Comments on: Freedom is the natural state of being Sat, 17 Dec 2016 17:21:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: binra Sat, 17 Dec 2016 17:21:47 +0000 I cant see your comment on the page here that I am replying to but you are in your head here.

Anyone can assert that ‘freedom’ means acting without honouring others, but that is not freedom – it is a form of hate. If enough act as if it were then a false or corrupted sense of freedom is taught and leaned.

There is not freedom at the level of action – excepting in some sense the expression of inhibition of the act. The action embodies the perception and belief as to what is happening – and it is at this level we have freedom. Hence the deceivers teach the opposite by operating a form of mind-control – because they know that framing your mind will induce the required action for their agenda.

The illusion of a false freedom is the bait into the false matrix. Your true being is already free – but what is this ‘true being’ that I allude to? You know it by the true freedom you feel and are naturally then able to see and relate to in others. This is not a ‘head’ thing. The ‘head’ thing is a kind of mind-capture that believes slavery is freedom and separation is salvation.

The implicate order is unconflicted – and the explicate order must be likewise – and yet we see the manifest world through a lens of a mind that wants to be a power unto itself – and therefore suffers power against itself. There is a Power that is without opposition or subjection – and this is most directly found in yielding to what is and being aligned in its terms. This cannot occur while you cling to your story of what is and insist it is true – and yet an aligned sense of unified purpose is not without an unfolding experience of being – but the abiding in such freedom is more the focus than seeking validations for a narrative identity.

I perhaps speak at the deep end. But if anything sparks a curiosity to challenge and revision some of what was before invisibly presumed true or acted out from as real – then that is YOUR freedom waking to uncover more of who you are and what life is as your own journey. I think it was Socrates who stated an unquestioned life is not worth living. I take it more that a lack of introspective freedom in curiosity is a life un-activated in its own Spirit – the movement of being that is the true energetic communication, regardless what ‘runs’ on top as the ‘mind’ of a narrative reality.

By: binra Sat, 17 Dec 2016 12:55:29 +0000 Typos corrected:
Indeed, you did not understand what I am of a willingness to convey and that is an honesty shared – thankyou.

I assert that our currency of thought itself is ‘corrupted’ – running a false mind, in its false world, with false association for maintaining denial fear under a false sense of self-survival – for it is the fear and guilt that is protected – and to which the living is sacrificed. (Rappo might say it that Individuality is sacrificed – but we both point to something that is not just a mentality in a game but of the Creative).

Unconflicted self is a recognition of love. Conflicted thought is always associated with hate fear, guilt, struggle, deceit, sickness, death. Dividing an Indivisibility results in a false matrix of experience – regardless how many billions partake of that experience.

Until one can look at thoughts rather than assume only to be the ‘thinker’ that they infer you to be – they run what seems to be you and your world. I don’t recommend manipulating your world so much as recognizing your true thoughts from the false.

I don’t argue that we do not have the experience of being subject to, victim of, powerless in relation to – or or playing the other polarity of using, exploiting, judging, or lording it over others in all number of ways.

I am of a recognition that guilt and blame are invalidators of awareness of being – and are about the redistribution or outsourcing of pain of conflict. Power struggle is an inverse presentation of freedom from consequence. Even a fragmented loss of Consciousness is a strategic survival device within a conflict of powers.

I am moved to look to the roots in what we take to be consciousness and change a mis-take for a fresh take of a truly creative freedom – no longer subjected to a problem defined mind.

If guilt defines you – fear controls you. Of course the mind makes a presentation of justification – because that is what you called on it to protect you from the consequence of guilt inducing hate-thought – that operates under the worship of a private power agenda – but maybe it is time to recognize the promise of power and protection only delivers powerlessness and subjection

The device of deceit is to divide YOU as a struggle of powers. This ‘power’ of fragmenting struggle is invoked by wish to define, predict and manipulate the Living – in place of unfolding creation as the richness and depth of truly communicating experience. I hold that even if a part of your mind engages such fragmented struggle within a larger matrix of struggle – your true being is unchanged but unrecognized.

