Comments on: Trump: why the elite media were completely wrong about his chances Mon, 07 Mar 2016 17:17:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Burns Mon, 07 Mar 2016 17:17:30 +0000 Unless you want a monopoly, unless you want an unimpeded road to wealth. Unless you want to stop the yoyo-ing between boom and bust…unless you control the market, and wish not to compete. Trump is interested in entering the business world on next layer on the pyramid.
Stop thinkin, you think you know what I am. You have’nt a clue. Don’t assume I am a reader of the mainstream. Don’t assume you know what I read. Don’t assume you know my character.
Personally I am not interested in your opinion, you have a closed mind. You can look at people and know what they are, you are 100% right; every single time in your character evaluation of people, your never wrong.
No need to banter back and forth with petty insult with me. You are too much of a fanatic to understand any rational argument.
For your imformation, Trump has loaned his own campaign money from his business, the loan paymets will be paid back with the campaign contributions, plus interest on the loans.He even exploits himself.

By: anonymous Mon, 07 Mar 2016 12:32:46 +0000 roger stone on alex jones sunday nite show yesterday mentioned how ted cruz’s wife, heidi, worked for robert zoellick. alex got confused & said some think he was the architect of 9/11.

however, that would be philip d. zelikow, who basically wrote the official narrative that was the 9/11 commission report.

zoellick is better known for his connections to goldman sachs, world bank and – more importantly – as one of the architects of the tpp, ttip and tpa (aka fast track). see –

Zoellick, together with other former and current colleagues at Goldman Sachs, the CFR and World Bank, is prominent player in the “free trade” power lobby that is now urgently pushing the TPP, the
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and Trade Promotion Authority (TPA, aka Fast Track)….etc

By: From Québec Sun, 06 Mar 2016 22:09:24 +0000 Please stop reading the prestitute press, Michael.

Trump has been giving money to ALL parties. This is what a business man do, if he’s smart. No time for the petty infighting. When you want to run a succesful business, you try to be fair and to get along with EVERYONE. Unless you are a stupid business man.

By: binra Sun, 06 Mar 2016 18:36:19 +0000 I don’t presume to judge anyone nor write to promote a private sense of specialness – but I do appreciate truly sharing a free willingness. Words can indeed over over and seem to break a quality of an already intimacy of communication – it really depends on where they come from — what purpose they embody.

You ask “What about efforts directed at trying to highlight the fact that man is afraid to look in his own mirror?”.

I am recognizing I have (am) true choice by choosing to consciously appreciate it and writing into the issues and event of our times with a perspective beneath the personality drama is one of the forms it takes. There is an invitation and a sharing – but not an attempt to get anyone to be who they do not want to be. Becoming aware of pain and linking to cause often allows a healing release to a more joyful quality of being. But it is possible to worship pain, sacrifice and struggle as part of a very serious sense of self. No real joy. As I see, we’ve been in that for Millennia. Now there is a backlog of denied hate, rage, pain and shame – a mess! But it is at root a mess arising from misidentification and false definition. When communication is restored – a breakdown in communication is a symptom without a cause – and will fall away by itself.

We meet or attract synchronicity with others who are in a sense ‘sharing the same learnings’. This is true whatever our vibratory focus – but only in freedom do we freely see the Law in action.

Understanding in the heart, knows where to call the mind and when to rest it.
“Behold I make all things new” is a phrase from Revelation that applied to each and every instant of creation – when appreciated AS creation – rather than through the lens of judgement – which I might call a private sense of creation that reflects a private sense of self- and power. If our world reflects us condemned – then it is our judgement on it that we suffer. Human consciousness explored hiding the link between cause (thought and intent) – and effect (reflective experience). So much so that the physical experience seems to no longer be within us – but we seem to be within it – and defined by it and suffering it. A remarkable feat!

Setting that up was an expression of a purpose of limitation and segregation that actively forgets. At some point we shift to a different purpose and can no longer live that ‘self’ and wholly believe it – or maintain it. And so like a pupating transformation – we shift from our thinking to feel (wordlessly know) more and reintegrate rather than segregate. The ego still thinks it runs the show of transforming, working on or releasing itself – but that never was so. Purpose operates from a prior ‘level’. Know your active purpose and you know your will – be it free or denied – but if you know you are denied – you are free to question “Is That So?” – and “In what way am I denied?”.
There is nothing that gets in the way of learning what we are willing to know – because ‘obstruction’ and ‘block’ is really PART OF the relevant learning and not an imposition or violation – unless you choose to define it so. And if you do – then what do you get out of that? There’s always a payoff or a believed payoff for behaviours. If it doesn’t show true when examined – it undoes the ‘block’ or the habit to a choice that is free to evolve or change.

I wanted to illuminate a practicality of enquiry within the ordinary moment of our living – rather than a separate spirituality that is then presumed to be something to then ‘apply’ or hold onto when life dances with us and the concepts don’t really hold water.

Awareness rises of itself when we stop pushing it down!

all the best

By: Michael Burns Sun, 06 Mar 2016 06:38:00 +0000  

“Did they get you to trade
Your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange
A walk on part in the war
For a lead role in a cage?” -Pink Floyd

You think I have caged mind!

Thinking alone is not an exclusion of, or in spite of sharing. It is not even a choice; it is simply what is, the ‘I am’ alone. Not lonely binra, but in the solitude of and with self. Everything here in this reality is an illusion of a mind, a singular mind. Truth in an awake mind, sees the many layers that is a consciousness, that a consciouness can be and much more; even when I am trapped I am aware of it being trapped in an illusion.

