trump is arguably the most creatively successful man on the planet, and actions are the measure of a man. And he talks straight, not crazy. I’m shocked that you seem to not know the difference.

By: Greg C. Sun, 06 Mar 2016 13:46:31 +0000 @Michael: “I agree with your points, everything is sound and rational. I think that is why I agree so much with Jon .”

But more specifically, we are being trained to see the world through ideals. We are supposed to forget about getting good results. If you did the “right thing” that is all that matters. The most successful dictators are the ones who can shift the masses into ideal-land and get them to live there. Not to mention the jihadists.

So I don’t see the main issue as group-think vs. individualism. The fanatics from either side make themselves count for nothing in the pursuit of their ideals. They wake up each day with that in mind, rather than opening their eyes to their own possibilities and going with that. So we get individualists who end up in prison for being tax protesters, or cop-baiters testing their constitutional rights, or who spend all their money on guns and prepping. Or only read books about the NWO, interesting as that may be.

Trump is a guy who doesn’t get caught up in ideal-land, yet who is at is core an individualist. That’s why I like him. Don’t trust the man of principle. He’s the guy driving with his eyes on the map instead of the road.

By: arcadia11 Sun, 06 Mar 2016 02:56:32 +0000 @michael


By: Greg C. Sat, 05 Mar 2016 23:53:55 +0000 @Theodore

Thanks, I enjoyed reading your comment. I can imagine a dramatic narration to Copland’s “Fanfare for the Common Man.” We’re not dead yet!

By: Michael Burns Sat, 05 Mar 2016 20:32:15 +0000 I agree with your points, everyting is sound and rational. I think that is why I agree so much with Jon . Regionalism needs to be reinvigorated. Individualism held as the highest order of thought rather than the group. The movement towards greater and greater creative freedom. Eventually people would be intelligent enough and naturally moral enough to self govern, to live fully and let others do the same. And big government would not be needed. There are a host of problems that come along with that, but with a focus and vision, generations in the future would achieve that freedom.
Personally I think we have to walk away from the system and find our own ways grow our own food, work with like minds within our own communities, stop paying their taxes, stop listening to their spin on the world.

By: Theodore Sat, 05 Mar 2016 17:16:27 +0000 In a sense, from my perch, the “Trump election” is the last gasp of the American common man “baby boomers” vs the Elites.

Essentially, the last gasp of the “(essentially) (physically) natural” Americans — the least “synthetic” American common man generation of individuals vs the Elites — who will ALWAYS preserve their naturalness (isn’t that already a given by now?).

The “(essentially) (physically) natural” American common man “baby boomers”…

* yes, they grew up with fluoride in the water — since 1945.

* yes, they grew up with some vaccines.

* yes, they gave in to the dumbed-downed television programming and movies and sports, sports, sports.

* yes, they gave into the diet sodas with aspartame in the early 80s.

* yes, they gave into the regular sodas with HFCS in the early 80s.

* yes, they gave into the psychotropic drugs.

* yes, they gave into the pesticide based factory farming.

* yes, they gave into the More pesticide based factory farming due to GMO.

* yes, they gave into the anti-biotic laden factory farmed meat.

* yes, they gave into WiFi in their children’s and grandchildren’s public schools and homes.

* yes, they gave into the cellphone pressed against their ears cooking their brains.

* yes, they gave into clothing with numbered sizes to clothing with S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL sizes made in China and sprayed with formaldehyde — to accommodate their fatness due to the glyphosate they ingested from the factory farmed “food” — which wreaks havoc on their endocrine systems.

* yes, they gave into the Common Core education which drives their grandchildren skitzo.

should i continue?

all these layers of toxins, all these layers of toxins,… and now, even with a damped-down pineal gland due to the ingestion of all these toxins over the years, there is still a spark of fire in the common man American symbolized by the Trump election.

…ready to be lit up like a brush fire.

By: Greg C. Sat, 05 Mar 2016 16:28:09 +0000 @Michael

No, I don’t really yearn for more than what came before, because I don’t expect it from politics. I’m a realist. I try to keep my political views simple but real. I know there are endless depths of conspiracies, going back centuries, but I just don’t want my life to be consumed with all those details – too complicated to find solutions. You only get the paralysis of analysis. Instead of a complete solution, I look for a partial solution, a stop-gap. Not ideal libertarian freedom, but something reasonable I can live with.

Yes, Trump has an amazing ego. That’s definitely frowned upon these days. But how is anyone going to take on the NWO head-to-head without an huge ego? Even if he doesn’t know exactly what he is doing, he is willing and ready to put out the big fires right away: Obamacare, no borders, no new jobs for Americans, etc. He likes to boast about his achievements, so his ego will work to our advantage. We can sit back and say it’s no use, they win no matter what. I don’t buy that.

By: Michael Burns Sat, 05 Mar 2016 05:00:03 +0000 Thats not what I said Greg, I said I can understand how a Hitler or a Mussolini could get started after that kind of idol worship.

And Trump has a lot to prove…if he is sincere, and I am wrong that he is only a beard for Hillary; he wants to prove he is better than the rest, than all of them.
The man has a tremendous ego, if anyone is going to break it up, the old establishment, it could be him if he is’nt cancer or assassinated.
But I have begun to believe that there is a ancient and awesome world power at work here, behind the scene. something I can’t quite put my finger on. They are connected to everything, an army of the obedient, that serve that hidden power. And have served that hidden power for aeons.
We have 57 flavours of ice cream, we have ten different versions of the Bagel. But only two political parties, and they are different shades of red.
The CIA had b een waging economic war against the Soviet Union for a long time before Reagan came along, you have remember Reagan was a ratting out Hollywood during the McCarthy era, there are some who believe and have proof that Regan was working for the CIA during his Hollywood acting days. He is not responsible for the ending of the Cold War. The USSR was broke; how much money did the CIA pump into Afghanistan when the Soviets were there fighting the Mudjahadeen. Bin laden was an ally of the US in those days.
Don’t you ever yearn for something more than what was, something greater than the best of the good ole days.
The western worlds political systems are too corrupted, too badly broken. The empire is dying, best to look to new way.
