Comments on: Medical truth canceled due to Hollywood Sat, 10 Aug 2019 14:25:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 07 Apr 2016 03:09:37 +0000 @Binra

If you read my book you would learn we are parts of “one thing”. Everything (which includes “nothing”) is one thing. The parts, contrary to “individual” opinions, are responsible for the other. Thus, if you are true to FAITH, you have no option but to support “the other”.

In RDN’s case, he offered support to the other and then reneged on that support. Given his very visible claims of parenting an “autistic child” (which I am told by commenters here is a “severe case”), his withdrawal is an act of grand treachery.

JR’s upbeat approach is all very well, but I think the film [and the cause] is already sunk. That’s all thanks to RDN. You open your big mouth, you must take responsibility for what you say NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE.

Am I angry with the RDN? Not at all. Other than watching his excellent performances in several very successful movies he has starred in, I do not know him from a bar of soap. But, you see, I don’t care, because this [what he has done by his inaction] transcends that. For that, I have every right, as a thinking, breathing part of THE WHOLE; a conscious, conscientious life form, to call him a son-of-a-bitch.

By: binra Wed, 06 Apr 2016 21:02:47 +0000 If you free willingly chose to act as you say – you have the benefit of being true to the word in your heart – whatever the worldly outcome relative to any ‘expectations’. But if you sacrifice or martyr yourself to a cause and then others don’t do likewise – you get mad. No wonder.

I write because it is who I am and what is moving me. I have done this for years now but never in any commercial setting – perhaps because I don’t want seeking money or fame to distort my aim, but surely because if and when I am moved to do something – I will do it. But that is my current freedom and is a path of transformation and discovery – regardless anyone reads me or gets where I am coming from. Am I write for myself – of course but not solitaire. I am writing as an embodiment of creative willingness that flows when I get ‘out of the way’ and yet expands to embrace and include the ordinary human (is there one?) ‘me’ – but framed in an edgelessness rather than defined by a problem solving. Towards a shift of perspective – because problem is not the best or true foundation from which to live.

Your thoughts about Robert de Niro are upsetting you – but are not changing him one jot. He has his own life to live.
Arguing with reality is different than ‘re-imagining it’ (leaning into Jon’s nomenclature). How can you use this situation to serve your desire – to further the purpose you are engaged in?
You know that if you wrote what you honestly feel out and sent it TO him – YOU would be transformed – and that might touch him even if it was never physically sent.
Anger can be turned to serve a radical self-alignment. Anger at the callous disregard for life that hurts and inflames more hurting is working in me to ensure I don’t embody this or invite it – and the more deeply I look, the more I find I have involvement I didn’t recognize. So I look to housekeeping and find with unshutterred cleaned windows, I see better.
Blame/guilt is shit. If you play with it – it sticks to you. How do you play with it? You hold conditions as to how everyone else should behave – so you don’t feel bad – and the feel shit when they ‘let you down’. I don’t diminish that you are feeling what you are feeling – but I don’t see what Robert De Niro has in your life that gives him this power over your mind!

I do notice that Vaxxed has attracted some mainstream media attention as a result. If you get mad at Robert, can you imagine how mad the Vax faithful get at anyone who ‘undermines’ the saviour?
Go to some mainstream forum and venture a different or critical view. “Thar’s hate in them thar hearts”. And if you hate them – they feel validated. Hate the false thinking – not the human being – and it will help to see the signal amidst the noise.
I don’t believe you can change a human being who isn’t already freely changing – in which case you are not causing it with your power. And applying coercion only generates a facade of compliance while the coercion is safer to comply with or milk favour from than address, ignore or counter.

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 06 Apr 2016 11:55:33 +0000 One last entry. I am not De Niro, never have been and I project nothing. I devoted 5 years to a series of books for the improvement of humanity (when you are ready). My first commercial exercise. “The Beauty of Existence decoded” has netted me 20c an hour for work tendered. Yes, I have every right to be pissed off at the arrogance at that SOB. Am I “as talented”? You bet, but I also don’t care because I am empowered by MY LIFE and have taken responsibilities for my issues ALWAYS to the detriment of the commercial. The amount of contracts I have lost over BEING HONEST & TRUE would make you cringe. My blogs are free and extraordinarily time exhausting (up to 40 hours per post). All done for love. The LINE is between mammon and love. Never forget it, binra. The rest is hooey.

By: binra Tue, 05 Apr 2016 14:57:55 +0000 Now if you care to – you can see you have become the very thing you say you hate. Not in any ultimate sense – but in the reality of your chosen experience.
I did not seek to bait you to react with hate – nor do I.
Logic proceeds from its asserted or presumed foundation. A split logic proceeds from a split or conflicted foundation. Whether you align logically or not in your thinking is a matter of whether you accept a true foundation. A false premise will logically unfold or project itself – but will not know its purpose – being framed and defined by who you are not.

Truth is truth wherever it is recognized – regardless it be via a baby, Hitler, a blurb on a cereal packet – DOESNT MATTER!. But while you or anyone seeks only the truth that suits and supports their self-concept FORM is everything.