To be found in true integrity of being is to learn to stand in it and grow it by living. This is a different foundation from that of oppositional reaction – even when it LOOKS like you are engaged in struggle – you are truly bringing forth your true presence regardless the patterns of old habit-choice that may indeed still have charge for the projection of hatred upon the hated. Its all a matter of perspective and recognition. If you value freedom – don’t be baited to reaction. Learn to look at thought, recognize true and abide in it. The self-righteous never look at thought for it operates as device of displacement – and that is what they want – to see the evil out there in the other – and kill or deny it.

What if you never left Mind – but merely externalized most of what you sought to deny?

As for the nightmare of human cruelty and suffering – I don’t seek to use it to bolster my personal position – but it can be a basis from which to challenge Everything we believed true.

By: binra Sat, 17 Dec 2016 10:41:32 +0000 Indeed, you did not understand what I am of a willingness to convey and that is an honesty shared – thankyou.
I assert that our currency of thought itself is ‘corrupted’ – running a false mind, in its false world, with false association for maintaining denial fear under a false sense of self-survival – for it is the fear and guilt that is protected – and to which the living is sacrificed. (Rappo might say it that Individuality is sacrificed – but we both point to something that is not just a mentality in a game but of the Creative).

Unconflicted self is a recognition of love. Conflicted thought is always associated with hate fear, guilt, struggle, deceit, sickness, death. Dividing an Indivisibility results in a false matrix of experience – regardless how many billions partake of that experience.

Until one can look at thoughts rather than assume only to be the ‘thinker’ that they infer you to be – they run what seems to be you and your world. I don’t recommend manipulating your world so much as recognizing your true thoughts from the false.

I don’t argue that we do not have the experience of being subject to, victim of, powerless in relation to – or or playing the other polarity of using, exploiting, judging, or lording it over others in all number of ways.

I am of a recognition that guilt and blame are invalidators of awareness of being – and are about the redistribution or outsourcing of pain of conflict. Power struggle is an inverse presentation of freedom from consequence. Even a fragmented loss of Consciousness is a strategic survival device within a conflict of powers.

I am moved to look to the roots in what we take to be consciousness and change a mis-take for a fresh take of a truly creative freedom – no longer subjected to a problem defined mind.

If guilt defines you – fear controls you. Of course the mind makes a presentation of justification – because that is what you called on it to protect you from the consequence of guilt inducing hate-thought – that operates under the worship of private a power agenda – but maybe it is tie to recognize the promise of power and protection only delivers powerlessness and subjection

The device of deceit is to divide YOU as a struggle of powers. This ‘power’ of fragmenting struggle is invoked by wish to define, predict and manipulate the Living – in place of unfolding creation as the richness and depth of truly communicating experience. I hold that even if a part of your mind engages such fragmented struggle within a larger matrix of struggle – your true being is unchanged but unrecognized.

To be found in true integrity of being is to learn to stand in it and grow it by living. This is a different foundation that oppositional reaction – even when it LOOKS like you are engaged in struggle – you are truly bringing forth your true presence regardless the patterns of old habit-choice that may indeed still have charge for the projection of hatred upon the hated. Its all a matter of perspective and recognition. If you value freedom – don’t be baited to reaction. Learn to look at thought, recognize true and abide in it. The self-righteous never look at thought for it operates as device of displacement – and that is what they want – to see the evil out there in the other – and kill or deny it.

What if you never left Mind – but merely externalized most of what you sought to deny?

As for the nightmare of human cruelty and suffering – I don’t seek to use it to bolster my personal position – but it can be a basis from which to challenge Everything we believe true.

