Comments on: Super Tuesday: vote fraud looming? Flashback: Prop 37 Thu, 10 Mar 2016 00:40:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: howtorescueamerica Thu, 10 Mar 2016 00:40:10 +0000 One mans “criminal” is another mans “politician” !

By: adamevenson11gmailcom Sun, 06 Mar 2016 22:21:29 +0000 The mind bending thing is, the criminals that are stacking the decks like this actually are convinced that they are not criminals and not doing wrong. They are saving the world and they are unsung heroes sacrificing themselves for the good of humanity. You know what? Any criminal serving time in the joint could swear the same thing, including baby rapists and murderers, all in the same crowd as the political hackers.

By: Caterina Huomni Wed, 02 Mar 2016 06:07:30 +0000 OOPS! Did The Media Think Voters Would Forget About HILLARY’S “FRIEND and MENTOR” Late KKK Leader Robert Byrd? [VIDEO] ://

By: howtorescueamerica Wed, 02 Mar 2016 04:44:33 +0000 Jon Rappoport wrote: “There are obviously several ways to achieve vote fraud” – and then goes on to list many of them, but they aren’t the problem.

Matching one or more of these “ways” will only result in the “suspicion” of vote fraud. It will not result in the gold standard, “proof” of vote fraud!

What will produce that proof? “Verification”! And nothing else! With verification any vote fraud can be irrefutably detected.

Verification was available for almost a hundred years in the U.S. Then, the inability to verify the vote rode in on the coat tails of the “Secret Ballot”.

It was a ballot that was inexplicably “inserted” into the politico with virtually no rhyme, reason or even debate. But, 1885 was in the time of the “period of reconstruction”, a euphemism for “period of Marshall law”.

It was at this very point in time where the popular vote figures went “kaflooee”! (See – Why You Can’t Vote Them Out at the site: – for proof)

See the same website for the solution to the problem. It is found in the essay “Retro” – Election Audit – Citizen Conducted – Results Considered Irrefutable”

By: From Québec Wed, 02 Mar 2016 00:47:28 +0000 If there is no fraud tonight, Trump should win in a landslide. Possibly a win in 11 of the 12 States involved.. This is according to the polls, who seems to be more honest and accurate than the voting system.

By: From Québec Wed, 02 Mar 2016 00:42:46 +0000 Because of the Bozos that don’t care about their country and do not vote, this is what you get. Corruption.

If brave patriots and honest people would get involved in the voting process, the corruption would go away.

Americans should require paper ballots. And they should also require that in every voting places, to have people on the floor from all political parties, to count the votes, seal the boxes and to have a superviser to take the box to the central place where they annonce the results and stay there till they annonce it.

No cheating can be done with this kind of system. Of course, in the USA, you would also have to require that every voter have an ID card.

By: marblenecltr Tue, 01 Mar 2016 21:34:13 +0000 Reblogged this on necltr and commented:
Anti-Americans, promoters of the NWO, are terrified at the prospect of a natural born citizen who loves his country becoming its president. In fact, they want either one of the two ineligible candidates, Cruz or Rubio, to win. You know, continuation of Citizen of the World (not the elgible U.S. citizen) President. I wonder if either Cruz or Rubio become President, will he win the Nobel Prize for Peace soon after the inauguration?
