Comments on: Imagination and the fire Sun, 03 Apr 2016 01:31:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: marylynn80 Sun, 03 Apr 2016 01:31:31 +0000 Do you have a site with your art?

By: Ozzie Thinker Sat, 26 Mar 2016 00:03:30 +0000 @Binra

The emphasis was not on perspective, but “self” (you substitute the concept “sense of being” for self). Is the group (everything, God) a consequence of your “sense of being” or is your “sense of being” a consequence of the group (God)?

Interestingly, considering the divides caused by this dreadful “Good Friday” tradition against such a poignant message of “hope” (as, in the sense of, inspiration), I can see why the individual has been lulled into denial of “what is” and everything pure.

By: binra Fri, 25 Mar 2016 17:44:47 +0000 At such times I feel the ‘loss in translation’ indicates a loss of signal to noise.
Perspective is not personality. I am not talking from or to personality. You wont find the signal there.

Transcendence through embrace is my sense of being, and Good Friday is an apt reminder of fully embracing as the way of transcending. Anything else is some kind of denial that must inevitably struggle with its shadow.

By: Ozzie Thinker Fri, 25 Mar 2016 01:23:04 +0000 @Binra

The problem with your last comment (which I must say might qualify as a doctorate with some “padding”) is you view everything, rate everything from the perspective of “self”. To understand the transcendentalism on existence, you must shed the “self”. It [you] has no relevance whatsoever OTHER THAN how it [you] AFFECTS the group (animate or inanimate) or, perhaps more importantly, how the GROUP AFFECTS IT [YOU]

Reflecting some of your early sentiment, it is poignant, with all those tales of dreadful torturous behaviours against man by the Draco (reptilian “nether” entities), higher orders of intelligence realise (some can even EXPERIENCE!) everything that is done to “one” reflects the “whole”. Positive/negative experiences for me are ultimately positive/negative experiences of the group (whole).

Sorry for the late response. Bin busy!


By: binra Mon, 21 Mar 2016 08:46:08 +0000 Thankyou. I’ll have a look. I’m not seeking a grasp so much as to release it to being truly found in already Embrace – but I also see that a willingness to articulate a reflection to the the heart’s intuitive wordless knowing can serve the recognition in others as I simply listen ‘with everyone else listening’. Shared purpose is shared Mind. Being moved is not passive – so much as true receptive – from which the active rises and embodies. The disconnected sense of ‘active’ is already emasculated – hence the hard armouring and ‘proof’ of power seeking validation in denials OF the receptive. This is in fact passive – because it knows not what it does while passively surrendered to – indeed possessed by – a fearfully defined sense of power.

But truth rests in power and that is why it cannot be used as a weapon without turning upon the wielder. Forgiveness of a true Self acceptance can replace the sword. Perhaps that’s a summary of what I just wrote below – but came back to write the prequel! (Non linear editing!)

To interest such as there may be I write in the themes being opened here – not just as personal response – though I appreciate sharing in a willingness to feel ideas rather than use them for combat!

Whatever is – however knowing or beholding to be – is as it is. The mind can encode ‘is’, within a framework of meanings that then come ‘between’ as individual amidst infinite perspective. So was and maybe, or even shall be, arise within ‘Always’ as if Always is fragmented to time out of mind – and ‘mind how you go!’ – or lose awareness to a splitting image of a compulsive inversion of freedom in the idea of opposition.

The undoing, recognition or resolving of all things back to source is their freedom to reflect source rather than mind – for mind no longer ‘splits’ or comes between. It never did or could but the desire to serve experience calls it forth.

My experience arises the meanings I give and accept – ah! but now is an “I” of the infinite – presumed and experienced in finite terms simultaneously! I don’t doubt the beauty of Existence is appreciable via number, geometry, music and vibrational qualities of resonance, but that Existence Itself is unspeakable – and its qualities may animate living imagery yet are not rendered or defined in image apart from the animating desire.

To write this I am paused and aligned here and there to write an embodiment of balanced willingness for recognition and rest in the fact of existence – prior to any mental assertion of non-existence or any idea of beauty or ugliness. Not for my person among persons – but as a witness in which to reflect without distortion.

The ‘how’ of and the ‘why’ or ‘what for’, subside as movements of mind in question, to abide in the heart of knowing the very thing in its moment of opening to ask.

Then in a sense , together as one, heart and mind embody a harmonic of a unified purpose and the ‘interference patterning’ of denial and forgetting is no longer tuned to.

