George Clooney, unfortunately is a great disappointment in his support of Hitlery and I have to admit, he’s a distant cousin (I’ve never met). He needs re-education.
]]>There’s nothing I can add, suffice to say your timing is impeccable, as always. I am due to dole out the next instalment/”take” on vaccines/autism after this one:
Here’s some snippets (unedited) of “True Love, Convenient Marriages, Vaccines and Autism” scheduled for release this week:
“….Regularly I touch on the paranormal when discussing the mundane. In the case of autism, given the vaccine injuries statistic is comparatively so minute compared to those that turn out healthy, how can that be so? A thousand, to all intents and purposes, identical children are given MMR vaccines, yet only twenty or so demonstrate symptoms of autism. Using the “stones analogy” of my introduction, one thousand out of one thousand should be afflicted per probability logic. Yet, as I explain in “Autism Corroborates Darwinism”, DNA is not understood by science because it is metaphysical. I have already gone further and stated physics does even not comprehend the physical cosmos due to its inability to process anything that goes beyond material illusion. My first book, “The Beauty of Existence Decoded” begins to unravel the truth. It is a start; a firm base, but there is more to come; much more. I mentioned earlier that “God” can be “seen” in starlight, but there is a simpler way. Atoms act as God’s pores. They are the missing link. Every single atomic nucleus acts as a soul portal (or reflective aspect of God). Thus these are to root of change delivered by unseen sunlight (or “starlight”) and manifest DNA becomes the cellular facilitator. I go into detail in “The Beauty of Existence Decoded”. Heavy stuff, yes, but fine minds can grasp it….
….Those that are oppressed agree to be unless they retaliate in some way. Sensationally, the brand name movie actor, Robert De Niro, backed a film that criticised the vaccines industry. The first leg of its national release was going to be the Tribeca film festival. Andrew Wakefield, the (unfairly) dishonoured doctor, who first raised the alarm on a possible vaccines/autism connection back in the 1990’s, was heavily involved with the film. De Niro has an 18 year old son, reputedly a severe case of autism. I haven’t checked how severe the severity is because, if De Niro is one of those exceptionally rare cases of human integrity, then it shouldn’t matter how severe his son’s autism is. Does he deliver bullshit with sincerity or speak plainly? In Analyze This then Analyze That De Niro played the same loveable Mafia rogue. In both cases the bad guy turned out good in the end. That’s the fantasy, but how does it match real life? His co-star, Billy Crystal, showed his Mephistopheles qualities shortly after 2001, when he suffered a rabid political embolism in front of international cameras. The featured event, so-called “911”, was something he knew nothing about. Perhaps corporate activation was because he was Jewish or black or gay? Was he molested as a child or a reformed hard drug user as so many actors have to be these days? For someone to stand up, in sincerity, and say what he said about 911 deserves only excommunication and deportation. In my opinion he is neither worthy as a Jew nor responsible as an American….
…In a sense it is old and very painful news as he did indeed rat out on his promise to introduce Andrew Wakefield’s movie in its promotion of truth about something that should have been very dear to him, considering his intellectually disabled son. Of course, human beings being humans say it wasn’t De Niro’s fault. It was the organisers, the Government, the Jews or anything else to divert attention away from their dim star. He’s okay. No lack of responsibility here. It could have happened to anyone. The difference between De Niro and anyone will a shred of integrity is he should have gone out gunning for the movie, made waves, kicked up his own personal protest. All we, the viewers, witnessed, quite frankly, was nothing to see here, move along now, quietly as you go. For anyone that’s seen the old Southpark cartoon episode, I’ll take the turd sandwich, thanks. That’s the “De Niro promise”. Don’t blame me, I’m only famous. Surely, if the claim of fame is to be taken seriously, a star should behave better than everyone else. That’s why Illuminati mainstream Medias constantly shine the spotlight on ungainly goings on in high places. It is their viperous way of augment double standards. The rich can behave with moral impunity as long as they are in favour. Once targeted, phantom paedophile horrors and a large closet filled with other potential nasties might be used as make believe in extended courtroom fantasy….
….I have no reason to doubt it as the author provides a lucid account of the 19th century French biologist, Professor Antoine Bechamp, whose cellular tissue theory form the basis for most of Pasteur’s wayward conclusions. Micro-organisms (affectionately known as germs) that feed on dead tissue matter are changelings. They are changelings because they are the product of very much smaller microzyma, which can morph into bacteria or “viruses” depending on the body environment. Personally I find this very interesting, as I have stated on a number of occasions that all virus are caused by pollution (whether organic or inorganic) and present how the [invaded] body deals with the threat. Bechamp has confirmed that microzyma are the agents of change that create organism-like microbes which are accounted for as viruses by statisticians. In conclusion, the expansive article goes on to say that the reasoning behind vaccines is flawed and the only benefit of all serums is to the detriment of the user. Mild doses of complaints (such as Polio) do nothing to stop adverse catalytic reactions in the body and well documented cases are shown up as evidence. Indeed, the writer plainly argues that all modern cases of polio are caused by the polio vaccine.
If this is correct, and I have no reason to doubt it, then vaccines may well ultimately cause autism. Nevertheless, the human body and its mysterious, magical way of dealing with issues must, at least, contribute to the syndrome. Whether we single out loveless money marriages or unions of intertwined hearts, it would surely be worth testing a vaccine-free control group to ascertain whether there is any merit to William Thompson’s (scientist for the Centres of Disease Control) sensational claims that he documented evidence categorically linking vaccines to autism effects. This means that Robert De Niro, Billy Crystal and other high profile stars should detach themselves from the corporate pariahs just as Anthony Hopkins has done and show true God qualities. I’m reluctant to cite Marlon Brando whose infamous Oscar rejection so aptly highlighted the plight of the American Indian (or native Redskin), because nepotism shouldn’t pay. After 25,000 years we, the human group, are beginning to embrace a new age of light. If that is to mean anything at all, gloves must come off and action must replace apathy. True love must trump convenience if autism is to win the war, and make no mistake about it for that is what it is. Our stars, our true to God must be resilient pitted against all odds if autism is to win the war against vaccines.”
Are there any individuals among us who possess the intelligence and creativity to fully recognize and deal with the core reality?
]]>Also, one needs to keep in mind that these dear folk that reach an advanced level of success have to join the ranks of the OTO, go through the initiations, and come out a slave to these lucifer-worshiping masters. Either that, or have a drug overdose, or be lost in the obscurity of being sent to join the unwashed masses.
To this: