Comments on: Vaxxed: How did they threaten Robert De Niro? Fri, 29 Sep 2017 09:53:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dr. med. Dr. rer. Physiol. Adlai Stevens Fri, 29 Sep 2017 09:53:53 +0000 There are still, the independent scientists, doctors and therapists.
Find the right treatment.
You are suffering from a disease such as cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, an allergy or some other disease? Are you looking for the best medical treatment? You want to find the best therapy? We, the AP Foundation, are a not-profit organization. Our work is as follows: We review and evaluate clinics, doctors and therapy centers dealing with the treatment of these so-called civilization diseases. With our evaluations, we give sick people the opportunity to find the best treatment for themselves.
On our website you will find the opinions and recommendations on various clinics, doctors and therapy providers. However, they also find clinics, doctors and therapy providers who have not passed our critical review. You will find all the recommendations and evaluations here: We assess from a scientific point of view, critical and incorruptible. We are very interested in your assistance. Please tell us your experiences with clinics, doctors and therapy providers, both positive and negative experiences. Send us your experience using the contact form on our website, thank you very much. Your personal data will be treated confidentially.

By: Dr. Stefanie Hillinger Wed, 14 Jun 2017 05:47:13 +0000 Things are much worse than most people guess. The pharmaceutical industry intentionally kills millions. The pharmaceutical industry invents diseases and is responsible for millions of sick people who have become ill through the drugs. The complete truth sounds like a story from another world, but it is the reality. We see these many sick people every day in our therapy center.
My name is Dr. Stefanie Hillinger, I work in the Therapy Center of the Dayeng Foundation. The foundation was founded by Prof. Lupus Dayeng in 2001. Our therapy center successfully treats most diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, allergies, neurodermatitis, Parkinson’s disease, borreliosis, AIDS and many more diseases. I would like to publish some truths about these so-called diseases.
Strictly speaking, these are not diseases. Nearly all of these “diseases” are a disturbed immune system. For example, AIDS is not a disease and HIV viruses do not exist. Not a single doctor or scientist has been able to identify or display an HIV virus. It is a virus infection that a weak immune system can not cope with. These so-called HIV tests do not detect any HIV virus.
It is only demonstrated that antibodies are more active than, so to speak, normally. But this is usually very relative. In a person who has a harmless, small infection, the antibodies are of course more active, or are formed more. That is all. A test for a so-called HIV infection can not be this procedure. Or what do you mean?
This test does not search for a virus. Why not, if this virus should exist? Many people were tested in a country with a positive result and the same people in another country negative. How can that be? The secret is simple. In the first test, people had a small, virus infection. In the second test, this virus infection was no longer present. This AIDS story is a large-scale dizziness. Not a single scientist has ever found a so-called HIV virus.
In order to keep this vertigo upright, the supposedly positively tested humans are given drugs as soon as possible. These drugs make the immune system very weak. Understand the trick. A sick immune system deceives this invention AIDS, because it is said that AIDS is an immune deficiency disease. Yes, after these drugs are taken, it is. So-called AIDS patients who have not taken these drugs are healthy. All the people who took these deadly drugs are dead. Strange, right? Ask a doctor that he shows you such an HIV virus, of course, no computer animation, a real virus. Then you will see what the doctor used for an excuse. So once again, an HIV virus does not exist! Do not let yourself get sick of a billion-dollar industry.
The same applies to cancer. Cancer is a reaction of a weak and disturbed immune system. The immune system interprets something wrong and it comes to a reaction. Healthy cells are seen as an enemy. What causes this malfunction of the immune system? One-sided and nutrient-poor nutrition , for example in Africa. In the industrialized countries a wrong nutrition, unclean air, chemical bombs in the form of personal care products and, of course, pharmaceuticals are responsible for the disease.
Look at the doctor’s waiting rooms, these are always full. Many people voluntarily fetch your dose of immunodeficiency. The pharmaceutical industry has no interest in healthy people, as the profits have to rise. A gigantic system, including governments, the media, ensures that the profits are constantly rising. Doctors, hospitals, pharmacists, pharmacies and so on.
Healthy people bring no profits. In order to secure profits, the pharmaceutical industry even invents diseases. So, wake up, you are made ill by a giant industry. Already the babies are vaccinated sick, so that their immune system does not work from the beginning. What’s in the vaccines? Have you ever asked this question tu a doctor? Why not? If you buy a car, then ask the seller many questions about the car before you buy it. Why do you blindly inject something into the small body of your baby without knowing what it is?
I’ll tell you what’s in the vaccines. Aluminum (attacks the brain and the nerve cells), mercury (causes epilepsy, Parkinson’s and destroys brain cells), formaldehyde (kills cells and causes cancer) and many more chemicals. Would you drink such a cocktail? No? Why do you let this vaccinate into your baby?
Also many other diseases are caused by the described here. Allergies, skin diseases, asthma and so on.
Together with other scientists, Prof. L. Dayeng has researched this internationally for many years. Then Prof. Dayeng founded the Dayeng Foundation and opened a therapy center that heals these alleged diseases, including cancer. The successes are extraordinarily high. Since the year 2001 we heal patients with many symptoms. It is important to know the background of diseases. A very intensive knowledge of biology and the absolute independence from the pharmaceutical industry and the complete system of this major complication enable this healer sequence. Have you never wondered why these diseases did not exist in earlier times? Have you never wondered why people were healthier in the past, even though there was no pharmaceutical industry?
Have you never wondered why many of these diseases are getting more and more people, although there is supposedly such a cost-intensive pharmaceutical research? Is not that a paradox? It is researched naturally, researched for new disease fantasies to further increase the profits of these disease-causing pharmaceuticals. Of course, we can also prove all this written here, the problem with many people, however, they do not want to know it. Closing your eyes is more comfortable for many, but unfortunately more lethal.
Say goodbye to manipulation and lies. We will be pleased to help you. But you must want it. We are a foundation and therefore not interested in profits, we take the Hippocratic oath seriously. But we also want, in addition to therapy, to inform about a system that can not more be inhuman. A lot of information videos, in German and English, we also published on Youtube, here he link to the channel:
Dr. Stefanie Hillinger
Therapy Center of the Dayeng Foundation