To explain anything in terms of something ‘else’ is to redistribute ‘meanings’ that are tributaries of the idea of creating something ‘else’; something unlike and different from Infinitely Always and Exactly Is. Thus we seem to become something ‘else’ and to have all things serve and reflect an OTHER meaning – and cascade of derivative meanings.

The loss of Identity for a shifting image amidst the ever changing has a traumatic and tragic underside – whenever the absurdity of such notion is lost to the acceptance and embodiment of self-serious hate – for so is judgement however it arises to cover a deeper integrity of acceptance.

Who runs off with what? But there’s no taking away of the chosen experience while it is given a negative identity from which a mind unlike source nature unfolds in compulsion to survive or overcome a dictate it does not recognize its own.

Trapped by the attempt to escape a falsely framed experience – but which nonetheless truly affords Experience that is chosen and – in time and timing – embraced, re-cognized and re-membered and in a sense yes – decoded or translated ‘back’ into its original.

This is anything but a call for stasis or regression. Creation is by Nature an extension or gift – “Behold I make all things new”. But to a grasping identity in image and form this is no gift but a curse to escape or shut down into a private mind of exclusive dictate!

What we dedicate, or use the gift for is not only ‘our reward’ it is our sharing on. To share the gift of refusal to receive and embrace – for the sake of a private ‘creator’ – is to give true power to the idea of creating isolation and dissociation in dissonance – within an illusion of power. But with all of the power we give it.

The idea of illusion may suggest something without substance that one can ignore. But the force of desire and intent given the illusion of self-segregation is perhaps likened to a ‘Big Bang’ or indeed an ‘Expulsion from and loss of Paradise; of Communioned being’. The ‘Fall” posits a narrative of guilt feared and projected away. The Grand Project. The ‘Bang’ posits impersonal objective distance of ‘billions of years’ in place of Creative Existence and effectively air-brushes Consciousness from the scene.

But Consciousness – in its original quality is the All, is the being of any and all within All. But a mutually agreed redefinition of consciousness into terms of the personality structure of belief, emotion and act, sets a control boundary on what is acceptable as ‘me’ that likewise redefines the ‘shadow’ of denied self – and seems to ‘exist’ in opposition to it – and therefore in opposition to the restoring or healing to wholeness of being.

The art of ‘living in both worlds’ at once comes from yielding the control mentality idea to the Consciousness Being. Which is surrendering only to true – instead of attempting to determine and assert power from an out-of-true perspective. So first is the release of what seems or seemed to an open willingness or receptivity – within the movement of the natural desire – or in willingness to reconnect to awareness of the rising of true desire – which is simply what you recognize to be aligned with who you feel and know yourself to be – rather than who you are told or have told yourself you should be – and may be characterised by a quality of connected joy that may or may not associate with that term – but is a truly Felt Quality of Being rather than a private think. Then whatever you are doing, you are living from who you are and your presence gifts the world. Whether others pick up on that is a matter of resonance – but you will meet a different ‘world’ through presence than the world of mis-timings and mis-alignments that are forever seeming promising and disappointing until wearying the game of the candle.

By: Ozzie Thinker Sun, 20 Mar 2016 08:52:20 +0000 Superb comment, Binra.

You are coming to grips with “big picture”. However, the reality (excuse the pun) is far from manifest reality “guided” by perception.

I outline what “real” reality is in my e-book, “The Beauty of Existence Decoded”. The role of atoms refract matched idiosyncrasies of a “higher” expressive force which is managed by the juxtaposition of unique immaterial souls/spirits (causing “life”). Time doesn’t exist in linear form nor do linear forms, EXCEPT in the way they are rationalised through our perception which is the product of the yin-yang spirit/soul proto-material ego combination (i.e. ALL egos are “split”).

Over-simplified? Yes, but I think you would understand the “complete version” (or, rather, more complete), the “gibberish” (sic) of “The Beauty of Existence Decoded”. I recommend you seek it out 🙂

By: David Sun, 20 Mar 2016 06:50:23 +0000 Your writing gets better and better, amazing energy for someone who’s lived a hell of a lot longer than me! Woah.

By: binra Sat, 19 Mar 2016 19:06:43 +0000 An initial movement of ‘reaching’ to, striking or embracing and holding – all attract forms that become associated with the act and its responsive (conditioning) experience.
The desire to grasp and manipulate had a hand in the design.
So in a sense structure arises from function/intention/act.
Which then conforms experience within itself.
The ‘rulemaker’ may be an unconsciousness or pre-conscious impulse to which a stirring conscious meaning is applied. The root meaning may set an evolutionary impulse to uncover its true root through the ‘mistake’. So all perspectives are valid – but the truth embraces and transcends them all; the everlasting ‘arms’.

