Comments on: The individual vs. the psyop called reality Thu, 10 Mar 2016 06:26:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lee Thu, 10 Mar 2016 06:26:25 +0000 Right on the money (if I may use a phrase from Babylonian money magic). In my mind, there is a litmus test for all laws, statutes and candidate: do they shift power from the individual to the state, or restore power to the individual. Seen through these lenses, its easier for me to pick up the hidden agendas behind the propaganda.

By: Michael Burns Wed, 09 Mar 2016 16:45:58 +0000 .And they force you through law to give your children up to, first; a kindergarten system that eliminates the idea that your are separate, you hold the rope of conformity on you little excursions into the big bad world. Don’t talk to strangers. Rely on the group. Don’t ask questions outside of the norm.

And the long grey march to the extinction of your individuality. Successive years in elementary school and high school systems. Which enable all to move forward, on a platform of false merit,  and not without the finalizing it with eradication of your free thoughts and free speech eventually within throughout the universities.

Collectivism and the populist vote, futurism and the social ideal, the devil spawn of feudalism. The quaint notion that only new ideas are original and forward think, anything old is past and obsolete. The built-in obsolescence of all things, eliminates individuality, slowly as a bi-gone idea of a human that is only is tantamount to selfishness.

The family bond are broken, and family becomes a dysfunctional notion that is attacked on every level, the well-spring for popular television shows, and youthful right of passage conversations in the bar on friday night. ADHD defiance is silenced with a pill, the acceptance of the lowest common denominator finalizes your end.

Individuals are criminals, and the collective reigns supreme.

Rage, rage against the machine…over my cold dead body.

Balderdash and pisscunt I say.