By: Sue Broz Thorpe Tue, 07 Feb 2017 01:37:02 +0000 Lauren Ayers, Please contact me about vaccine truth advocacy. I’ve been using your past article in my FB notes : Thx Ahead ….My Facebook name is Sue Broz Thorpe

By: Bruce Wed, 01 Feb 2017 07:17:29 +0000 Sorry Wade that it took me so long to reply to your question. I don’t know enough about Trump to be certain of his integrity, but he is the only candidate who ran for election in 2016 that offers any possibility of honorable leadership for Main Street. I actually have hope for the first time in a long time. No President has ever stood publicly against the Oligarchs and their inhuman global agenda since 12:30 P.M., November 22, 1963. President Trump deserves respect, a chance to lead and our support for that reason alone.

By: Robert L Wachsmuth sr Tue, 01 Nov 2016 02:31:31 +0000 Looks like Robert DeNiro was payed off by the Government , doing Television Commercials to Visit New Yorks Tourist attractions , paying him big Money , Nothing about the Mutilation and Death of our Children by the CDC and the Fraud and Scams by the Pharmaceutical Companies . …Contact the Trump Organization to Clean up the Cesspool and Sewage from the CDC and FDA and HHS . Corporation Controlled

By: rudolfalbert Fri, 21 Oct 2016 20:17:46 +0000 “The Tribeca Film Festival was founded in 2002 by Jane (((Rosenthal))), Robert De Niro and Craig Hatkoff”…omissis…

Do we need to add more?

By: denise deneen Tue, 11 Oct 2016 16:44:12 +0000 You know Robert DeNiro needs to stick to his craft. The rant on his view of the current politics did not sit well with our family…

Who does he think is behind keeping this news out of the public eye? The good ole washington lobbyists and political leaders that he loves so much.

The one person that MAY shake up the apple cart to let the spoiled rotten fruit fall to the side doesnt have his support…WHY?


By: cassidy421 Sun, 09 Oct 2016 22:02:39 +0000 I forgot this link in my previous comment. Elenora McBean’s book “Swine Flu Expose”

By: cassidy421 Sun, 09 Oct 2016 21:49:30 +0000 The presence of toxins in vaccines is an important issue, and it’s ‘an elephant in the room’ in a discussion of vaccine safety, since these toxins are intentionally added to vaccines. Vaccine manufacturers’ excuses that they’re necessary components of vaccines is a lie; they could easily be replaced by non-toxins.
The topic of toxic substances in vaccines is actually a diversion from much more serious concerns related to vaccination. The addition of mercury to vaccines is comparable to the addition of fluoride to drinking water; it’s one of many covert genocidal programs conducted by the US government against US citizens for over a century. Fluoride has no effect on tooth decay; it’s a neurotoxin that causes brain damage and passivity and apathy, and was added to Nazi concentration camp water to make prisoners easy to control. It’s a waste product produced in aluminum refining. An American Dental Association research publication that stated this was recalled decades ago, and the publication of additional research has been suppressed.
The real issue is that the theory of vaccine-modulated immunity isn’t valid. The introduction of antibodies to a disease through vaccinations causes autoimmune reactions, including autism, but doesn’t produce immunity to disease. The only form of immunity that exists is cellular immunity, and that results from exposure to the disease. Vaccinations are a Big Pharma device to create a population with a life-long dependence on Big Pharma products. Vaccination spreads disease, causes a wide variety of autoimmune conditions, including autism, that are treated with Big Pharma products, and vaccinations need to be repeated indefinitely.
Elenora McBean’s book “Swine Flu Expose”, published in 1977, includes the history of vaccinations since the Spanish Civil War, and demonstrates the fact that pandemic diseases
were the result of vaccination programs; that diseases were spread by the vaccinated, and that unvaccinated people with access to clean water, sanitary conditions and healthy diets didn’t become ill from the diseases that infected the vaccinated population.

By: Judy Shull Tue, 06 Sep 2016 16:04:22 +0000 I have a grandson who is now in his 20s and after he received a vaccine when he was young he developed a febrile seizure. He never had any problems like that before the vaccination. After that, he was diagnosed as having Asperger’s, form of autism, a couple years after the febrile seizure. He never seem quite right after that febrile seizure and the vaccination, and we all believe it came from the vaccination that he received because he was fine before that vaccination. I believe they give too many vaccinations at one time and they need to space it out a little bit more and to look into what is actually in the vaccines being given to children.