By: artemisix Sun, 24 Apr 2016 02:20:28 +0000 Dear Binra, read your whole comment, with interest. NOT a fearful struggle of powers? Really? You are Definitely financially well off. That is to say the suffering of in your face violence has missed you. Lucky you. I bet you blame the victims for their own suffering, because they were lacking in Awareness. That Earthquake or Tsunami was their own fault. A great way to avoid the guilt of not helping others. This Hundu religion does that too. It is called the caste system, and if you are born into the “unclean” caste, fair game for anyone to rape , murder or oppress you and it’s all because of YOUR past life…… I do agree with you love and fear are the “grossly simplified” pathways. But not about the world being proof of love being not real. The whole world is proof that love IS real. Love is and has always been the true and rightful currency of this planet. Fear is a bankruptcy , a deficit of love. Here is what the Matrix looks like to ME. Organized religion controls spiritual connectivity and power. Disconnects us from source and others ( plants animals ect…) spiritually, Industrial food enslaves us with addictions crushing our natural connection and curiosity. “health” care controls our Physical arena so we do not even listen to our bodies and die horribly because of this. Zolft and Viagra for everyone! Education controls and truncates intellectual power. Hegelian dialectic for all! Entertainment system controls and framed what we can dream of the future, individually and as a group. Monetary system ties it all together, as well as making in nigh impossible to GTFO. Puritanical/Porno systems doublethink sabotages authentic sexual union, that was FAR to powerful for just one system. I suspect that a sex/mystery school was the first religion because that connects to everything. Women need and extra layer of control, as they are an extra threat. So oppression there. Men, in some way are got the worst of it, being sacrificed to military worship. Frankly , i did not understand what you were trying to say.

By: binra Sat, 23 Apr 2016 00:47:16 +0000 Language will reveal conflicted or false definitions if instead of running as code, it is parsed for bugs.
Freedom is the natural or always already state – but not as a static conceptualized locked down freedom of a sense of personal power OVER anything.
You want MORE power and I suggest that is why you have the experience of LESS.
Definitions of Infinite Imaginative freedom are the ‘structuring’ of experience that either identifies you perfectly in relation with all, or defines you as subject to and conditioned (or negatively identified by) experience that contradicts your natural state.
Fearful or conflicted results indicate purposes out of alignment with your natural state.

In human terms we know that birth AND the process of socialisation is associated with trauma and that the mind is developed to make such conflict with a presentation of unity – regardless it is not true of the mask, and seems untrue of the individual experiencing him-herself within the framework of the world.

The development of a personality construct – on top and in sync with the physical is the entrance to participating in the human drama. There are archetypal polarities that generate different sets of rules, many of which are tacitly learned and learned to be kept hidden or unsaid, yet active as the consciousness by which to operate within a ‘construct’ arising from an inner template of definitions that range from broad stroke general collective agreements to unique individual themes within the larger pattern – which is individually accepted as part of each individual’s theme.

Looking for freedom in form based identity is like looking for love, power, joy, or any other true quality of Life – in form based identity; frustrating futility. It is only seeming by fantasy association.

Fear tells you it will set you free.
Love shows you you are already free.

Fear thus masks as loving protection and power to get there! – or get that away from you!
Love does nothing to join in war but a gentle prompt to look at what you are choosing to see that it is aligned with your desire with your natural and true desire. For if love joined war it would turn to hate and reject part of Itself as hate-full. And this is what we have each believed to entrance our human lifetime; that love has turned to hate and that hate is the only fragment of power we have with which to keep the threatened self alive.

That is not the whole story – or the end of the story – because waking up from Within opens the version of creative freedom that pertains to a dream of terror – and it is not more power to resist or overcome adversity, but a releasing of the judgements and definitions that result in such experience and identity. This self-Release opens a true Self Acceptance – in which a direct knowing of an unconditional love opens a different foundation – of a different purpose than differentiation, identity and desire within such terms. Indeed it reverses what is in fact a reversal – but as an expansion – not a regression, For all that you have developed is embraced and harvested for what is true of You. In this sense no love is ever lost – for it never left you – though of course we meet reflections of Withiness in form and identify the form – and that is part of the miracle of love reflecting in form. But such love is freer than the wind, and does not cage itself in rules.
The release of rules is not breaking them so much as breaking the bounds of a negative or fear-based sense of self within an inner trust in Self regained – and this is NEVER in self alone – for such identity IS the fearful separation by which power struggles projected into personae replace a wholeness of being the very thing known,