(I found the first few lines had been removed from my reply – and on re-reading yours – felt to bring them in after all).

Probable realities that are relevant and resonant to the themes we have in a sense come her to explore – are the practical relation with the Infinite – and though it cant be absolutely ruled out from possibility – my arms persist in the range of functionality by which I have awareness through them – and of them. I might add that on occasion I have woke in the night to have cut off blood supply to an arm and it felt a dead blobby thing that I could neither sense through or move of its own musculature.

On occasions when reality ‘rules’ are broken, it is common that the experience is denied awareness or airbrushed and invalidated from memory. The ‘rules’ have internal function as providers of stability and continuity without which many minds will freak out- and demand… limits and rules to restore conditions the current identity can tolerate.

By: binra Sat, 19 Mar 2016 16:21:35 +0000 I feel the gist of what you share Ozzie. What already Is – and embodying perfectly as this very moment – hardly reduces itself to fit into a set of linear-spatial mental constructs. But if we know that, we can open a glimpse from which to shift from a mental construct to a Felt Relational freedom.

Another way of seeing is that of ‘collective template blueprints’ that establish a broad general agreement within which to have the focus of unfolding (human) experience. We each and all have “come here” (focused in exactly this way) for what we have come to ‘do’ or feel and explore and experience – which is always part of a larger Movement – that can be called Soul/OverSoul – and which are outside time – for the ‘movement’ is of focusing within Infinity – and not in space/time – though that is not different – it just seems so very real as a sense of travelling.

Definitions at the core level cascade sub-divisions. These operate a zooming in of focus but lose overview.
Within the possibilities of even these core definitions are the infinite possibilities of experience. Focusing in what you DONT want as if you do – is part of a tricksy way of forgetting who you are amidst a sense of conflicted opposition. A way of splitting the consciousness into isolated and warring fragments – for your own reasons. Perhaps reasons arising AFTER having looked into what a dissonance of being warned not to forget was an out-of-true framing of experience – but it fascinated and attracted and before you know it – you (your focus of attention) are on a roller coaster through hell with some less bad bits seeming worthy of idolizing and attaining as a result of eradicating or denying the hateful or fearful ‘oppositions’ to such a sense of power.

The truly ‘heavenly’ are the bleedthroughs of a truly balanced and un-conflicted wholeness – that is more of a vertical dimension – closer than what the world calls now. Attempts to fix such glimpses only exchange an inspired form for a masked sense of denial – for though the grasper may run with the idea of having ‘the truth’ – the only life it has is within the fixed definition – and so it devolves as an experiencing of that Idea into concept – as structuring of a derivative experience. At first it seems we have the power and the light – but the disconnected light is loveless power and this reveals itself to the hollowing and false meanings that presage the ‘prodigal wasteland’ from which what is valueless can be spontaneously released to a Fresh Perspective in Flow with a loving light of honouring wholeness.

Trying to understand from any other perspective is usually a tempt to persist in imposing a loveless imagination to fill a hollow sense of lack. And that can not create but only recycle from its original imprinting as a mis-take. But a mistake, Recognized, within true willing is really the point of shifting as a result of owning.(And the feeling of being truly KNOWN. The guilt trip is a false sense of protection from loss of face – or loss of identity that is equated with life itself. Look to where you put your treasure – for the ever changing is here to reflect experience of your choosing – not to keep an exception apart from change.

By: Ozzie Thinker Sat, 19 Mar 2016 01:59:26 +0000 Lovely comment, binra.

You have aptly summarised one half of existence; which is the provision to “follow” or “mislead”.

There is much more to chaos than meets the eye and Jon has (sort of) identified so with his imagination thingy. However, most “imagination” is preformed in astral realms (located in “sub-space” of course – by extension), but not all. Or, rather, let us take a simple human arm, which is limited by design. It cannot behave like a blob of jelly, for instance. There are a series of designated “rules” attached to its form. To have rules you must have rule makers and these, consequentially, would have predetermined or predicted facilitations to satisfy various mechanical and other ranges associated with the material plane. The extent of these is guesswork, but, needless to say, not every paradox would have been catered for and each user is limited only by “design” so this is where the “individual” can strike home with fundamental creation (chaos) out of order.

After rereading that, it is possibly going to be very difficult to comprehend. If what I have said doesn’t make sense please let me know.
