Comments on: If Bernie supporter and Trump supporter had this conversation Wed, 23 Mar 2016 16:03:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Burns Wed, 23 Mar 2016 16:03:19 +0000 @ Terry “I can’t make up my mind” Schiller

Are you one of those shallow people; Democrat to Republican, Republican to Democrat. yeah change when it suit your fancy. Fancy pants. Have you got no sense of loyalty. Stick with team, even though their losers…don’t ya know.
How about Bernie for prez…and the Trumpalator for Under Secretary of Transportation. How abnout that fancy pants…lol.
Too funny Terry.

By: From Québec Fri, 18 Mar 2016 01:38:43 +0000 Hum… not going to happen.

Trump, says that he would love to debate with the Communist, but he would much prefer to debate with Hillary, it would be a lot more fun.,, lol

By: Terry Schiller Thu, 17 Mar 2016 11:01:41 +0000 What about Donald Trump for Prez and Bernie Sanders for VP? To me, that they are in different parties doesn’t matter. I had no problem switching from Democrat to Republican, and believe party platforms are full of crap.

By: From Québec Wed, 16 Mar 2016 21:48:03 +0000 Well, YES and NO:

– YES: I believe that maybe 50% of Sander’s fans really want jobs, and that they will vote for Trump if he gets the nomination.

– NO: I believe that the other 50% of Sander’s fans, only want handouts , they want everything free. So they would never vote for Trump, they will go for Hillary instead.

On the other side:

– NO: Trumps fans would never vote for Bernie, because they really want jobs, they want to work, have a good living, be proud of themselves and their country, and they want to get rid of socialism.

Bernie wants to tax the Middle Class to oblivion. He will make everybody a poor, powerless slave. He will destroy the country and the USA will never be able to recuperate their past greatness.

Trump talks about pride, greatness, prosperity, creativity and freedom. This is why half of Sander’s fans hate him so much.

And, Bernie would never be able to bring jobs back. He doesn’t have what it takes to do it.
But, Trump will do it very easily. He knows the Art of the Deal.


– YES: half of Sander’rs fans would vote for Trump.
– NO : Not one supporter of Trump would ever vote for Bernie.

By: Michael Burns Wed, 16 Mar 2016 15:53:49 +0000 Very very good. I laughed for an hour.