Consciousness is many things, many personalities, each created for the many people we meet, and encounter in our lives, the circumstances we find ourselves in. You feel I am imprisoned, I am the free, much more than you, for you see I am an artist, and a artist is the very definition of the word freedom. My alone and private thinking is not a run from negativity, for you see I do fear anything. I do not fear the end of this world, for it has already happened a million times before, and it will happen another million times again. A billion trillion worlds explode without leaving a trace of the wonders that they were. And you I will never know they existed.

Life is not a gift, life is what we are at present until we ascend to some other in the next. Today I am a man, I will die alone and tommorrow become another thing, and that is a good. But it is only mine, not to be shared. Not like any other death, and I will go through that door into something else. I sometimes dream my future, it is ahead of me waiting for me to arrive, and yet uncreated still. I have a choice of whither I will choose this or that one, or none for a while and go in to a sleep for aeon. I am an immortal thing you see.

I am awake, I have been awake since birth, I am a visitor here, an explorer. This world is a beautiful thing, but it is not the only beautiful world.  There are other places, greater and lesser.  This is not mine. This someone elses’s. Mine is different than this…

You have found religion, that is good for you. You have the secret, you know the truth, the reasons, you know your responsibility. I am not less because I do not except it for me. I am not less because I am free and responsible for nothing of this world whatsoever. 

By: binra Sat, 05 Mar 2016 14:59:04 +0000 We can all learn from noticing rather than reacting – even amidst the energetic of reaction. That seems a tall order – but there is no other hope I can offer humanity than to wake in place – amidst whatever is actually moving and own it. Not use it for blame – but open a self-acceptance in place of whatever thinking is invalidating you – regardless if it seems to be an ‘others’ it is still our own joining and acceptance of it that cuts us.

You are the unique expression of your own answer to this question.
What do you want? It is easy to say you don’t want slavery and disaster while persisting to act in the ways that invite it. To say you are powerless and that you don’t make any difference.

The trap is to let a fear of the negative become your working definition or driving force. If you are constantly focusing in and feeding the idea of want you DONT want then nothing of what your heart truly desires can reach you – and still less move you to act forth in your world in a way that can be genuinely met.

If there were both these realities splitting off from this timing – which bus are you currently on?
Make sure you are at one with your choices and then whatever unfolds will meet and reflect the true of you.

By: binra Sat, 05 Mar 2016 14:42:38 +0000 I appreciate your comment. One thing prompts me from it and that is that whatever we think or do we are part of what’s going on – and voting whether we know it or not. So my sense is that you are consciously investing in and extending witness for what you are part of – and that may not have apparent representation in the reflection of society as it presents itself.

Being or living out from presence is not engaged in struggle to become something else so much as extending a sense of worth that already is. This does appreciate by appreciating – but that is different from investing emotional energy in manipulating or fixing outcomes.

I’m not writing this to interpret you – but to possibly join with what I feel I heard you say.
Disappointment reveals the expectations one may not otherwise have awareness of holding. So I wouldn’t over-protect against finding out more of what runs my show just because it is humiliating.
To have loved and lost is to have found the jamming signal.

By: binra Sat, 05 Mar 2016 10:30:21 +0000 Thinking alone – is a choice not to join with. But such thoughts still share and join with everything of a like frequency – generating experience of a world of isolated combatants in a world of separate ‘things’. ‘A lead role in a cage’. If that is where you current desire is – then that’s where you defend – but if you ever question where your thoughts are coming from and whether they speak for who you really are – then there is always another way to look at the Life that is all that is here – regardless how you look on it. I don’t have that sense of Life as boring ‘oneness’ because Its experience of Itself is Infinite.

The richness, complexity and depth of feeling in being alive and awake has nothing to do with boring – and oneness is very much misused by private lonely thinking to escape ‘negativity’ which is nothing to to with a unified sense of who you feel and know yourself to be in any and every moment.

The direction I attempt to illuminate, is of escaping from a false imprisonment. Thoughts are within what Mind is – not outside or apart from it. But it is possible to BELIEVE thought to be separated off and different – and run with it and make a self on it – which HAS to defend itself from What Is – while locked into its exclusivity.

I’m not suggesting a wrongness or sin in choosing to think in secret – but that a real choice has to be aware of what the choice is between to BE a choice. The sense of self that protects its power to deny, withhold and segregate does not allow awareness of anything that exposes its true relationship.

This is what we are making a world of; denial, suppression and a lonely sense of ‘power’. It is a complex mind-trap that has terror and rage in its imprint – but which is healed in laughter. But the laughter is a gift of true perspective.

Life is already a gift. The meanings we give to it are the thoughts and beliefs we choose to accept. But until we wake up to our true response-ability – we run on the meanings that are imprinted and conditioned – as if they are fixed, locked in and unquestionable.

I’m not trying to change your or anyone’s mind – but reflecting within the dream that you Are Mind in act of focus – and that – at that level you have freedom and perspective to transform your experience and relationship with Everything – and it is challenging, exciting and enlivening. It is your life – and your gift to live it that automatically shares – or creates a different world. But of course if you take the words at the surface form and try to fit them into the caged mind – it will turn out to be meaningless bullshit like everything else in a meaningless mindset.

By: Michael Burns Sat, 05 Mar 2016 05:28:19 +0000 Yeah I’m ok, bit of the blues…but that’s fine. I really appreciate your concern, thanks alot a11.

By: arcadia11 Sat, 05 Mar 2016 00:11:17 +0000 hey michael. just wondering if things are okay on your end.
(outside of the usual insanity of course)

best –

