Comments on: Brussels attacks: the next step: bye bye Europe Sun, 03 Apr 2016 22:09:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hannah Sun, 03 Apr 2016 22:09:47 +0000 I do not know a single person in Europe who does NOT know the real purpose of massive immigration. Politicians try to convince that everything is fine. Nobody believes them. Everybody knows the real goal is to build the United States of Europe – most EU citizens do not want it. They hate it. 50% or more of Europeans want to get rid of European Union. There will probably be war in Europe and the reason is mass immigration and/or getting rid of EU. Europe is boiling. The media won’t tell you that but you go and talk to European people and you’ll find out the truth.

By: D. Wed, 30 Mar 2016 21:48:18 +0000 Pretty sure you are twisting the truth:
Public Law 102-14 is an American federal law which states that the “Seven Noahide Laws” (Laws from the Jewish Babylonian Talmud) are the principle on which the United States was founded, and that it is the responsibility of America to transmit these “ethical values” to future generation both in the United States and the world. But what are these so-called “ethical values” known as the “Seven Noahide Laws” and what implications do they have for non-Jews?


The section “Laws Before Sinai” states that with few exceptions, the breaking of the Noahide Laws is punishable by death by decapitation. The Noahide Laws sets up a two-tier legal system, one for Jews and one for non-Jews. “Noachids (who are non-Jews, children of Noah) are subjected to a different and less fair legal system than Jews. A non-Jew (Noachid, child of Noah) can be sentenced to death with only one witness and by one judge (Jews are required more judges and witnesses to be condemned to death). Also, unlike Jews, non-Jews (Noachids) are not entitled to an official warning for their first transgression of the law. Non-Jews (Noachids) may be executed if they blaspheme even using a substitute for the name of the Jewish Talmudic god, but Jews must use the full official name of god when blaspheming to be condemned to death. There is an obvious inequality before the law, non-Jews are put at a disadvantage under the Noahide Laws in regards to trial and execution.

Noahide Law (Public Law 102-14) was passed by only four congressmen
Public Law 102-14 Honors Anti-Gentile Rabbi
Noahide Law against theft… Jews can steal from non-Jews

By: Michael Burns Thu, 24 Mar 2016 18:26:59 +0000 @gwp

By: Michael Burns Thu, 24 Mar 2016 17:58:48 +0000 @Atossa

Psychobabble motherfucker…

First of, get your head out of your ass you smelling shit not truth. Your slanting the truth.
Isis is funded heavily and lead by American contractors, under the CIA and the Pentagon; as a matter of fact Erik Prince of darkness has a lot to tell under the proper waterboarding and approved torture techniques.
America has been thowing hand grenades up and down main streets all over the planet for two hundred years.

I am not a fan of government at all, I’m an anarchist if anything. But in this stance, Putin put the kiboosch on the American plan to destabilize Assad. Part of the cluster that started with The Arab spring.
Assad is a democratically elected president as opposed to the American way of choosing their presidents, through the dumbed down technique.

Your reference to the Russian Jew; Stalin killed more Jews that Hitler ever could possibly do. He hated the fuckers…they fled the country. It’s the only thing Stalin and Hitler agreed on.

And it is not many years of civil war; The war has only began publically since 911, and this neocon idealism of a NWO has stepped up to the plate after it’s illegal war with Iraq, showing themselves arrogantly to the public and their Zionist influence. They are not afraid of the light now….cocka roaches. A matter of over-confidence, it’s the fatal flaw of a psychopath. It is his downfall, it will bring them down.

While they reek havoc on Assad, the Jew slime suck the oil fields of Syria dry from the Syrian Golan heights illegally with their directional drilling methods. And are allowed to use and sell that oil legally on the world market. The Golan land is still in depute with the UN, even though it is Syrian land stolen during the Syrian/Israeli war that strangely the UN does not intervene in…hm.

So give me a break about the poor jew…fuck the jew. He thinks he is Gods choosen…fuckin arrogance.

Why does America not impose its policy of not allowing countries using US foreign aid to purchase weapons; why does it not impose this rule on Israel?
But yet it does on everybody else; it is the first prerequisite to that foreign aid.
Why did America give Israel, a stolen land; the bomb; but yet contests a sovereign nation thousands of years older to have have nuclear power up until recent times. Bullies, who needs them. Hmm….Answer those questions SFB.

By: Michael Burns Thu, 24 Mar 2016 17:00:46 +0000 @Jeff King

Interesting point Jeff… but does’nt your logic also include religious preference, gender preference, sexual preference to say the least of what is possible within congressional corruption.
Which comes first god or country? Who is causing the most chaos?
Which comes first, the bribe or the corruption. Money seems generally to be a greater corrupter than Zionism. Of course Zionism has a greater possible future threat, with a few of the chosen governing a world of Goy.
I realize any religion that sets itself up in the global populations mind as being; the choosen of God. Reeks terribly of being a black and bastard cult of hyenas.
I see your point though, but what this alludes to is the threat of the shadow side of global politics, and that is Zionism and Israel?
What if there is more than one boogie man? Sort of a…sum of the parts conclusion to the whole cluster fuck.
And what happens if they are colluding with each other for a place at the big table, with all the important kids.
The mafia used to an Italian gang, now they are one the largest corporation on the planet. They manufacture chaos. They want a seat in the next world.
How about the church, or the Queen, or Hollywood etc…..
Strangely enough, it is important that the Dalai Lama’s form of Buddhism makes it to a seat at that large table.
It is us that they are afraid of, not each other. What that old thing about honor among thieves…it is also that way among axe murders.
The problem with cockroaches you step on few of them with a size 11 boot. And during that process eighty million hatched under the floor. Sometimes you have to burn the house down to the granite.

By: Angela Thu, 24 Mar 2016 08:40:45 +0000 People should actually listen to what Donald Trump is saying. He is the only one who is seeing things as they are and calling Obama to account. Donald Trump is not a career politician blind folded by those who wish to destroy democracy and the Western way of life!

By: garylandggsboo Wed, 23 Mar 2016 20:14:57 +0000 I think it would be well for the wise to conduct a rapid study of “Gladio,” and subsequently “Gladio B.” There is much insight to be had thereby.

By: Theodore Wed, 23 Mar 2016 19:44:28 +0000 Roll out…

what you can see… The VIPER teams!

Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response team

…and what you can not see…

By: Theodore Wed, 23 Mar 2016 18:35:47 +0000 excellent points.

* i am personally speculating, that, within the next week or so, the EU and US will introduce a few new “war on cash” edicts as a direct result of the “Brussels attacks”.

By: barn moose Wed, 23 Mar 2016 18:30:38 +0000 One more:

Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations.