Integrity is not what you think and promises you cant keep are not worthy of guilt but are mistakes to learn from. You are Robert de Niro and you hate yourself. He may not – that’s HIS life!
Your life is in some ways a particle or bubble and in some ways a wave of the Movement wherein the Whole Knows Itself. Bubble realities can be positive, integrative experience of a ‘higher vibration’ or segregative and separative sense of disconnect and conflict in ‘lower vibration’.
One is not ‘better’ to thus deny and demonize or invalidate the other. That is simply part of the conflicted mind in fearful or threatened sense of existence.

Nothing I write is any more true than anything else – but who you or anyone else chooses to relate to it will give it all the meaning it has for them. You have felt pissed at what I wrote. That’s an outcome arising logically from belief that is yours – but may not be truly representative of who you are.

“Judge not lest ye be judged” – goes all the way Home. Thanks for sharing.

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 05 Apr 2016 05:42:40 +0000 Get out of here, binra (does that mean “discard logic”?)

In context with your self, as an isolated “bauble”, contained but unbalanced, I can accept what you say. Yet, immediately you imply your “right” merely by inference (i.e. you are accepted as a bauble and this makes your truth more “potent” in some banal way) that you are correct, right and proper, I vigorously disagree.

As for your “punch line” that espouses I “know nothing about Robert De Niro” so, and I’ll go straight out and say it, how DARE I criticise him? Very simply.

He promised to do something. He didn’t deliver the goods so he’s a son-of-a-bitch. Why didn’t he travel with the film and OFFER HIS SERVICES FOR FREE, JUST DO IT? Yeah,,,,right, because he’s a son of a bitch.

Get it?

Great actor, but I wouldn’t wipe my ass with integrity. Final response.

By: binra Mon, 04 Apr 2016 15:04:00 +0000 It used to be stated thus: “The wages of sin are death”. False power ‘costs’ awareness and participance in True Presence. Now I know the archaic terms have been subverted not least by focusing in worship upon ‘sin’ rather than seeing in the moment that it is untrue and repenting-releasing allegiance in it. And I know the term ‘sin’ has become almost meaningless usage as athe heavy imposition and locking in of GUILT – instead of the dissonance-feeling that always accompanies being out-of-true with yourself – and I mean with who and what you are – not your out-of-true notion of self that can be seen in part to be a strategy of survival within a ‘loveless’ and threatening world. What is not much recognized is that being out-of-true is always some form of self-denial and rejection – where the mind splits into parts that keep a sense of control and protection while other parts encounter the experience of being denied, subjugated and hurt.

While the dominant power belief on Earth is in what I might call the mask of a split-mind, very very few will ‘get anywhere’ or manifest their natural talents – because the ‘system’ of split-screen consciousness operates a selection/rejection filter of the same nature as the mind that is ‘enslaved’ to it by presuming such power to be R reality or T truth. How could such be free to even question it? They cannot but operate within it.

The Faustian pact is basically something like “I want the power to bring xyz forth and overcome the experience of being held in check, denied or blanked”. The seduction then offers you xyz – but within the context of having power over you. There are many facets to this – but none that start out from the premise of powerlessness will teach you that the contract is null and void – and that all that is truly worthy abides within your Soul and not ripped out from its death done in darkness behind a mask of substitution-reality.

Is ‘elite’ a term the power-manipulator seeds? Perhaps they believe they are the chosen ones – perhaps because they have chosen ‘power over Life’ as if to remake it in their new world image.
Choosing to receive or open to inspiration is the meeting-point with a ‘higher perspective’. But the phrase of a famous prayer that aligns the heart not to be led into temptation, but delivered from evil, is in context of recognizing ‘spiritual pride’ – wherein a fluid service within the whole becomes fixed in an identity of personal status. Soul-recognition in extension, lost to becoming a ‘someone in your own right’ and having bit this fruit – hating – did I say it with the right emphasis, HATING! to lose it.
If a HATING! is operating our sense of self, is it any surprise to meet a world that does not receive or recognize us. I cant offer you a magic way out – but that instead of trying to deny or escape the HATED! – honestly facing and feeling the fear and guilting that is underneath it in a way that doesn’t fuel or trigger harming to your life or others – is the territory of reclaiming true Feeling Consciousness from a mis-identifiction – that is nonetheless intensely experienced as unquestionably real.

Because all thought word and deed have consequences, we are wise to be honestly open as to our purpose. The power of thought is in the purpose it serves and in stark terms is the power to be signal or generate noise in which to generate false significance for private gratification. This can seem like the power to create – and is a subset of creative freedom – but as a limiting and distorting and filtering to a self-concept that may only be recognized by its fruits.

The best a partiality of self-elitism can come up with is a passing show whose honeymoon may be over before it is even begun – thus the addiction – or indeed enslavement – to a false promise that deprives one of the very means to even enjoy ‘success’.

Joy is our Freedom Song. If we define our joy in terms of fixed outcomes – we cage the Bird of Paradise that ‘dies within us’ while a recording of a past imprinting replays and recycles itself until death comes to reboot… more of the same?

