Comments on: Analyzing disinformation, projecting new realities Sat, 02 Apr 2016 01:21:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: RRChief Sat, 02 Apr 2016 01:21:45 +0000 Dear Jon,


I appreciate your sharpness of mind, and agility in finding the essence of truth in matters. I would like to train my mind up, for I realise many of my understanding of words, and more so “strategies ” have remained at the level of ‘wisdom’ of that era of my life and the meaning of said word remains unchallenged since youth, when I would have learned it in context with a few other words, and perhaps a sidestep into the dictionary to fill out what I call now, a word tree.

the word tree, linked to other word trees, more like a moss in most places… powered by both the sun ultimately and the direction of my evolving brain trying to make meaning, exchanging five sense +? interpretations of an object into the rather limited format of words, limited in respect if you didn’t have possession and intent to use a Multi Volume Dictionary, you may have ended up with nary a clue, as to what you are reading.

