Comments on: Bernie Sanders and the rise of the single-payer universe Thu, 17 Jun 2021 16:41:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hannah Sun, 03 Apr 2016 21:30:00 +0000 How is it possible, that in Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland) college education has been free as long as anyone remembers? Health care too. And how is it possible, that there is absolutely no illiteracy at the college level, literacy level is practically 100% of population, only some recently arrived refugees excluded (Finland is the best country in the world when it comes to literacy, other Scandinavian countries following close behind)? How is it possible, that Scandinavian students are not sitting and whining about “safe space”? How is it possible that an average Scandinavian high school student speaks 3 or 4 languages, fluently? This is all achieved in public school system.

How is it possible, that in Scandinavian countries far less people are killed by medical system than in America despite the “free health care for all” system they have? How is it possible, that they spend LESS money on health care (compared to GDP) than America even tough they pay all their health care with taxpayer’s money? How is it possible, that these countries are NOT communist or leftist at all but they actually have a wide variety of active political parties?

Just wondering. How can THEY make it all work so well and WE cannot? Lived there for 40 years so I know what I’m talking about.

By: arcadia11 Wed, 30 Mar 2016 22:53:02 +0000 seconded.

the medical industry is easily
the leading cause of death, disease, and sterility. it was
designed to be so. it is well-
past time to let it die out. same
goes for vets. stay away from

we have chiropractors, naturopaths, midwives, and neighbors who are skilled in
herbal medicine, setting broke bones, etc. as i type
this i am removing skin cancer
with iodine. fascinating process.

don’t feed your pets kibble under any circumstances. aware vets call it kidney failure in a bag for cats and diabetes
in a bag for dogs. my vet could
not cure my dog’s cancer, so i did. verified by the vet. he started giving my number out to
people whose pets had cancer.
animal health has declined at the
same rate as human health. it is
frightening and completely unnecessary. stop using advantage and other pesticides.

do as much for yourselves as possible. it is aesthetic and rewarding. move toward real
healthcare. let the institutions crumble. stop moving backward.

By: Rastafari Wed, 30 Mar 2016 21:32:54 +0000 lol. steve. you make no sense. millions of americans have no insurance and only wish they had an opportunity to wait for health care?

what health care, steve?
cut, poison, burn? is that the one?

drugs, drugs, drugs.
drugs for the old. drugs for the new.

People with health insurance in the us pay more for health care services than … blah blah blah.
No, sorry, there are no health care services in us.
There is only sickness creating services.

you miss the point, steve.

By: Rastafari Wed, 30 Mar 2016 21:24:04 +0000 oh, steve. i seriously doubt anyone died because they didn’t go to the doctor.

poor “medical” services are NOT better than no medical services. Unless you need a wound stitched, why would anyone go to a doctor? drugs, maybe. get the drugs. otherwise, you’re much better off not going to doctors/medical care.

every doctor will encourage you to get a vaccine. flu. pneumonia. shingles. tetnus. why would anyone who you believe is trying to help you feel better … why would they want to inject you with poison?

they wouldn’t. of course.

any senior citizens who are taking drugs (you call them “meds”) will not live very long, so no need to worry about them. and if they are stupid enough to take drugs from doctors, after all that’s been exposed, then they deserve whatever.

wake up, steve. stop spreading propanda.

By: blakmira Wed, 30 Mar 2016 19:38:37 +0000 Learn to take control over your own health. Learn about plant medicine instead of poison Pharma. Stop running to the doctor for vaccines and antibiotics and steroids and drugs that keep illness chronic. Learn about a plant-based diet and exercise. As for education, sorry, you’ll just have to homeschool the children unless you want to unteach them all the propaganda and lies they’re told. STOP DEPENDING ON DADDY GOVERNMENT

By: blakmira Wed, 30 Mar 2016 19:35:52 +0000 I happen to agree with everything Jon said about this particular puppet, but it’s all moot points anyway, you know why? — BECAUSE YOUR VOTE hasn’t COUNTED in YEARS. Diebold “voting” machines are a joke and so are each presidential election. Don’t bust a gut over nothing.

By: Theodore Tue, 29 Mar 2016 12:47:51 +0000 Also, have you seen the ‘movie adaptation’ of O’s ‘book’?

By: Dickard Tue, 29 Mar 2016 12:36:47 +0000 Nice to see someone has a brain AND eyes that are open. I read Obama’s book before the 2008 election and I bought it hook line and sinker. Since that mistake (trust), I have learned much by seeking the true functions of “democracy”. Your information is much appreciated.
I suggest
The Creature From Jeckyll Island

By: Steve Tue, 29 Mar 2016 06:15:47 +0000 People in the US pay more for meds than people do in any other country. Many senior citizens on fixed retirement incomes have to choose between their meds and food. I’d rather pay more in taxes and less for health insurance premiums and meds and keep the private medical insurance companies from getting between the doctor and patient. No entity rations or denies patient care more than a for-profit corporation.

You have a right to complain about poor medical services, but it’s better than no services or unaffordable services. Not saying that you might not die waiting for an appointment, but in the US lots of people die because they can’t afford to make an appointment.

By: From Québec Tue, 29 Mar 2016 04:37:37 +0000 For you Steeve:

Canadian Health Policy Failures | Dr. Brett Skinner and Stefan Molyneux