Being free comes with accepting responsibility for what is yours – and refusing it for what is not. This demands you embrace your life wholly – in your now – because the desire to play the slave of an elitist has hidden pay-off or you would not play along. Terror and rage are hidden beneath the world we presume to walk in ‘relative’ innocence. If you step out of line in opening the joy of being – you will ‘meet’ all the conditionings that invalidate, deny, ridicule and seek to kill you. If you conform – you deny joy in life for ritual enactment. If you fight it – it will subvert you with the energy of hate that you give it – because it is a part of you. If you remember to focus in and be moved in your true feeling, then you automatically withdraw allegiance and identity from its framing and the perspective that opens is your Life unfolding unto itself – that automatically shares out in the quality of your presence and the noticing and promptings you follow.

Staying on the beam of the signal is not a matter of success or failure – both of which are set ups for self-illusion if you don’t stay vigilant. It is simply an active willingness – notwithstanding the outer conditions that may persist in reflecting old conditioned thinking of a fear-driven self invalidating attempt to regain power (or love-worthiness etc) in inappropriate self-defeating ways.

By: binra Sun, 03 Apr 2016 17:52:01 +0000 Dear Ozzie, I am not concerned with making myself right against wrong but of uncovering true from false – which I do not see as asserting statements and assertion and opinions but of extending true witness to the movement of being within me (that I am identified truly within). This is a relational honesty – not an attempt to sell something or to own the market.

When I say ‘Listen’ I mean listen to your truth sense. You cannot do this while engaged in thinking. So a pause to allow a receptive quality of being – is opening a relationship within – (which includes your Spirit of imagination, inspiration and unifying perspective). From that core self-honesty you have a basis on which to relate directly to others in that quality – and this is a different frequency (for want of a better word) than the attempt to mask or mimic forms of idea and appearance as a ‘presentation’ by which to get something – or to get out of something.

The ideas I share are painting of phrase upon observable preverbal noticing. The forms can be read to mean anything – depending on the context of the reader – but anyone who feels between the lines can feel a relationship in which qualities of presence extend or witness – and then anything can be enquired of or further gone into.

If you identify in your ‘think’ then you perceive everyone and everything through the lens and filter of your ‘think’ – and only allow what seems to agree with or support the ‘think-self’. Jon here uses the term ‘matrix’ for a false network of associations and identifications and sometimes suggests this is DONE to you and other times that your own complicity in the false does it to yourself.

Unless you FIRST listen or be vigilant against the deceiver – who is within you even when external agencies bait or trigger reaction – you will be deceived.

The deceived can and do contest and assert opinion in thought, word and deed – all the time. But it is not that there is no truth in them – so much as that it is covered over with conditioned reactive sense of self-defence – and which attacks as a pre-emptive defence – and runs on hate, or loveless assertion.

You can patronize me as from a presumption of ‘superior’ position – but it dishonours you – not me. Likewise your mouthing off of judgement of De Niro. It is simply YOUR opinion of him – and gives the measure not of him – but of you. If the politics of hate is your desire – then what does it matter which ‘chief’ you ally under. But division is the basis of losing true sovereignty to a false and loveless mis-rule.

By: Ozzie Thinker Sun, 03 Apr 2016 05:22:25 +0000 You may be right, Binra

But, by the same token, could not Barak Obama, the dreadful Mrs Hillary Clinton & Donnie “fever” Trump say the exact same thing?.

Listen to us. Don’t “think” and it (the obtuse) will all make sense.

Sorry, buddy, it’s not that easy. You have to JUSTIFY what you say, just as OBAMA, Clinton & Trump or expect to be shunned or worse…..!

Your earlier sentiment was almost flawless. Don’t succumb to babble, as pretty as it might sound.

By: binra Sat, 02 Apr 2016 23:31:13 +0000 I know what I share here. And the way in is to listen and notice rather than think. Thinking is always too busy to notice. And seeks only to reinforce what it believes to ‘already know’. When in truth the thinking is thinking – not knowing. Opinion is not embodiment of a direct witness, but part of a social game-play. You may gather and try out as many opinions as you want but you can only recognize what is true of you in willingness to listen.
The idea of discernment is of a felt quality within and in a sense beneath or behind the form. In social contract – opinions vie for attention and validation. But what is actually shared?
Now it may be said – what is the point of me sharing a post that is not understood? There is the joy in the giving. Not giving in order to get – but the act of extending worth and abiding in it.
I recommend it.

By: Ozzie Thinker Sat, 02 Apr 2016 05:59:40 +0000 @binra

You’ve derailed here, I’m afraid.

Opinions MAY be hogwash. Demands MAY convey absolute truth.

Receivers of information MAY be in denial. Your opinions are evidence of flawed nature? You fail because of your demands? You are empowered through “choice” because you can deny the truth or hogwash?

I don’t think so. Hogwash believed and truth disbelieved has a nasty way of biting you in the ass.

Your comment has already collapsed. Secure it if you wish to proceed with the conversation as I am too busy to read on…
