Comments on: Vampire technocrats fly to Jekyll Island to stop Trump Thu, 17 Mar 2016 00:51:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark B Thu, 17 Mar 2016 00:51:56 +0000 What’s the algorithm that stops that?

This line had me burst out laughing cause its so true.

By: Michael Burns Tue, 15 Mar 2016 18:35:16 +0000 @cdemby
Lol..this is hilarious. Absolutely too funny.
What if Trump is a CIA operation (honeypot) to bring all the weirdos, home grown terrorists and racists out of the wood work…with the hope in the illusion that they will rule.

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 15 Mar 2016 01:49:51 +0000 OMB

You know I have an allergy to bullshit, so you need to read between the lines. For instance, and this is nothing knew, it has been theorised that the Zealots burnt Rome to a crisp and not Nero. Caligula was in bed with the Herod’s (and an enemy of “Israel” by rote). Nero made a concerted effort in stamping out trouble in the holy region “Nero style”. But, I concur, Vespasian was an AOK guy. He was uncle of the Son of God and that’s gotta make one feel good….eh? 😉

I suggest you revisit at some point 🙂

By: cdemby2015c Mon, 14 Mar 2016 16:28:17 +0000 WOW! … this is just about the best report ever on the state of things. Meanwhile, millions on line are discussing a possible solution to the Trump issue with a radical idea:

‘Kill Trump’: 124,000,000 results
Enraged left calls for assassination

‘assassinate trump’ — 117,000,000 results

‘take out trump’ — 23,100,000 results

The assassin would be lauded as a Hero, as he is carted off to prison. Interesting times we live in…

By: Michael Burns Mon, 14 Mar 2016 15:18:38 +0000 @OT
Now that is bullshit, of the cuff Oz…I receive newly written research papers every week on the inner workings of the old empire.
From streetlighting to credit systems, from civil markets to bread making; from women gladitorial schools to lead waterpipes and their part in the fall, to the great and darkly powerful Imperial cult itsself.
Rome is an Idea…
I have been researching Rome over the course of my lifetime. It is one area that I have acquired a knowledge.
I had a great admiration for the Rome of my boyhood. Over the course of my lifetime…
I am not so impressed today, Rome was a blight, a cancer on the soul of man. It was the reinvention of a still older ideal.

Interesting enough the early dictators paid for propaganda, they knew quite quickly the power of consent. The power of the mass, the mob manipilated assassinated senators and those that stood in the way of the rising psychopath.

Titus is a favourite of mine (I am also fascinated by his father Vespasian, and brother) had a mind like a steel trap. One of the greatest military minds of his era, history owes him more than he got; a lot of that was his own doing, the Bible owes him everything.
A propagandist of the highest order. Absolutely remarkable how sophisticated the thinking of this man, who thought himself a God. He would not be out of place in 2016.
He would eat Trumps for breakfast.

Writers, actors, paid mouthpieces, traders, travelling merchants, put into the public mind whatever was dictated. Secret societies flourished, never so much as the shadow side of power in the body of the great Imperial cult.

It is not the bad press Ozzie, it is their press that confused the issues and the tiny unthought of causes of Rome’s too greatness and it’s purposeful fall into another more ‘economical’ thing of unimaginable power.

The Roman is very much still with us today, evolved into modernism, the foundation of law, politics and foreign vassal states; the structure of military ground forces; cities; municipal codes of conduct; military strategy…the whole idea of divide and conquer, in fact Hegel’s problem reaction solution was a Roman idea first. Militarily they used it like a scalpel against greater nations bringing societies and other culture, quickly to their knees.

It is not rare to find battles were ten legions fought a force of thirty or forty, fifty thousand. The war of atrition is a constant pressure, it can be felt in the air, it is magic.
Crucifixon is not a torture devise, it is mind control, very sophisticated mind control.
Every Christian should research just the idea of the cross itself.
Titus changed it in mid course from a hardened negative energy devise of great fear and terror to the symbol of a God of love. What a feat. That is why it has lasted so long. Titus was as likable as Hannibal Lecter in his pathology…tuly a genius.
The Roman did not suffer bad press; the truth is now starting to surface Ozzie. From many many real researching away from the mainstream, away from the politics of faculties.

By: Ozzie Thinker Mon, 14 Mar 2016 06:55:22 +0000 Unfortunately, Michael, as I am learning to my dismay, the Roman emperors given the worse “press” by the mainstream (and that’s all we have today as everything else has been long censored) are the ones that tried to address the issues.

That’s why, politically, we keep just going round and round in circles.

By: arcadia11 Sun, 13 Mar 2016 03:39:34 +0000 only because it’s a mob that is easily led.
they’re wounded. we have all been wounded.
weakness is easily forgiven, and wounds heal.

it’s different this time, michael. a great many of us
would not be here if that were not the case.

By: Michael Burns Sat, 12 Mar 2016 21:57:23 +0000 @ a11

Well said, I agree whole heartedly. Trump is three card monte. He is about as deep as a puddle. Such a contrast between him the Hive Queen and her machine mind.

As the the classic Roman Empire crumbled, senseless wars and institutionalized corruption ate at it like a cancer, the buying and seeling of its great assets came cheap, the fracturing at the edges and the implosion and fall of the great beast. The celtic hordes an the barbarian rushing in seeking revenge for the past…
The Neros and the Caligulas took the reins of power, hollow men debaucherous all of them, who could not even hang on to the Rome that once was on its rise to control the known world of that time.
The rebellion of the generals, infighting and assassinations. The degeneracy and flawed character of the last ceasars ; and they could only appeal to an mob; they became afraid of the people and used greater force to hold together something that would not stay; classical Rome had become a seething pus filled thing. And so, they were left with appeasing the rabble with ‘Bread and Circus’. Or false flags against an exponentially growing Christianity. A bankrupt empire falling ever faster. Only to save itself in another way. By becoming what was bringing it down.

How easily the educated forget the lessons of history, and how ignorant of those who have not read it, and believe that their time is the first time this has happened.
Trump leads a mob.

By: Sara r Sat, 12 Mar 2016 15:33:41 +0000 This seems the most reasonable conclusion.

By: JerseyCynic Sat, 12 Mar 2016 07:46:28 +0000 Out of the park, Jon!
