Comments on: What motivates people to take action? Sun, 08 May 2016 00:19:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Colin Sun, 08 May 2016 00:19:26 +0000 What people BELIEVE will reflect their ACTION
If people believe that their NAME is found on a BIRTH CERTIFICATE they accept responsibility for everything related to that name —good or bad –right or wrong

By: Alice Brenner Mon, 25 Apr 2016 20:47:35 +0000 Fantastic. Send that to William Thompson, PhD, aka “the CDC Whistleblower” In fact each of his colleagues should get a copy. Time for them to leave the pack and their grinding away at the futility of scientific dishonesty for profit. They will never get real satisfaction from that.

By: From Québec Mon, 25 Apr 2016 01:31:58 +0000 What motivates people to take action?

Well, it’s a bit like Einstein quote says:

“Necessity is the mother of all invention.”
― Albert Einstein

I think you take action when you really have no other choice, when you are fed up with tings that are not working for you anymore..


Trump said, I gave money to Romnie and to Mc Cain and they both, blew it. So, I said to myself, I’m not going to take another chance, this time, I’m going to do it myself.

By: RAW Sun, 24 Apr 2016 13:04:22 +0000 Stepping outside of the systems of control takes courage… not an easy step to take. Going inward reveals the complex matrix of thought, behavior, neurosis mild and not so mild. Dissolving the matrix illusion takes time – a slow grind – then spits you out into a lonely new reality – out of the rabbit hole, naked and vulnerable.

Open to the cosmos at large, the spark of divinity at the root begins to smolder, a soft wildfire courses through the nervous system, the cells begin to shimmer, the resonance of a feminine power dancing in the stillness. She comes and goes her current flows – pure creativity.

The stillness induces rest, quiet thoughts. In rest, the creative forces play. Nature calls, the planet is alive, a sentient force dreaming the characters in her dream. Awakening into being a character in her dream, the dreamer is free to be… to be free.

I wouldn’t have it any other way.

By: seamlessone Sun, 24 Apr 2016 10:48:57 +0000 “We we we”….. the buzzing sound of the clones. It’s their favorite word…their favorite concept. The clones love to speak in terms of “we”. From the mainstream, to the alternative stream, it is sung from the rooftops.

The notion or idea of “we” is quite the myth. It is a word that has become a story infecting every thought. It is the natural spawn of the core myth…duality. Duality spawns the “we”, in it’s endless forms.

The clones love the idea of interdependence. It gets them off the hook, as one need not take anymore than a tiny fraction of responsibility for the future of mankind. Interdependence frees one’s loins from having any significance whatsoever, after all “we are just one of many clones”. Indeed they are. One entity of clones. A singular clone in fact, with many bodies and fragmented minds. Identical minds. One mind. Lovers of duality. Romancers of “we”.

The power of the individual clone is limited surely, but the sea of clones is vast and active and powerful, so worry not my dear clone…relax, watch some TV, and eat some cookies….the group will do what you lack the will to do on your own, unless of course they all think like you.

By: Ozzie Thinker Sun, 24 Apr 2016 03:02:16 +0000 Brilliant post, Jon.

I sense some crossovers with some of my early Ozzie Thinker articles.

My latest on Exopolitician, “What Is Harmony?” talks on similar lines in some ways and will be released tomorrow…I hope.

Here’s a couple of snippets:

“Like the three wise monkeys, the real stars invariably come and go unannounced, unseen and unheard. Demonstrative talent that is out of tune with a given age may collect dust covering hidden treasure for discovery at a distant, future period. But, even then, due to the hereditary parasitic narcissism of man, legacies are certain to be tarnished in some way. There is always some hangover as a response to the incongruous hatred of past conceited critics. Humans are at war with each other, constantly. The great group, surreptitiously organised by “the elites”, is attempting to create “one view” (which is labelled “Globalism”).

Per that vision, everyone is either “in tune” or “out of tune”. For Globalism to succeed, it needs in tune citizens. If the vision stands a chance at working, out of tune anarchists must be expunged (which can only mean eradication). In this case, citizens are law abiding, whereas anarchists are anti-establishment. Measures are dictated and facilitated. Other than the New Age smokescreen constructed by the United Nations, harmony is not a consideration.”

“Expressions of appreciation can turn into conflicts. Taste in music an excellent example. If I was to occupy a room that had one of the great Beethoven Symphonies as background music and was joined by another person, we might react in very different ways to the listening experience. Assuming the symphony was well rehearsed and exquisitely performed, for me the listening experience would certainly be bliss but the other might perceive “hell on toast”. Taste is not just simply divided by, shall we say, ignorance and intuition. Intuitive people are selective and I, personally, find much modern music (particularly the varieties that favour discords that don’t resolve) abhorrent. Others love it. Culture wars are most commonly fought over pictorial art. Numerous well versed spectral opinions are the legacy of sane judgement. People are different.”

