Comments on: There was a man Thu, 10 Mar 2016 20:10:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Burns Thu, 10 Mar 2016 20:10:09 +0000 THERE.

“There [sic] was a man.

And then there wasn’t.”


He is not dreaming his dreams anymore…

He is dreaming someone elses’

The whole flavour has changed the smell of it

The dream

The space itself had changed

He left the desert and came to new place

A bigger place

bigger space

small house

And he thought

and there it was…instant and impressive

And the whole changed

Smells from a child’s past, from a child’d past keep coming forward in an old way

To a new one

A remnant

something of importance

and the stranger takes over and he (the man) is not himself

The complaint is that life must be lived

that strength lies in gnowing and the genius of creation

Imagination overdrive

There was a starving Buddha once

And his famine was not from lack of food

And a Buddha that still doesnt care

carries on inside the prison of one

The oh so bright and shiny machine


The machine broke once and a kindly passer-by fixed it…

but didn’t know it any more than

it being a toy

And so he fixed  the gizmo

And now that bright shiny thing tell nothing but lies

But the lies are told in such a way as to make those who listen

believe it as a god

Sometimes the man will stretch out flat as he can and watch the self-described importance of it all

go about its business

The business of telling its lies to itself

The business of telling the world it’s lies

This is it

By: Sha'Tara Tue, 08 Mar 2016 23:12:29 +0000 You got it, Jon. That’s exactly how it is. Some of us wake up in time though.

By: davidgaskill Tue, 08 Mar 2016 15:22:51 +0000 … and finally the man realized that he was really a nanoparticle in a murderous chemtrail glaze coating the desert he had eagerly helped to create, and that the elites on their lush, slave-worked estates were laughing at him and his kind, laughing all the way to the bank.

By: Lesha Martin Tue, 08 Mar 2016 15:18:50 +0000 ????????????
