Comments on: Behind the massive vaccine scandal in China Thu, 12 Sep 2019 13:55:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kathleen Mon, 02 May 2016 20:09:00 +0000 Exactly Jon! Even after months of research on my part, my family still gets them. It’s frustrating as hell…They are going after our elderly for sure as they still believe in our government…so sad.

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 26 Apr 2016 03:38:53 +0000 Bookmarked for my next in the series, Jon.

Given the excruciating arrogance of governments, these “errors” (sic) are CERTAINLY attempts at genocide. How the human genome makes a mockery of the powers.


By: Anon Mon, 25 Apr 2016 16:45:18 +0000 Big Pharma has to cover it’s big fat greedy ass somehow.

By: Margaret Rose Mon, 25 Apr 2016 15:21:25 +0000 Here is what my research has uncovered. I am confident you can do a whole lot better job than I can at investigating this but here goes.

By now most of us have heard what Brian Hooker announced at yesterdays showing of Vaxxed in the Q&A that Dr William Thompson has been handled. Here is a synopsis of what Dr Hooker said. Breaking News. Today at the Manhattan Film Festival.

Brian Hooker, PhD said, “Dr. Thompson has been handled and will most likely submit a revised version of his analysis and try to absolve the MMR in May, 2016.”

“This is typical of what we’ve seen at the CDC. The CDC analyzes data and when they see an effect that they don’t like they reanalyze the data and the effect goes away.

The CDC has done this historically from Agent Orange to thimerosal now to the MMR vaccine. I did not want this to come, but I certainly anticipated that while he was in the CDC the day would come… in exchange for what Dr. Thompson is doing , I believe, and this is a little shaky, I believe he will get his own autism research foundation and so there has been some very dubious activity that went on because he stayed in the CDC. He also got a major cash award from the CDC for maintaining his employment, he said until he qualified for retirement… there are a lot of things that have happened since the last conversation i’ve had with Dr. Thompson that was in September 2014.”

So just what is going on? We all have been wondering why Congress has not called for an investigation. Jason Chaffetz who is the chairman of the United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform would have to call for the investigation. Most would think that his ties to big Pharma could be the reason since he received $198, 0000 from the industry over his career. I however have another theory. Does our Govt still have any control over the CDC? I was doing some googling this morning. I punched in “Is the CDC a for profit agency. I came across an article and what popped up was something called the CDC foundation. It is now working with the CDC. It is a non profit and has partnered with the CDC. I went to the website and under the title of CDC Foundation it says “Helping CDC do more, faster”. At the top are some links. One of them is titled “What We Do” When you click on it there is a pull down. There are three choices. Our Program, Our Partners, Our Process. If you choose Our Partners there is a box with another list of choices. Here is the list. Corporations, Foundations, Organizations, Annual Alliance, Individuals, CDC EMPLOYEES, EIS and PHPS Alumni. Now if you click on the Corporations link it opens to another page that says The following corporations, businesses and corporate foundations have provided programmatic support to the CDC Foundation. Once you see this list you will understand why we have hit so many road blocks. I believe just about every pharmaceutical company is listed. When I clicked on the CDC Employees link this is what popped up. “Each CDC Foundation program is lead by a talented team of experts at CDC. Many of our programs begin with a CDC scientist who has a great idea but lacks the resources to make it happen. The CDC Foundation works with a network of liaisons within CDC to help CDC scientists and experts submit their program ideas to the CDC Foundation for consideration. If you are a CDC employee or contractor, learn more about how you can submit your idea” You have got to see how many organizations are listed in the first three choices. It will blow your God Dam mind. Now after this very long winded post I will make my final point. Does congress even have any control anymore over what the CDC does. It appears that its funding is no longer coming form the Govt, or our tax dollars. It seems it operates as a Govt agency but is now totally funded by for profit corporations,and non profits that do not answer to congress. Now back to Dr William Thompson. No one has had any contact with him for over year and a half. How can the CDC or Thompson pull this off after his statements have been made to Congressman Posey and the documents have been handed over. The answer is they can’t. Does anyone even know if Dr William Thompson is still alive for that matter. Will there ever be a Congressional investigation? I don’t think so. If congress no longer has control over the CDC than the CDC must be removed as the Govt agency that controls any power over recommending or studying communicable disease and the vaccines that supposedly prevent them. This is were we are at. It is time to start exposing just who is running the CDC and what they have morphed into.

By: maxwell1956 Mon, 25 Apr 2016 11:09:27 +0000 Somebody is intentionally trying to hurt babies.

By: Jacqueline Mon, 25 Apr 2016 06:35:59 +0000 So this is why the majority of people cited by the CDC as dying annually of the ‘flu’ are actually dying of pneumonia…vaccine-acquired pneumonia. Is this why the CDC was fudging the figures?

By: John Mon, 25 Apr 2016 04:43:33 +0000 Because people are too lazy to research things themselves.

By: From Québec Mon, 25 Apr 2016 01:35:35 +0000 This is a real horror show.

But, what bugs me is: Why do these people take vaccines? I don’t take them and I’m never sick. People around me, who takes them, are always sick.

People must stop this insanity!

By: tomaz050959 Sun, 24 Apr 2016 18:56:07 +0000 Don’t worry, Be happy. The CDC has your back. NOT!!!!
