Comments on: The vaccine film Robert De Niro won’t let his audience see Fri, 22 Dec 2017 14:30:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: namejastin Fri, 22 Dec 2017 14:30:41 +0000 he is a great actor

By: Jacquie Baker Thu, 14 Apr 2016 19:54:30 +0000 Dear Robert De Niro,

Oh please re-consider your decision and don’t be bullied into letting them shut you down. I have always thought so highly of you as an Actor. You are by no doubt an Icon and someone like you could have a very dramatic effect on this very delicate subject. This needs to be addressed, instead of always being dismissed. I truly believe that Dr Wakefield would not have studied so very hard for all those years that he did, to just throw he’s career away for no valid reason……..the truth will come out eventually, whilst in the meantime, all these poor defenseless little children are being made to suffer the severe consequences.

By: Ms. Brown Wed, 13 Apr 2016 13:23:33 +0000 This is exactly what happen, he was threatened!! The higher devils don’t want the world expose to TRUTH!!!

By: Ozzie Thinker Fri, 01 Apr 2016 01:54:47 +0000 And only God knows what “you” mean by “wise”…….out/OT

By: Mike Silva Thu, 31 Mar 2016 17:54:39 +0000 No can do! Once you have the “mark” upon you, you no longer belong to yourself. You must do as told. The mark is passivity.To Go along with a corrupt system of world politics.To be in fear is same thing as a denial. You MUST have courage of your convictions. Do not “bow down to the Beast in submission.” God is Power. God is Love. Love throws aside all fears. You cannot fail!………….Michael Z Archangel

By: Michael Burns Thu, 31 Mar 2016 15:39:04 +0000 @OT
I think I am being censored, I will see if this makes it in. No formal argument allowed.

By: pedrofalls Thu, 31 Mar 2016 07:46:17 +0000 You poor soul. Seek wise counseling. I recommend a professional who specializes in the treatment of B-flats.

By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 31 Mar 2016 04:32:44 +0000 @MB

I was being “figurative”….go figure 😉

Alight, alright I’m not renowned for sarcasm, but an occasional relapse can’t hurt?

By: Theodore Thu, 31 Mar 2016 01:54:42 +0000 just to add,…

from GOP Debate #1…

Dr Ben Carson, Donald Trump and Dr Rand Paul talk about Vaccines and Autism

Also, Ivanka gave birth to her third child (a boy) on Easter in a hospital…

I guess one of the good things about being BOTH super wealthy AND ALSO not ignorant on matters of health and well being (hell, John D Rock continued to use his homeopath as the allopaths his schools funded started seizing the market via the go-along-to-get-along state politicians, but i digress…),… is,… IF she, Ivanka, (like, i’m presuming, Princess Kate Middleton…) did decide against the toxic Vitamin-K shot (“baby’s first shot”) AND the toxic Hep-B shot, THEN atleast the nurses and doctors are NOT going to take her baby from her!

Oh, speaking of Kate, that reminds me about this article that came out when she was pregnant,… (and, to think in the US, flu shots are now pushed on pregnant women…)

“People magazine devoted the cover of its latest issue to the topic, citing palace sources in reporting that the couple has put plans for an upcoming trip to Africa on hold – the vaccinations Middleton would need are dangerous for a fetus, the magazine reports – and have ‘babies on the brain’.”

By: blakmira Wed, 30 Mar 2016 23:54:36 +0000 You really think Trump knows or cares anything about vaccines? He’s just another show puppet reading a script. He was assigned the pro-vaccine crowd to pull their attention off of real matters and help make them think their votes might actually count (lol). You never heard him talk about vaccines before and he’ll stop talking about them after the faux presidential election too.
