Comments on: The Matrix of technocracy: the roots of the conspiracy Sat, 19 Mar 2016 01:37:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ozzie Thinker Sat, 19 Mar 2016 01:37:10 +0000 Why would a sycophant be addressed with a capital?

Ah ha so those with minds have personality disorders; “diagnosable” no less? I was wrong. You are not worthy of the title “moron”?

Good day…….:)

By: medicinehorse179 Fri, 18 Mar 2016 14:06:12 +0000 ….yada, yada, yada, blah, blah, blah,….. “Timmy”, “Chucky”, and “Freddie”….????….wtf?….
What do 1960’s musician Tiny Tim, demigod Chuck Norris, and cartoon character Fred Flintstone have to do with it?….
Shouldn’t it be >”Mr. Typo”Mr “typo”<….????…. After all, being the supreme embodiment of human perfection, which you so obviously proclaim yourself to be, the GREAT OMNISCIENT Ozzie Thinker is GOD, corretc?…. Sorry it took me 2 days to reply, kiddo….
You're infatuated with me, aren't you? That's ok, I'm used to it….
And, btw, where does your citation of "noble" (sic) resource for "truth" come from.
Personally, I think you have some kind of diagnosable personality disorder….
You're really weird, dude….
(and also BTW, the "ancient ones" are a fantasy which exists only in your imagination….)

By: Mia Manners Fri, 18 Mar 2016 07:56:46 +0000 When I read this, I know it rings true…I am constantly wondering as to what my place in the world is and how to stand up for mother earth and how to go about that, dreaming of my intuitive imagination stretching across the boards of making a difference. Its good to read, learn, deepen my watch and step by step, remain vigilant to the antidepressants, dead foodstuffs, drugs, chemicals and tel-lie-vision on offer globally through the globalist agenda of mass mono crop manipulation…thank you..

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 16 Mar 2016 22:49:28 +0000 You seemed to be implying, you were little Timmy sitting on Chucky’s lap with a beaming Freddie looking on in approval….

Ah now I get it; Mr “typo” relying on the “noble” (sic) resource for “truth”. Where would we be without propaganda?

The ancient ones don’t understand our obsession with linearity. When has always been far less important than what. The past has gone. It is disordered and wrecked. Only the future awaits with the present hovering ever seeking an opportunity to bite us all in the ass.

By: medicinehorse179 Wed, 16 Mar 2016 17:04:55 +0000 When this post first appeared yesterday, there was a typo, which stated the manifesto was printed in “1948”…. I KNEW that wasn’t correct, but yes, I had to wiki it, to find out it was 1848.
The post was correct without comment…. And, as a matter of fact, yes, I WAS there. I have ALWAYS been EVERYWHERE. But I’m stupid. Why do you ask?____________?rsvp?____

By: medicinehorse179 Wed, 16 Mar 2016 16:57:40 +0000 Let’s call them the “GREG B.’s”…. That means Global Ruling Elites, & Global Banksters”….
So we can all blame that guy “Greg B.”…. (HELLO!, to my friend in the Netherlands!)

By: Wed, 16 Mar 2016 13:05:22 +0000 Jon, Thanks for the matrix of technocracy article. It is not science and technological science which is used to manage the global energy distribution for instance It is the presuppositions regarding the total amount of available energy resources including the environmental costs together with the pseudo or false scientific approach to solve problems. Many problems for people have been solved properly, but false science is promoting false science supporting global corporations products and strategies and has been suppressing excellent problem solving by independant scientist, inventors, technologists and people operating independantly from main stream science and technology These solutions NEVER get funding and this simply is the policy to let them crave for funding they will NEVER get. Banks invest only in the allowed problem solutions which will generate more revenue, profit, control and growing monopolistic global power. Science has been distorted gradually and intensively up until the root. There is no science other than science used by vested interests. Science has been destroyed. False Science and false technology are the logical result of the suppression by the banksters and the global hidden hand of the available excellent solutions to the problems. They define the very limited solutions space to further only their own interests, not the interests of the people who are in desparate need of effective solutions. They define a reality of solutions which is false, because it is preventing the already available excellent solutions from entering the global market. Competition is a sin in their eyes. They present to the global audience a extremely limited “reality”. Groet, Jan Ligthart

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 16 Mar 2016 01:28:28 +0000 So you were there?

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 16 Mar 2016 01:27:52 +0000 Interesting piece, Jon, but the reasons might surprise you (does anything coming from ME “surprise” you?)

I made mention of a shift in the human group energy field on one of my old posts on Can’t remember which one – too long ago. Around 1870 (maybe give or take a decade or two) the human energy field became more compatible with Ciakar (reptilian) reasoning.

The first attempt at group humanisation (reptilian style) culminated with what is known as the medieval period, with its familiar symbols (the fleur de lys is the most popular reptilian one. It means rebirth and this is symbolised by the lotus flower in certain human cultures) and rituals (such as chivalry).

Reptilians have two sides. One is gushingly, overtly (holier than thou) humanitarian. and the other is psychotic covert xenophobic (belief in “terrorism” round every corner)..

In the 1960’s there was a shift to the mantis energy field. I think this was geared to make humans more pliable (and to a degree it has worked), but the negative effect (for the Draco string pullers) is it made humans more resilient, more geared to truth/logic/reason. Right now I see a dichotomy coming through. There hasn’t been a shift of values, per se. I see a cacophony of discordance with the mindset spectrum erupting into regular conflicts.

I am certain that the Draco are behind globalism as their societies are very ordered and (generally speaking) blindly follow the illusions served up by their “elites”. They can also monitor and tag thoughts, so the “technocracy concept” is in its infancy on the Earth plane.

Keep thrashing this subject out, Jon. It’s more important than you might imagine.


By: CP Wed, 16 Mar 2016 00:11:32 +0000 Great article, thank you, Mr. Rappoport. Incidentally, a brilliant 2003 documentary available on youtube titled The Net explores the convergence of Technocracy, transhumanism, CIA mind control experiments and the CIA’s hand in creating the marriage of the 60s counterculture with cybernetics and psychedelics. Tied in to the narrative is the remarkable situation of Ted Kaczynski being a young Harvard math genius and a victim of an MK Ultra experiment directed by Major Henry Murray who also happened to be connected to the NY Macy Conferences attended by the CIA and scientific luminaries dedicated to developing scientific methods to predict and control human behavior. The film director discovered a remarkable nexus of characters in on the grand plan of reducing all human behavior to algorithms controlled under a monolithic system.
