Comments on: Consciousness and a world asleep Sun, 10 Apr 2016 06:03:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: GB Sun, 10 Apr 2016 06:03:28 +0000 could not have said it any better!

By: Sean Sun, 10 Apr 2016 04:19:58 +0000 I have delved fairly deeply into ‘Exit From The Matrix’. It really doesn’t revolve around ‘books’. It is a course in the true sense of the word. You will be challenged, and if you decide to dedicate an hour a day, amazing ‘things’ will occur. I would describe it as an imagination workshop…..lots of fun but lots of work. I have been following Jon for a few years and this is my first post. It amazes me that many who post so often have not done any of his workshops. I would argue that until one at least makes an attempt at one of these workshops, they have little clue what Mr Rappoport is all about. This guy’s stuff is very powerful and transforming, MUCH more so than his nomorefakenews posts. I would guess that anyone reading this who has gone through one of the ‘Matrix’ series will agree with me. So easy to read things and write things, not so easy to crack open your head and throw your imagination in front of the train. Its amazing….

By: Tina Rock Sat, 09 Apr 2016 14:24:24 +0000 Ozzie, I think you should not delay. Get around to investing in Jon’s books NOW. Tomorrow is not promised.

By: Ozzie Thinker Sat, 09 Apr 2016 02:56:44 +0000 Jon, that is spot on. You have succinctly found the words that express this tradition of human apathy. One of these days, I’ll get round to investing in your books. Other than my ever turbulent financial circumstances & my mile high reading list, I don’t fear being “proved wrong” by you. I don’t believe you will shake up “my” life other than by affirming where I am, but, if I am wrong, the greatest privilege is to recognise one’s own mistakes. As a teacher, I think you would make a pretty fine guide. Mind you, on the other hand, if I am shown to be right, well that would be a mighty positive thing too….:-)

