Comments on: The power of imagination Wed, 23 Mar 2016 20:51:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: arcadia11 Wed, 23 Mar 2016 20:51:40 +0000 choose an issue:

laboratory/factory-farm animal torture
blowing off heads and limbs of syrian children & their parents
common core
mandatory vaccination

now show me what compassionate acceptance would look like
vis-a-vis any of the above issues.

a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune,
accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.

to take or receive (something offered); receive with approval or favor
to agree or consent to; accede to
to respond or answer affirmatively to
to undertake the responsibility, duties, honors, etc., of
to receive or admit formally, as to a college or club
to accommodate or reconcile oneself to
to regard as true or sound; believe

to state that (something declared or believed to be true) is not true
to refuse to agree or accede to
to withhold the possession, use, or enjoyment of
to withhold something from, or refuse to grant a request of
to refuse to recognize or acknowledge; disown; disavow; repudiate
to withhold (someone) from accessibility to a visitor
Obsolete. to refuse to take or accept

action, or a call to action, is implied in compassion. saying no is a denial.
i am not afraid of denying. i say no – in no uncertain terms. people have become
afraid to say no. new age/political correctness/it’s all good. they have denied their
own knowing, lives, happiness, health, integrity, goodness by not having the courage
or awareness to say “no”. the denial of denial has caused much suffering.

i do not agree with or consent to tyranny. i wholeheartedly refuse to agree or accede to it –
and on down the list of how we can accomplish denial.

what could be simpler than saying no. i do not accept i do not consent. i will not facilitate.

not consenting or accepting is not the same as denying that something is in fact happening.
if my house was on fire i would run out and get the hose, etc. i would not stop to contemplate,
during a time of dire emergency, how i can apply compassionate acceptance or how i am
somehow responsible for the fire’s existence because of my past programming or traumatic
events. i will put out the effing fire. i will say no the fire. i will engage in philosophy and
pursuits of higher consciousness during a time of leisure, as i feel there is much to remember,
to know and to own.

we should have employed mass denial long, long ago. that would have been an act of higher
consciousness and responsibility. we screwed up. let’s not repeat ancient history.

no, binra. too much time has passed and it is time to say no. our house is on fire.

By: binra Wed, 23 Mar 2016 16:58:45 +0000 Beware of hindsight that suggests ignorance was bliss – for it was NOT – it was whatever occupied you to the exclusion of a perspective in which the feeling of being – even in dissonance – holds the call to wake. Don’t stop at disillusionment as if that is not also an illusion. Why not exchange the false clarity and critical light of hindsight for Compassionate acceptance? -For what is denied must restate itself in terms of denial until owned and resolved within our consciousness.
One more thing: the ego is not the power to Imagine so much as the power to limit and focus attention in specific framing. By staying on focus with what is resonant and relevant to who you truly feel and ACCEPT yourself to be – the ego serves Living purpose that communicates through the ‘Spirit Channel’ of Imagination in whatever ways work for You.
A disconnected sense of imagined power is the sense of being disconnected from Imaginative Freedom. Thus the ‘freedom’ to avoid responsibility in relationship rides roughshod over others to ‘get a private fantasy fulfilment’. But freedom TO relate as the presence you are uncovering to Be – is a Gift that Relationships open and share. But note a real relating can be lost to the concept of a relationship. Concepts operate fixed linear and exclusive identity – IF one is drawn to identify in ego rather than with what comes through the channel – so to speak.

By: Protect Respect Tue, 22 Mar 2016 13:04:33 +0000 So simple yet so True! Thanks for the article because it is needed.
Like so many, I sometimes feel like being “Awake” to the rigged game, that is our world, comes at the cost of losing the bliss of ignorance. I wouldn’t trade what I know by any means. However, this article serves as a reminder that there is still the creative component of self that should not be ignored, but instead tapped into and allowed to flow . The imagination is a gift and what makes us unique as individuals. Why be normal, when we can me so much more!