So I join with the willingness to look within – but no with the attempt to frame that within a fearful struggle of powers. Insofar as love and terror are mutually exclusive is not a war of Principalities as such but a Choice as to where you want to look from to find your self. In trying to have both, have they been co-fused such that – without awakened guidance – we are not reliably able to tell which is which. That which is Awake is your Natural State – and willingness to yield your alloyed illusions to the true of You is not under fear’s direction. For fear can only sacrifice love – where love is spontaneously yielding because it seeks not for itself alone.
One does not ‘live up to’ or ‘do’ love so much as co-operate in accepting the conditions in which it reveals itself already true. Self-guilt and projected blame absolutely forbid such an Intimacy.
The investment in self righteous hate is the price of entrancement to limitation and conflicted self as its yielding or release to a deeper self-acceptance is the restoration of a transcendent embrace that is not at war with anything you are – but will not be your conscious Companioning awareness when you deny your wholeness.

It should be clear by now that concept, symbol and image are the ‘code’ upon which the ‘matrix’ overlay operates in minds that tune in to that channel. Identifying in concept derived from a symbol of Living Creative Freedom based on self-image is not ‘wrong’ so much as inherently dissonant. While dissonance serves you, as you accept yourself to be, you will defend it as a hidden power for it gives you what you think you want. You recognize what you set as your desire by its fulfilment… or by your disappointment, frustration and rage.

Don’t underestimate a divine temper tantrum. The Creative magnifies and puts forth whatever we place on the altar of our devotion. Thus; Is this what I want? is the simple movement of your being to your experience. If fulfilment eludes you, perhaps you have set yourself up to fail – for reasons that are not perhaps apparent yet. Consider that every drama successfully diverts a direct awareness of love’s natural intimacy – indeed a whole world is ‘proof’ love is not real. IF fear is so powerfully used to hide, then what must be hidden is the source of fear! No. It is what we have made of love that is fearful. Love is unconflicted in itself. Imagining love is different than it is can only raise a hateful opposition to it. Do not be induced to fight the hate – but look to what your are creating – for there IS your freedom to choose differently. But first you must own the power you thought to hide – even from yourself – and see the active choice you are living as. No one can change what they are not willing to own. Guilt forbids this conversation. But freedom from guilt has to be gifted from within an honesty of acknowledging the ‘negative’ feelings and not from ‘spiritual’ deceits by which to float above in disconnected self-reflection – though of course we come to truth after trying everything else first including using spirituality as something that inflates, exalts or glorifies ourself – including via apparent self denial or sacrifice.
Wherever you go – there you are! Therefore go forth from who you truly prefer and align yourself to be. Everything is playing a role in your life in various levels and ways. If you are locked in role-play you will lock in all meanings to serve that ‘identity’.
“I cant do it!” is a statement of freedom from an illegitimate burden. Willingness is a different way for it does not coerce yet is firm – being grounded in the Ground of your being.

By: Alabaster Fri, 22 Apr 2016 14:03:27 +0000 If you’re talking about individual freedom specifically and only, certainly. But unless an individual lives all by himself on a deserted island somewhere, you live in community with others and you are not free to simply be, do, and have whatever you want without limits or rules or regulations. This is where a group comes in. Two or more humans constitutes a group. Try the idea of walking into a neighbor’s house whenever you want and helping yourself to whatever you want, regardless of how it might affect your neighbor. Try driving around where every individual is expressing their ‘freedom’ by doing whatever they want. Result, chaos. Limits, rules, regulations are used to facilitate things in groups of two or more people. Obviously limits and rules etc. can be used in harmful, oppressive ways. So can anything. Probably the simplest example would be any game. Any player could have a huge baseball bat to help his hitting. Giant gloves. Hence any game has rules and regulations otherwise there is NO game.
