Comments on: Netflix House of Cards: politics without redemption Thu, 17 Mar 2016 20:39:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Burns Thu, 17 Mar 2016 20:39:11 +0000 @ the bleak one
Back to your video game, troll.Get your ma to send you down a sandwich and a glass of milk…looking for an apartment must be hard when mommy support you…hm Mr Bleak.

By: bleak Thu, 17 Mar 2016 19:08:01 +0000 What’s it to ya? Your reply says a lot about you. Sunshine? Really? I haven’t seen much lately, have you? I may be bleak but I’m also a realist. I don’t bullshit anyone which, apparently, you have a knack for. Good luck with your bad self. Oh wait, there’s no such thing as luck. I guess you’re fucked then, lol.

By: Michael Burns Thu, 17 Mar 2016 17:11:02 +0000 @bleak
Is that your real name, or your atittude sunshine?
Actually no I am not a slum lord, but I do subsidize a couple of residents, don’t want to toot my own horn. But they are having rough times, it’ll straightened out for them.
As for you..well your just…blea, right.

By: bleak Thu, 17 Mar 2016 09:19:03 +0000 Hey Mike, could you rent me an apartment? You’re not a slum lord, are you?

By: bleak Thu, 17 Mar 2016 08:56:34 +0000 Anyway, as intriguing as HoC’s is, it’s still gets filed under Mind Control, right? True, the psychopaths portrayed in it are analogous to their real life counterparts (give or take a few individual and mass murders here and there) but isn’t HoC’s just another gauge to filter the populace with? To predict their actions/reactions?

Looking at the HoC’s Facebook page over the years, I couldn’t help but notice how many people actually root for Frank, Claire and their minions. I got into a dialog with one kid who said he wanted to be like Frank, run for office, and commit heinous, psychopathic acts against his fellow man. I told him that posting his intent of criminality, albeit a little premature, might come back to bite him on the ass someday if he were successful. I guess that made some sense to him because he deleted all his comments lol. Woops, too late lol.

As bad as the HoC’s characters are, do they even come close to the real thing? I’m thinking mostly of the CIA here. No mention of any agency who operates in secret with agendas/operations that baffle the mind in their cunning, conniving heinousness (MK Ultra for example).

But I got this lurking notion that the shadow gov’t has a thing for hiding the truth in plain sight. For some reason, they think that by telling people some parts of what is actually taking place because of events they set in motion, they somehow absolve themselves from Divine Retribution (Karma). Yeah. It is tied to the occult definitely and there may be some reference in the Talmud which I am currently searching for.

By: elxroflife Tue, 15 Mar 2016 21:47:32 +0000 We each use our own intuition and imagination, and give our own interpretation to Jon’s writing. I see it more like: stop giving your power away. Get involved, do your part. Your government is a very estranged, fascist predator. He can see how Trump is upsetting the political status quo, and also takes response-ability for his projections on the Trump he would like to see, and knowing the actual Trump most likely would fall short. I agree with you that individuals can make ALL the difference on terms of using our creative gifts and talents. This of course includes our imagination. We need massive activism on things we are passionate about, as those are usually the things that matter. I am doing my part. And yes, I can imagine what we can do when each of us is willing to clear ourselves from corrupted thought forms and actions, and instead be who we are and do what is appropriate for our evolution. At the same time I leave room for things to fall into place even better then I can imagine. I do anticipate things (the unsustainable stuctures of society) have to fall apart first. Yes, it will be incredible, beyond what we can imagine.

Instead of hope, I go straight to trusting in the power we can yield together, co-creating a new paradigm, with sustainable structures, generated from the inside by each individual.

By: From Québec Tue, 15 Mar 2016 20:24:47 +0000 ABOUT:

Centre for Research on Globalization
The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) is an independent research and media organization based in Montreal. The CRG is a registered non-profit organization in the province of Quebec, Canada.

So what do you expect from a shit hole socialist province, Michael?

By: Michael Burns Tue, 15 Mar 2016 19:54:08 +0000 @FQ
What an obnoxious old hag you are…fuck off.
You did’nt hit any bulleye…I have nothing invested you stupid cow.
I should have used lesser language, I know you don’t understand the english language, you are rude, and a fanatic.
Stop bothering me.
I not interested in you vitriol. Go away.
Go talk to your brother about Trump…your brother the murderer, talk to him.

By: From Québec Tue, 15 Mar 2016 19:14:16 +0000 Oh boy! I really did hit straight into the Bullseye. But I already knew that.

One more advice for you: Stop reading and believing the MSM trash on Donald Trump. They are the most dishonest people in the world. And by the way, Trump is not a politician, he’s a business man, in case you didn’t notice.

By: Michael Burns Tue, 15 Mar 2016 18:03:32 +0000 @From Quebec

You don’t have a clue what your talking about, you know nothing of me.
You know nothing of my character, or even how old I am…am I male?…female? Where do I live? How do I make my money? What color am I? Am I really an artist?..what kind?
What country am I living in? What do I own? How much am I worth….hm. Do you know these things?
You know what I tell you…
You have no idea how much money I have…really you don’t. You live in an I own apartments. Too funny.

So don’t talk to me about hating wealth or being a hippie, or not understanding capitalism.

I throw away more original ideas in five minutes, than you will ever have in your life. I have built great things. Things you will never see.

I know exactly who you are though….So shut up.
You go around sticking labels on things, this is this and so that means that…hippies are this and young people are that. And socialists are this, communism means that… And I know character, I have never been wrong, but I also hate men, but, I like psychopaths.

You are bitter and old, trying to relive a past life, decades old. That world will never come back, and it should’nt. And you have some fantasy, about you and the Trump. Some soap opera playing in your head, lol. Some reality in your head that keeps you warm at night.

I tire of your personal insults, I am tire of your endless propaganda for a loud mouth racist billionaire who wants to become a dictator. Of a radio host who is a loud mouth.

You think I care about any of them. Any at all…Bernie? Hillary? Ted?

My comments here are not directed at you, unless I speak to you directly Quebec in a comment. Which I have stopped doing…it has panned out for me, as an exercise in futility to speak to you.

When I comment, I speak to Jon Rappoport, this is his site. I question what he writes, that is a freedom.
I own all his products, so therefor I have a right to question.

You keep saying you give up on what I say…problem is you won’t shout up though!
So this time please shout up. Mind your own business, I am not speaking to you when I comment…ok!
No more insults. If my speaking about politicians insults you, too bad, I not speaking to you directly, I am voicing a free opinion about them.

Just keep watching your soap operas in the afternoon, and believing your right, and listen to your dictators pour poison into your ears.

But for me, go away! Don’t insult me anymore. I am not interested in what you have to say.
