Comments on: How to Become More Intelligent Sat, 05 Mar 2016 17:43:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: elnura1 Sat, 05 Mar 2016 17:43:27 +0000 An excellent read that fits right in with Jon’s article:
News with a negative frame: a vaccination case study
Brian Martin:

“On Wednesday 13 January 2016, The Australian newspaper published a news story by journalist Kylar Loussikian titled “Uni accepts thesis on vaccine ‘conspiracy’.” It provides an illuminating example of how to construct an article casting its subject in a negative light. It also happened to serve as a vehicle for a longstanding campaign of denigration.”

This is in response to an article that the pro-vaccine criminals in Australia had written to cast doubt on the validity and the creditability of the PHD awarded to Dr.Judy Wilyman for her thesis: ‘A critical analysis of the Australian Government’s rationale for it’s vaccination policy.

Australia is having a collective meltdown over this and as they would in the US, hired attack dogs to discredit the information in the court of public opinion. Brian Martin deconstructs the article: titled “Uni accepts thesis on vaccine ‘conspiracy’ which appeared in The Australian newspaper and written by Kylar Loussikian.

Deconstruct is very well done.
