Comments on: Operating outside Matrix Sat, 12 Mar 2016 11:39:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul Revere and the Aiders Sat, 12 Mar 2016 11:39:50 +0000 I may have dumped the idea of living in America decades ago but I took the best part of America with me when I left. And that is simply the mindset of the Founders based on free-will, inherent rights, entrepreneurial ideas, aspirations, imaginative visions and no income taxes. And although they were slave owners themselves, they still created the best system that was a model to create a better free world mentality. Unfortunately, that model has been being hijacked by convoluted manufactured reality from the beginning of America and is everywhere today. Thanks to all the things you’ve exposed over the years, you’ve strengthened my personal views with plenty of added insights. I’m grateful for that. The manufactured status quo has become a plague everyone needs to be awakened too including my children. I have ordered Power outside the Matrix today and will use it to enhance my home schooling program for my children so I can’t wait to share more of your insightful and aspiring knowledge with them. Thanks Jon.
