Comments on: Vaccine damage, the hidden truth Tue, 06 Jul 2021 01:42:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bill Chaffee Sun, 10 Jul 2016 19:14:43 +0000 I watched the 20/20 program on Jaycee Dugard (7/8/16). I wouldn’t want to trade places with Jaycee but what about her daughters? They weren’t poisoned by the hep b shot at birth and probably were not vaccinated at all until their captor was busted when they were 15 and 11. The older daughter was at risk of cephlopelvic disproportion because her mother was not full grown however she appearently avoided cerebral palsy. In a lot of way they have it better than most people

By: bharford Sun, 24 Apr 2016 04:24:14 +0000 The most powerful video on vaccine poison…

By: Michael Burns Wed, 20 Apr 2016 15:47:16 +0000 @justantropology

No need for guilt J…awakening is tough enough without the self punishment. Guilt is the realm of the victim.

By: justanthropology Tue, 19 Apr 2016 14:07:09 +0000 My daughter is vaccine damaged.
I couldn’t have imagined following scheduled innoculations in 71,72, and additional booster
shot, from which caused random fainting in her teens and for which I was compliant with handing her over to doctors and nurses for dutiful poisoning of her body. She was born sensitive and had eczema almost immediately from toxin soaps, etc. Allergy asthma was her next gift as the consequence of shots. Chronic ear infections which kept her out of school more often than in.
I remember feeling so proud to keep up with her shots.The MMR was the one, I’m sure tipped her over to a life of poor immunity, low energy; severe allergies.

The consequences of comprised health is far reaching and affects goals, relationships, pretty much one’s entire life.

My daughter is strong now and has researched better than anyone I know how to protect and care for her body. I’m lucky I have a smart and open minded daughter, not afraid to know the unthinkable and find solutions for herself.

I feel so guilty at times that I colluded with Satan. I take no comfort in knowing that I was a victim/duped parent as well. I’m still angry.

By: Susan Pavey Tue, 19 Apr 2016 02:39:22 +0000 How do we get this information out to parents who believe everything their doctors tell them and they won’t believe anything else. It’s a heart-breaking fact that we are being lied to by these agencies who are so greedy for money, that they will risk our children’s lives to fill their wallets. Now it’s a law in California to give these evil vaccines if you want your children to go to school! It’s a tragedy that we all have to fight against for our children’s safety and lives are at stake! An angry Grrandmother wants justice against this insult!!!!!

By: Ozzie Thinker Mon, 18 Apr 2016 23:52:20 +0000 Actually we DON’T live in a cause/effect world. It is that philosophy that has caused 99% of the current problems. Those that come up with “easy answers” have missed the difficult questions. All I read in your comment are labels and “brand names” suckers for TV regurgitate. God help us if you are the “consensus view”.

By: Ozzie Thinker Mon, 18 Apr 2016 23:47:23 +0000 Correction. Mainstream science is funded by [should be] CRIMINALS.

By: concerned parent Mon, 18 Apr 2016 15:57:59 +0000 Who is “you guys” ??

By: Kevin Scott King Mon, 18 Apr 2016 15:02:28 +0000 Excellent article Jon.

Oh, and I no longer believe in ‘coincidences’. We live in a cause and effect world. You don’t go from a Autism rate of 1:5000 in the early 70’s to 1:less than 50 today by ‘coincidence’. Something is causing this Autism effect! And the evidence IS in… vaccines are at least one known cause.

Just like the explosion in ADD/ADHD did not just happen… (I attribute this at least partially to diet, sugar). Just like the explosion in obesity did not just randomly happen… (HFCS, fastfood everywhere, constant advertisement, too much sugar, too much wheat). And the same applies to cancer. Currently 1:2 males, and 1:3 females in the USA is projected to get cancer. Now THIS is the place for the proper use of the words epidemic and pandemic. And just like the above, cancer is not just happening… by ‘coincidence’. Every cancer has a cause! Why isn’t this cancer pandemic nightly news? Maybe because it’s also big business?? Just like Ritalin is for ADHD, just like McDs, Subway, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell are everywhere and all sell soft drinks, just like you can’t go to a grocery store, drug store now without the ubiquitous “Get your Flu Shots Here!” sign.

A wise man a few thousand years ago warned about the perils of worshiping money. Is it not amazing that in a nation that self identifies as following this man that so few heed his words…?

Turn off your TV, turn off your radio, step away from your computer, and put down your smartphone. The content that is transmitted through them is as toxic as vaccines, as dangerous as fluoridated water, as harmful as GMO foods, as poisonous as RoundUp (glyphosate).

By: HeliTramp Mon, 18 Apr 2016 12:36:03 +0000 Reblogged this on HeliTramp – In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act.  George Orwell. and commented:
With the chief scientist of the CDC, who was responsible for the MMR vaccine testing, now blowing the whistle on how they lied about the safety of vaccines how can we put our children at risk. It’s plain silly to think that the vaccine will protect. Personally, I would not risk my children’s health especially now the evidence showing that vaccines are a fraud perpetrated on the unsuspecting parents. Jon Rappaport has written many authoritive articles on this subject and others. All interesting.
