Comments on: Vaxxed: the movie you can’t see, the truth you can’t know Wed, 25 May 2016 17:28:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Denise Williams Wed, 25 May 2016 17:28:10 +0000 Beautifully said.

By: arcadia11 Thu, 19 May 2016 04:19:10 +0000 thank you for bringing up the suffering of the animals. i have seen it with my own pets. it is epidemic – especially cancer, diabetes, and kidney failure.
i read somewhere, from a vet, that vets started vaccinating near the tail
instead of the neck because it is easier to cut off the tail than to cut off the neck when the animals gets cancer
i also read that type 1 diabetes can be caused in an animal with just one injection. if i can find the statements i will post the link. vets are no different from murderous MDs

one of my little dogs had cancer right above his tail (he came to me vaccinated. i did not have my children or pets vaccinated).

the humane society is a un ngo. i cannot right now recall the name of the man who runs it but he “hates” domestic animals. under agenda 21 there will be no pets. the hsus was apparently created to be the destroyers of domestic animals if we actually get that far into the abyss.

please do not donate to the hsus.

By: Emma's Mom Wed, 18 May 2016 23:51:47 +0000 Vaccine damage is also happening in animals. They suffer the same brain, immune system and health problems that vaccinated humans do. Chronic disease is rampant in the poor creatures; their lifespans are half what they were prior to vaccines. We’ve got to stop giving them these toxins, too. This is destroying mankind and the animal kingdom.
Thank you, Jon for having the courage to tell the truth. Now we must have the courage to say NO to the govmt, big pharma, big food and the rest of those who would control us.

By: sesto22 Fri, 22 Apr 2016 17:19:03 +0000 Overall, we are not talking about the pros/cons of vaccines, in this case–WE ARE TALKING ABOUT CENSORSHIP! Why are we letting anyone tell US what is best for US! Who died and gave them that right? I can make up my own mind, I can decide to be a sheep and follow the herd, or I can do my own research, and make up my own mind, but IF that information is being withheld, then I cannot make a fully educated decision about it—LET THE MOVIE OUT! LET US ALL MAKE OUR OWN DECISIONS!

By: michael kenny Fri, 22 Apr 2016 11:00:58 +0000 amerce listen up.for to long you all have put yourselfs on a world pedastool,the big I am.when all along your leaders have been putting you down to heel,poisoning your children making the next generation weak and unable to fight back,blame yourselfs for not standing up to the powers that you brought into power,how do you get an American to do what he is told,??easy show him money and promises,fools,now you must pay for your greed and blindness,but still you will follow the likes of Obama Clinton excetera,excetera,now shut up and do what you are all told,like you have always done,ok,cry for your children as that is all the majority will do,then hide away cos your all so scared of the government,that rules you.or have more kids,either way you loose.

By: michael kenny Fri, 22 Apr 2016 10:44:19 +0000 so whos side are you on then????

By: Valerie Buckley Mon, 18 Apr 2016 17:59:51 +0000 My 17 year old son was diagnosed with autism at 21 months. I have videos showing him happy and able to play hide and go seek at 13 months, and he was trying to talk and sing.. He received his MMR vaccine between that time. I will never forget two days after the shot he was miserable. He did not have a fever but would do nothing but cry and lay still. Slowly my son disappeared into his own world. Another mother who lives in my town witnessed her healthy happy son go through the same thing. The big difference…The doctor had his young assistants administer the vaccines at the time. To her horror they gave him the MMR vaccine twice! She took her son to be tested soon after in NYC and the levels the vaccine\mercury in his system were at toxic levels. She has been asked by many why she did not sue. I am not sure why either. They just never went to that doctor again. Thank you for making this movie. I want to see it!

By: deltaforce12 Thu, 07 Apr 2016 22:33:10 +0000 I’ve had all my kids vaccinated, but I still want to see this movie because I like to know both sides of every debatable topic. It makes no sense to me that film festivals and movie theaters gladly show movies containing extreme violence, graphic sex, bloody gore, and every insane act mankind can do, but it’s too dangerous to let us view a movie about vaccines? Why isn’t EVERYONE upset over this type of censorship? What’s next? Are we going to ban books, and websites which include controversial information? It seems Americans have grown accustomed to, and even embraced, fascism.

By: Patricia J Taylor Mon, 04 Apr 2016 22:24:58 +0000 Say It Ain’t So Mr. DeNiro. – so many other choices you could have made

By: Megan Berry Thu, 31 Mar 2016 23:31:54 +0000 The answer to that is that it puts people who can’t be vaccinated at risk for contracting those diseases – those with already lowered immune systems such as infants and people with cancer, leukemia, etc. They do rely on others to be vaccinated and not pass the disease on to them – it could be deadly to them (not a healthy person that could catch the same disease).
